Sky Events for July 2004


SundayMondayTuesday wednesdaythursdayfriday saturday
Moon is at perigee. 357,400 km. Full Moon is at 7;09 AM EDT.
DUSK: Mars is in the open cluster M44. DAWN: Aldebaran is 1° to the lower right of Venus. Earth is farthest from the Sun at 152,100,000 km.
DUSK: Mercury is beside the open star cluster M44. Saturn is in conjunction with the Sun. Last quarter Moon is at 3:34 AM EDT. DUSK: Mercury is 0.2° above Mars.
DAWN: Venus, Aldebaran are below the crescent Moon. DAWN: Venus is to the right of the Crescent Moon. Moon is at apogee 406,200 km.
New Moon is at 7:24 AM EDT.
DUSK: Mercury is below and Regulus is to the left of the crescent Moon. DUSK: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and the crescent Moon span 30° in the west. DUSK: Jupiter is to the lower right of the crescent Moon.
PM: Spica is to the left of the Moon. DUSK: Regulus is 1° above Mercury. PM: Spica is to the lower right of the Moon. First quarter Moon is at 11:37 PM EDT.
DUSK: Mercury is at its greatest elongation; visible low in the west. AM: Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks this morning.PM: Antares is to the right of the Moon.
Moon is at perigee, 360,300 km. Full Moon is at 2:05 PM EDT.

On This Date............

July 10, 1962
Telstar, 1st private telecommunications satellite,
launched. USA

July 11, 1979
Skylab destroyed upon reentery. USA

July 14, 1965
Mariner 4 made 1st controlled flyby of Mars and returned 1st
close up images USA

July 15, 1975
1st US/USSR space project, Apollo-Soyuz, launched
into Earth orbit

July 16, 1969
Apollo 11 launched to 1st manned lunar landing. USA

July 17, 1975
1st US/USSR docking in space(Apollo-Soyuz)

July 20, 1976
1st images returned from surface of Mars. USA

July 29, 1958