
SundayMondayTuesday wednesdaythursdayfriday saturday
Moon at apogee. (405,700km) PM: Moon sits between the Pleiades and The Hyades Star Clusters.
Earth is closest to the Sun at 147,100,000km. AM: Quadrantid meateor showr peaks in early hours before dawn.(see below)
PM: Saturn sits to the lower right of the Moon. PM: Pollux sits left of the Moon tonight. Full Moon today at 10:40am EST.
AM: Regulus sits to the lower right of the Moon AM: Jupiter sits below the Moon.
PM: Uranus is 1° to the upper right of Venus. PM: Uranus is now 1° to the right of venus. Last Quarter Moon at 11:46pm EST.AM: Spica sits to the right of the Moon.
Dawn: Mercury is at its greatest elongation; its visible low in the S.E.
Dawn: Antares sits to the right of the crescent Moon this morning Moon is at perigee(362,800km)Dawn: Mercury is to the far left of the cresent Moon this morning
New Moon at 4:05pm EST
Dusk: Venus sits to the right of the cresent Moon tonight.
PM: Mars sits above the crescent Moon tonight
First Quarter Moon at 1:03a.m. EST PM: Pleiades Star Cluster is to the upper right of the Moon tonight. Moon is at apogee (404,800km). PM: Aldebaran is to the lower left of the Moon tonight.

Jan. 4, 2004.
The Quadrantid meteor shower is due to peak during the early morning hours of Monday for eastern North America and western Europe. The "Quands" are a brief shower, lasting just a few hours. The peak is due around 1:oo a.m. EST(6:oo a.m. Universal Time) January 4th. This could be one of the best annual meteor displays if you're watching at the right time! However, this year the light of the waning gibbous Moon will interfere with the brightness of the meteors for most of the night up til about the last hour before dawn.

On This Date.......

Jan 2, 1959
Luna 1 launched to 1st flyby of moon and
to oribt sun. USSR

Jan 4, 1958
Sputnik 1 destroyed upon reentry. USSR

Jan 5, 1972
NASA announced start of Space Shuttle
program. US

Jan 7, 1610
1st 3 Moons of Jupiter discovered by Galileo

Jan 10 1946
1st radar signals bounced off another
celestial body (Moon). US

Jan 14, 1969
1st docking of 2 manned spacecraft.

Jan 27, 1967
Fire killed Apollo 1 crew of 3. US