You can find the words to Daddy's Hands here.... This song has always ment so much to me but, even more now.... This Tears In Heaven Webringsite is owned by Angel Keeper aka Carol.Want to join the Tears In Heaven Webring?[Skip Prev][Prev][Next][Skip Next][Random][Next 5][List Sites] | Previous 5 Sites | Previous || Next | Next 5 Sites || Random Site | List Sites || Join | updated 2/23/2000> I wish to start this page by saying: As I've stated I do love angels. Very much so! But , first and always first comes my master, my friend and healer. He is always a gentleman , and has to be invited in. Just as I want my pages to be. I hope you find something in my pages that you like and come back many times...... I want to dedicate this page to my Dad. He was my hero , but, much more important he was my best friend. I adored him with all my heart. He gave so much of himself to others.People were so important to dad . He could never stand the thoughts of someone going hungry or without anything . He taught so much love through his ministry. I think the greatest and most treasured gift Dad ever gave to me was his God. The music I have chosen for this page says so much. Its called "Daddy's hands. I remember those old rough hands from years of hard work . The words to this song says so much about the kind of man my dad was.There were time he had to be rough , yet a gentler man there never was. Oh, let me tell you we could really fight too. I was a typical teenager and young adult, I knew more than anybody else , of course.I ran from God for many years.When I lost dad one thought was I just lost one more prayer going up to God for me. I know he prayed many hours for me . Now I miss those prayers. I miss the man I'm so proud to have called DAD. My grandfather, my dad ,and an aunt were all preachers. They keep an eye on me now from Heaven. My dad was the love of my life. I miss him as much today as the day he left us. He was a wonderful man, and the very best friend I ever had. I miss you so much daddy. Get your own FreeHome Page here. Thank you so muchGeocities.