Sunday | Monday | Tuesday
| wednesday | thursday | friday |
saturday |
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Moon at apogee. (405,700km) PM: Moon sits between the Pleiades and The Hyades Star Clusters. |
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Earth is closest to the Sun at 147,100,000km. AM: Quadrantid meateor showr peaks in early hours before dawn.(see below) |
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PM: Saturn sits to the lower right of the Moon. |
PM: Pollux sits left of the Moon tonight. Full Moon today at 10:40am EST. |
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11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
AM: Regulus sits to the lower right of the Moon |
AM: Jupiter sits below the Moon. |
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PM: Uranus is 1° to the upper right of Venus. |
PM: Uranus is now 1° to the right of venus. Last Quarter Moon at 11:46pm EST.AM: Spica sits to the right of the Moon. |
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Dawn: Mercury is at its greatest elongation; its visible low in the S.E. |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Dawn: Antares sits to the right of the crescent Moon this morning |
Moon is at perigee(362,800km)Dawn: Mercury is to the far left of the cresent Moon this morning |
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New Moon at 4:05pm EST |
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Dusk: Venus sits to the right of the cresent Moon tonight. |
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PM: Mars sits above the crescent Moon tonight |
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First Quarter Moon at 1:03a.m. EST |
PM: Pleiades Star Cluster is to the upper right of the Moon tonight. |
Moon is at apogee (404,800km). PM: Aldebaran is to the lower left of the Moon tonight. |