Low and Behold the crumbs

raf classic: guitar/vocals
johnny b: guitar
emil 4 1/2: bass/harmonic vocals
grim: drums

I am so fed up with that damn under construction sign...
So here I am showing lack of originality on my part by giving you this description of
the Crumbs that you've probably read before on the Lookout mail-order catalog or their web page.
The parts on red are just tidbits that I added...

Let's start off at the beginning, right? O.K., so let's meet the Crumbs!

     Start with  Raf Classic, singer, guitar player, and all around scoundrel.  Raf has a hankering for the finer things in life: the music of the Ramones and AC/DC (Bon Scott era there, jack), Schlitz beer, and stayin’ up all night.
     And Raf is one unique character....he's purely an entertainer on stage and in person.

     The next guitar playin’ Crumb is Mr. Johnny B., connoisseur of old blues and rock’n’roll records, and all manners of cheap and greasy food.
     To me, Johnny seems to be a down to earth person.  But let's not forget how this guy fires it up on the guitar.  Solos and little catchy riffs everywhere.  I think his part in the band is one of the Crumb's elements that makes them fit together so perfectly.

     Moving onward... He plays a guitar too, folks, but it’s a bass guitar! That’s right, meet Mr. Emil Four and a Half! Bass player extraordinaire, Emil is a kinda an unpredictable guy, with a manner fluctuating between the typically “stoic, silent bass player type” to tossing his instrument through the drum kit in an adrenaline inspired frenzy. Oh yeah, Emil is also a walking punk rock record collecting fiend.
     And it's true, he is a record collecting fiend...he owns a 7 inch I've been looking for, which one day I'll steal...And the only time this guy sees sunlight is when the Simpsons are on, then he practically lives in the night....But enough dirt on Emil...he's really an all-around great person.  And I mean that.

   “The drummer” is one Chuck Loose (scroll down for picture of him), token coffee addict and stress magnet in the Crumbs.  Hoo boy. When he’s not buggin’ out about somethin’ or other, he’s buying silly leather clothes, writing for some stupid punk zine or other, or pushing over his drum set.
     Chuck Loose was the drummer of the Crumbs until near 1997 when he was no longer a Crumb.  Now Chuck is in another local Miami band called the Drug Czars.  So the Crumbs then got Marcio or aka Grim who was in a band called the Basicks, which was the same band Raf played bass and sang in.  So, now let's meet Marcio.  This Argentinean skinsman is one hell of a drummer with a great sense of humor.

     OK, so the Crumbs play the music they like, dig? Punk Rock, ace... inspired by, among others, stuff by Radio Birdman, Ramose, Dead Boys, The Pagans, Crime, The Stooges, The MC5, and zillions of other bands that played real rock’n’roll (like the Rolling Stones). Three chords with a four on the floor back beat and a hatred of “musicianship” and “talent”. O.K., so if ya read this far, and you still don’t hate ‘em, or even if you do, check ‘em out!
     So, the Crumbs play what they are most influenced by.  And not only that, they still remain to maintain the fun a band should have, so please do check 'em out!                                                         --nancy mae (only the red parts)

yup that's the famous chuck loose between johnny & emil

Won't you come home