University of Cincinnati Novice Men's Coaches

Ben Albright
Ben is a first year coach from Beaver Creek, Ohio. Despite being in UC Engineering School Ben has found time to coach the novice men. A four year crew member and apprentice under head coach Tim Royalty, Ben has instilled a sense of pride and power in his men over a long season with many good results. Ben also had taken the time to set up Job Fest, a career and learning seminar for the novices. During the time that he is not coaching he maintains the crews equipment and launches. Ben also enjoys his dog Norman, arch welding, and his 1974 Firebird.

Nathan Meyer
Nate is also a first year coach from Mason, Ohio that has also matriculated through the Cincinnati rowing program under Tim Royalty. Nate is a very inspiring coach with an incurable desire for lower erg times and pristine form. Nate is a big asset to the coxswains, he helps them with strategy and discipline though meeting he holds at Michael's Custard.  Nate finds the time to make every practice and race though he works as a urban planner for PKG. he is also designing the new boathouse for the Bearcats. Nate will also be coaching the Polska Boat Club crew this summer which feature team members James McKenzie, Dan Boles, Drew Turner, Brent Figg, and Cory Kimball. Nate enjoys wildcats, sculling, off roading in his Jeep, and the launch dog Tejas.

This is Coach Nate Meyer with his girlfriend Heidi