
SundayMondayTuesday wednesdaythursdayfriday saturday
this is to just make table wider
PM: Spica is to the lower left of the Moon tonight.
There is a total eclipse of the Moon today. visible in central Europe. Full Moon is at 4:33 AM: Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks tonight. AM: Antares is to the lower left of the Moon this morning. Moon is at perigee.(359,800 km)
PM: Mars sits halfway between Venus and Saturn this evening PM: The open Star cluster, M35, is less than 1° below Mars last quarter Moon is at 7:04 AM EDT.
DAWN: Mercury is at its greatest elongation; its visible low in the east. Dusk: Saturn is within 5° of Mars for the next 3 weeks.
DAWN: Mercury is to the lower left of the Moon.
new Moon is at 12:52 AM EDT.
DUSK: Venus is below the Moon. Moon is at apogee (406,300km) DUSK: Saturn and Mars are below the crescent Moon
Pm: Pollux is to the right of the crescent Moon. DUSK: Mars is less than 2° to the upper right of Saturn
PM: Regulus is to the lower right , Jupiter is to the left of the Moon. PM: Jupiter is to the lower right of the Moon. First quarter Moon is at 3:57 AM EDT.
PM: Spica is to the lower right of the Moon.

On This Date..........

May 5, 1961
Mercury 3 launched(suborbital); carried 1st American, A. Shepard, into space.USA

May 11, 1916
Einstein's Theory of Relativity presented. Germany

May 14, 1973
Skylab 1, 1st US space station, launched.

May 25, 1961
President Kennedy declared landing a man on the Moon a national objective. USA

May 29, 1919.
Einstein's Theory of Relativity tested by British solar eclipse expediton.