Allow me
to introduce myself. My name is Phyllis and I live in
N.E. Pa., near the Pocono Mt. Resorts.I am 64 and
married to the most wonderful guy in the world. He
worships the ground I walk on. We have a very
spoiled, 14 year old dog, named Cady, who lets us
reside here also. I have 2 daughters and 2 grandsons.
I like to treat people like I like to be
am a kind and soft hearted person and I love people
in general. I recently retired..It is really nice to be able to have more time to my self and the love of my life, besides my hubby, my computer..LOL
I love to do country crafts and plastic
I also crochet and have made many afghans. I have made
many wreaths, swags and
other types. My more elaborate hobby is collecting
Fenton Art Glass..I love Country Music and miss Elvis
and John Denver.
I am fairly new to the web and this is my
attempt at a Home Page..I hope I can make it an
enjoyable venture and I hope you all enjoy my page
and please sign my guestbook before you leave..Thank
you..Have a bright and Sun-Shiny Day!!