The Witzelsucht Memorandum
The Wit Memo Mailbag

Feedback from total strangers, names redacted to protect the copyright holders!
I just read your article on the jewish singles scene, and I could not stop laughing.  I just came home from a JCC Manhattan Channukah event for singles and was feeling frustrated with the evening to say the least.  Although I am coming at it from the female perspective, I completely understood your excellent rants.  This should not be this difficult!  

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Did you know that over 50% of the people who make up Pat Buchanan's inner circle are Jews?  Pat Buchanan is neither an anti-Semite nor a racist.  Pat Buchanan IS, however, a man who is willing to think for himself and come to logical conclusions not matter how unfashionable they may be.

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. . . oh my god, witmemo rules!

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Are you the guy who chews his tongue? Me too. I am 41 and have never met or heard of anyone else who does it. It doesn't worry me except I wonder if you can get cancer from it (one doctor raised the issue; another said not to worry). Email me back and we can say more.

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Please do not cite me as a source, mmmmkay?  It's all public record.

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Loved your latest Wit Memo on the Wolfgang/Greenbaum character. Very incisive. One small nitpick: misspelling of one of my favorite authors (and seemingly one of yours): Philip Roth has only one "L."

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I was surprised when my husband, Hy Greenbaum, told me there were all kinds of articles on the e-net about our son, Britt (Davis Hawke).  It seems to me that publicity, good or bad, it what individuals like my son crave.  In spite of my efforts to raise him "TO DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU",  somewhere along the line, possibly in elementary school, where children not only teased him about being Jewish, but also threw him across chairs, destroyed his homework, etc...........not to mention the time his 4th grade teacher told him to "shut up and sit down" when he was presenting his family tree full of my ancestry (Chief Justice John Marshall, Thomas Jefferson (they were cousins)  and many other famous forefathers of our country), Britt learned to be ashamed of his father's ancestry through his interactions with other people.  Although I knew about the abuse he was being subjected to in elementary school, there was little I could do  ... [SNIP] ... TO WIT, perhaps you yourself had a few bad experiences, since you too are hiding behind a computer screen poking fun at others and delighting in it. . . .

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Do you follow all of the purity laws in Deuteronomy and Leviticus? There are quite a lot of them. Do you avoid contact with menstruating women, for example?  Just curious.

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I just read your article about the Jewish Singles scene in DC (I just did a search) ... you hit it on the money! Do you live in DC area? Do you write professionally?

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Mah shlomkha?!
I'm a Messianic Jew and understand what you mean about the "God was kiddin'" excuses many Christians give when confronted with the eternal nature of God's law.  To put it truthfully, we Bible Christians (except for the Brit  Chaddasha and Kippot) are quite similar to religious Jews in lifestyle: we  eat only kosher foods, prepare on yom Shishi, rest on shabbat (sundown to sundown, Bible style), and enjoy the laws that God has blessed  His people with for millennia.

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I really just wanted to say thanks for an interesting site!

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On your list of Dubya nicknames you include this entry:  Columnist Ann Coulter - "Shrilly" Can you provide me with a source, and/or the context of the usage of that nickname.

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I have to be honest and say lately I have been so swamped I end up deleting more often than finishing reading.  Can you take me off the list?


The Witzelsucht Memorandum

throw a letter in the mailbag