
SundayMondayTuesday wednesdaythursdayfriday saturday
PM: Pollux sits to the right of the Moon tonight Mercury is at superior conjunction. Jupiter is at opposition
PM: Regulus is to the right, Jupiter sits to the lower left of the Moon tonight. PM: Jupiter sits to the upper right of the Moon tonight. Full Moon at 6:14pm EST.
PM: Spica is to the lower left of the Moon tonight.
Moon is at perigee (369,500 km). AM: Antares sits to the lower left of the Moon AM: Antares sits to the right of the Moon. Last Quarter Moon (4:01 pm EST).
PM: Mars is within 5° of the Pleiades Star Cluster for the next two weeks. DUSK: All 5 of the naked eye Planets are simultaneously visible for the next 3 weeks.
PM: The Pleiades Star Cluster sits to the upper right of Mars. New Moon at 5:41 pm EST.
DUSK:Mercury sits to the lower right of the Crescent Moon.
PM: Venus sits to the right of the crescent Moon tonight. PM: Mars sits less than 1° to the left of the Crescent Moon tonight.
Moon at apogee (404,500 km)
PM: Saturn sits below the Moon, Venus is within 5° of the Pleiades Star Cluster for the next 10 evenings. First Quarter Moon at 6:48 pm EST. DUSK:Mercury and Venus are at greatest elongation; visible in the west.
PM: Mars sits to the right of Aldebaran.

On This Date.....

March 1, 1966
Venera 3 became 1st craft to impact
another planet (Venus). USSR

March 4, 1979
Voyager 1 discovered ring of Jupiter. US

March 9, 1979
Vayager 1 returned 1st images of active
volcanism on another celestial body. US

March 13, 1781
W. Herschel discovered Uranus

March 14, 1879
A. Einstein born

March 16, 1926
1st liquid-fueled rocket launched

March 17, 1958
Vanguard 1 launched; oldest satellite
still in orbit. US

March 18, 1965
Voskhod 2 carried 1st 2-man crew into Earth
orbit; 1st tethered space walk. USSR

March 22, 1995
Space endurance record of 438 days set. Russia

March 29, 1974
Mariner 10 made 1st flyby of Mercury
and returned 1st closeup images. US