My Home State
To My Neck
of the Woods
Pennsylvania is noted for its
unbelievable history, beautiful scenery and has some
of the best recreational spots in the U.S. Not to
brag, but Pennsylvania is the best place to live
(born and raised here and never left the area) and if
you are planning a vacation, why not visit
Pennsylvania..I will give you some information on our
history and "hot spots" to visit and hopefully, at
the same time, make it an interesting adventure. So
sit back and relax and...Enjoy Enjoy!! as our famous
Pennsylvania TV personality, Manny Gordon would say.
Some Interesting History and
Fun Facts:
Nickname: Keystone State - During colonial times
Pennsylvania was the middle colony of the original 13
colonies. It held the colonies together like the
"keystone" in a window or door arch.
Background: Pennsylvania was settled in 1643.
Philadelphia was our state capital during the
revolutionary War and York was the first capital of
the United States.
State name's meaning: Penn's Woods (after Admiral
William Penn's father)
Motto: Virtue, Liberty and Independence
Important Documents: Several important documents were
written in Pennsylvania
The Constitution of the United States
The American Declaration of Independence
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Flower: Mountain Laurel
Tree: Hemlock
Bird: Ruffed Grouse
Animal: Whitetail Deer
Insect: Firefly
Dog: Great Dane
Beverage: Milk
Fish: Brook Trout
Fossil: Phacops Rana
Ship: United States Brig Niagara
Area: 45,888 square miles
Rank: 32nd in nation
Width: 310 miles (east to west) 180 miles (N to S)
Geographic center: Centre County, home of Penn State
Highest point: Mt. Davis, Somerset County 3,213 feet
Lowest point:Delaware River
Largest County: Lycoming County with its county seat
of Williamsport (the Home of Little League Baseball)
is larger than the State of Rhode Island. Bradford
County is second in size.
Counties with NO traffic lights: Forest County and
Perry County
Capital: Harrisburg in Dauphin County
Counties: 67
Headwaters of three major rivers: Potter County
Population: 12,009,000
Lancaster County has more people than the entire
state of Wyoming
Lakes:50 natural lakes (over 20 acres wide) and 2,500
man-made lakes
Rivers and streams: 45,000 miles
State Parks: 116 Acreage: 282,500
State Forest Districts: 20 Acreage: 2,200,000
State Game Lands: 294 Acreage: 1,379,002
State Representatives: 203
State Senators: 50
U.S Representatives: 21
U.S. Senators: 2
Pennsylvania's Famous
First Hospital, First Library, First Zoo, First
First Nation's Capitol, First all motion-picture
First television broadcast First educational
public-television station,
First paper mill, First druggist, First locomotive
for railroad use
First high-speed multi-lane highway - the
Pennsylvania Turnpike
First Banana Split-Latrobe, PA
Farms: 55,000
Farmland: 9,000,000 acres
Agricultural product sales: $3,500,000,000
Rural Population: 3,700,000
Leading Farm products: dairy products, mushrooms,
apples, tobacco, grapes, peaches, cut flowers..
Pennsylvania Page
Frances Slocum Park
Punxsutawney Phil
Pocono & Endless Mts.
Pocono International Raceway
Many Recreational Areas
Seasons In the Poconos
Nature and Wildlife
What? a Page on Pennsylvania and
nothing mentioned about our famous Penn State
University and Joe Paterno and his Nittany Lions?
Wrong! Please go on to the next page and check out
the Penn State Page. because Penn State deserves a
page of its own..
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