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The collecting of matchboxes

An attempt to understand collecting in general

Why do we do what we do? Okay therefor we can find several reasons, I bet. But what is the reason of collecting things. Maybe there are different approaches, too.

I would like to discuss some rather personal ideas on this topic. For me there is a great appeal in all things which constitutes our daily life. Such easy and simple tools like corkscrews or toiletbrushs are not really neccessary, of course. But they make our life a bit easier and more cultivated. And now there is an amazing thing about these tiny instruments like coffecups, stamps or ballpens: despite everybody would easily agree that there is no reason to develop more than one kind of chair or waterbottle we tend to diversify those everyday articles in a remarkable way.

This is the fascination of phillumeny as well as the interest I could take in cynology: It's just the wealth and the abundance of forms, characters, kinds of articles we have developed, although one of a kind would have been more than enough.

As many other topics phillumeny too attracts my interest only in part. (The number of themes I'm marginally intersted in is interesting in itself in a way....). So I wouldn't dare to bore anybody with my own humble collection of matchboxes. I prefer to introduce to you the very best pages on phillumeny I found in the net (and really - they are wonderful). Only at the end of that adorable list I'll show some of my own pieces.