"This is a prayer for little paws
All up and down the land,
Driven away, no friendly voice
Never an outstretched hand.
For weary paws of little beasts
Torn and stained with red,
And never a home and never a rest,
Till little beasts are dead.
Oh God of homeless ones look down
And try to ease the way
Of all the little weary paws
That walk the world today."

~ Anonymous ~

This article from PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) sums up a lot of the issues in its tribute to animal mothers.Please read it, you will be very touched.

A few of Sandra's POEMS on the subject

Why Should I Spay or Neuter my Pet?

Because there are now over 60 million homeless cats in this country, not including the 53 million household pet cats. That's 113 million cats! Spaying /Neutering are now a must if we want to reduce the suffering of these animals. In Los Angeles alone last year, 25,609 cats were taken into shelters, and 20,375 were put to death. Those who aren't euthanized in shelters try to live in city streets or rural areas on their own. They suffer from hunger, exposure to the elements, untreated illnesses, are killed by predators or vehicles, or just generally have a forlorn and difficult life.  The same fate is in store for stray dogs. This is a wake-up call for pet owners because to a good extent, we are responsible for this. Although strays are reproducing amongst themselves, the population problem began, and is worsened by, our failure to neuter/spay our household pets. There are not enough homes for all the kittens and puppies born.

Here are three amazing facts about cats' reproductive abilities. 1. A female cat can come in heat and become pregnant as early as 3 1/2 months of age. 2. Heat lasts up to 21 days and comes on in intervals throughout December to August. That's most of the year. 3. Pet cats regularly wander up to a mile from home to hunt, explore, and find mates.

Neutering male pets is even more beneficial. Male cats spray urine on surfaces to mark their territory. Male pets will also wander looking for mates, which greatly increases their chance of injury or death.   Neutering will virtually eliminate these behaviors.  Male pets can impregnate many females. As the owner of a male pet, you are as much responsible for an unwanted litter as the female's owner is.

Special POETRY related to this issue. Don't skip this!!

If you'd like to know how you can be a part of saving our endangered wildlife and protecting our natural resources please visit my endangered species page. Thanks, Kittymom.

To learn more about how you can fight the horrible abuse of innocent animals, please click on the purple ribbon

Read what famous people throughout history have said on this subject

Click on the golden tear, to read a beautiful poem and join in with others who want to fight animal abuse.

Please see if you can help the precious cats of New York City. They need you!

These pages are being co-authored by Sandra and Kittymom Please feel free to write us with any comments you have. We are always glad to hear from you!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Visit our memorials to our beloved cats that have gone to Rainbows Bridge

Memories of Mia Memories of Merle

Also my good friend Nancy's loving tribute to her Bo

~Special Awards~

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