Abbey Walker a senior Choral/General Music Education major. She grew up in North Carolina, went to High School in Oxford, and now lives in Chicago. She lives with 5 other DOs whom she loves because they laugh at her funny faces and lame jokes.

Jeana Jones is a senior at Miami. She is a Piano Performance major.

Beth Menke is a senior Music Eduaction and Vocal Performance double major She is from Harrison, Ohio.

Elizabeth Howard is a junior Music Education major. Her main instrument is the trumpet

Jenifer Lapple is a Junior Music Performance major. She is currently spending the semester in Luxembourge

Kathryn Greene is a senior music education major. She is from Nappanee, IN and plays the trumpet. This semester she is student teaching in the Wyoming School district of Cincinatti, OH.

Erica Cochran is a junior, who spent the first semester of last year in Luxembourg. She is music education major that plays the flute, and a vocal major.

Kristen Cook is a junior with a double major. She is majoring in both music education and vocal performance She plays the piano

Janet Preloger

Kristina Winters is a junior percussionist.

Lindsay Taylor is a senior music performance major. She plays the cello that is named "goldie" She was a finalist the Miami Concerto Competition.

Stephanie Markham is a senior music education major. She is from Trenton, OH, and plans to student teach next sememster in the Mason School district.

The past president of Delta Omicron is Lisa Ramírez, she is earning degrees in Special Education and Music Education with a concentration on the violin. She is a member of the The Delisarie String Quartet. Lisa only has her semester of student teaching left before graduating.

Emily Power is the director of Musical Activites and Musical Friends. Emily is music education major with the clarinet as her major instrument. In her spare time she likes to play the saxophone, watch movies, read, and loves swing dancing.

Andrea Johnson is a double major. Currently she is working on a major in both Music Education and Arts Management. Her major instrument is her voice. Andrea's special talnents include writing, running five miles without throwing-up and saying "Would you like fries with that."

Corrie Hubacher is a Music Education Major, her instrument is the French Horn. She also is a memeber of the Miami Unviersity Choraliers. In addition I can vouch for her talents as a swing dancer.

This page is maintained by Kathryn G Greene