Highlights: The hike to Packsaddle Cave is a moderate backpack of 2½ miles (one-way) that leads to a limestone cave high on a hillside. The cave is dry, but remants of large stalactites and stalagmites remain as well as a couple of passages to explore. A winter backpack to the cave, with a night spent inside safe and secure from the winter weather, makes unique experience.
Directions: The drive takes about 1½ hours from Bakersfield.
Trailhead: The trail to the cave starts on other side of the road from the Fairview Camp parking lot. Head steeply up the hill to a saddle, then down a moderate grade for 3/4 mile to Packsaddle Creek. Cross the creek and head upstream in the small canyon to a junction at 2 miles. Take the left fork which swings back left above the approach trail and climbs steeply up the hillside for about 300 yards to the cave entrance which is visible about halfway up the limestone ridge that dominates the skyline to the south.
Maps: Fairview 7½-minute topographic quadrangle
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