
SundayMondayTuesday wednesdaythursdayfriday saturday
Dusk: You can see 5 naked eye Planets tonight in a span of 130° PM: Regulus sit below the Moon tonight PM: Jupiter sits to the right of the Moon. Plieades Star Cluster is less than 1° above Venus PM: Alcyone, a star in Pleiades Star Cluster, is less than 0.7° to the right of Venus
Change to daylight saving time PM: Mars is 7° to the uppper right of aldebaran. Spica is to the lower left of the Moon. Full Moon is at 7:03 AM EDT. (Passover begins at sunset)
Moon is at perigee. (364,500km)
AM: Antares is to the lower right of the Moon. PM: Venus, Aldebaran, and Mars forms a triangle in the sky tonight. PM: Venus sit exactly in the middle between Mars and the Pleiades Star Cluster tonight.
Last Quarter Moon at 11:46 PM EDT. (EASTER SUNDAY)
Mercury is at inferior conjunction.
Partial Solar Eclipse is visible in Southern Africa. New Moon is at 9:21 AM EDT.
Dusk: The Pleiades Star Cluster sits to the upper right of the Crescent Moon AM: The Lyrid Meteor Shower peaks this morningDusk:Venus sits above the Crescent Moon. PM: Venus sits to the lower right of the Moon while Mars is below. Moon is at apogee (405,500km) PM: Saturn is to the left of the Crescent Moon tonight.
PM: Mars is 6° to the upper left of venus tonight PM: Pollux is to the right of the Moon. First Quarter Moon is at 1:32 PM EDT PM: Regulus is to the lower left of the Moon tonight. PM: Jupiter is to the lower left of the Moon tonight.

On This Date.......

April 1, 1960
1st weather satalite launched.US

April 3, 1966
Luna 10 became 1st craft to
orbit the moon. USSR

April 12, 1961
Vostok 1 carried 1st man into space
(Y. Gagarin). USSR

April 18, 1971
1st space station launched. USSR

April 20, 1961
1st rocket belt flight. US

April 23, 1971
1st manned docking with space station. USSR

April 24, 1967
V. Komarov became 1st to die in space(Soyuz 1).USSR
also on this date in 1970, China became the
5th nation to launch a satellite.

April 26, 1962
Ariel 1, 1st international satellite, launched.US/UK