Frequently Asked "Anne" Questions
I've been receiving a bundle of Anne related questions! So, in order to help answer them all as best I can, I decided to post a "Frequently Asked Questions" page. (also known as FAQ, although I couldn't bear to call it that for it seemed too unromantic!)
Here are just a few of the questions I've been asked lately. I can't guarentee that all my answers will be completely accurate. If you see something that doesn't sound quite right, please e-mail me and let me know! Be sure to send in any questions you may have too, and I will embark on a quest to answer them!
One more thing: I haven't purchased any products from the websites I have listed here, so I can't personally recommend or guarentee them! If you have bought anything through these retailers or decide to do so, please drop me a line and let me know of your experience so I can share it with the rest of my visitors! Thanks!
Where can I buy a copy of the new Anne video, Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story?
Unfortunately, this one has proved to be VERY hard to find! However, with a little hunting I was able to track it down! A website called Videoflicks has it for sale - the cost is $21.99 US Dollars, with a $6 shipping fee, and they do ship internationally. Alternately, you may be able to find the video up for auction on Ebay or Yahoo.
What are the names of the three "Anne" movies?
The correct name of each of the videos (according to, in order are Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Green Gables - The Sequel, and Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story.
Where can I buy the sheet music for the theme from Anne of Green Gables?
This was indeed the hardest one to find yet! But visit to purchase the piano score for the movie theme by Hagood Hardy. They too ship internationally.
Where can I get the midi file for the Anne theme for my homepage?
If you would like to use this music, just click here to download it!
More to come...
Minuet in G