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This web-page is provided in Christ´ service for Toledo MFJ efforts. This page is also open to comments of and review by all the Christ-interested outside of Toledo. You are encouraged to share this resource indiscriminantly. This page will expire on the day of the global March for Jesus (if not before) which is Saturday, May 17th, 1997.
The page was designed for simple, efficient use and to encourage your
frequent review for getting timely information. It is hoped that Christians
and non-Christians alike will see it often. Actually, non-Christians are a very prominent concern for the global MFJ.
The next paragraph includes a full tour of this web-page. Outside of it, you may select from the top bar if using the frame version of this page (otherwise use your "back" button).
An open letter regarding involvement opportunities for Toledo MFJ efforts was distributed February 6, 1997. All interested were invited to the March 19, 1997, 8AM meeting during which several prayer needs were shared. MFJ-USA details were included in an
accompanying flyer. A subsequent letter post-marked February 20, 1997 read thus. For efficiency's sake, you may review a Levels of Church Participation description before printing and returning a Participating Church Form. Links to the Global (International) March for Jesus and MFJ-USA pages as well as to some other Christians represented on the net have been provided for your convenience. MFJ up-dates and reports have been included with locally developing opportunities for Christ-honoring out-reach efforts and will be revised per your contributions.
The count-down to Toledo's 1997 March for Jesus event is on!