
SundayMondayTuesday wednesdaythursdayfriday saturday
PM: Antares is to the right of the Moon tonight. Moon is at perigee 357,200 km. Full Moon at 12:20 AM EDT.
Venus is at inferior conjunction. Transit of Venus.(see below) Last quarter Moon is at 4:02 PM EDT.
DUSK: Pollux is to the upper right of Mars
Moon is at apogee. 406,600 km. Mercury is at superior conjunction.DUSK: Saturn is to the left of the crescent Moon. DUSK: Saturn is below, Mars is to the upper left, and Pollux is above the crescent Moon.
DUSK: Mars is to the lower right of the crescent Moon.
PM: Regulus is to the lower left of the crescent Moon. PM: Jupiter is to the lower left of the crescent Moon. DAWN: Aldebaran is less than 2° from Venus for the next 2 weeks. Firs quarter Moon is at 3:08 PM EDT. PM: Spica is to the lower left of the Moon.
PM: Antares is to the lower left of the Moon.

On This Date............

June 6, 1971
Soyuz 11 launched into Earth orbit; carried 1st men to a space station(Salut 1). USSR

June 7, 1998
1st satellite launch from a submarine. Russia

June 11, 1985
Balloon 1st used to explore another planet(Venus). USSR

June 13, 1983
Pioneer 10 became 1st craft to pass orbit of farthest known planet. USA

June 14, 1965
Mariner 4 returned 1st close up images of Mars. USA

June 16, 1963
1st and only solo woman in space (V. Tereshkova). USSR

June 18, 1983
1st American woman in space (S. Ride).

June 20, 1939
1st flight of liquid fuel rocket plane. Germany

June 22, 1978
Pluto's satellite(Moon), Charon discovered by J. Christy. USA

June 23, 1971
Crew of Soyuz 11 died upon reentry. USSR

June 26, 1730
Charles Messier was born.