~A Gardening We Grow~
Sitting on a bench in my garden,
Listening to sparrows chirp their hearts away,
Smelling the fragrance of jasmine in the wind,
Feeling the soft breeze blowing on my skin,
Never will I ever be closer to Heaven than here.
A little garden in which to walk
and immensity in which to dream.
Every flower is a soul blessing in nature.
For thee, the earth puts forth sweet flowers.
"Living is not enough," said the butterfly,
"One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower".
(Hans Christian Anderson)
One is never nearer to God than in a garden.
Some people like to make a little garden out of life
and walk down a path.
Sun shines, birds sing, garden angels...flowers bring.
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden,
than any place else on earth.
The shortest way to heaven is through a garden gate.
The World is very old...
but in Spring it groweth young again.
What sweet, sweet delight...
To see my garden...
Morning, noon and night !
Wind chimes in your yard
will serenade garden creatures...
squirrels, fairies and angels.
When the world wearies,
there is always the garden.
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Created July 2000
Updated 4/18/09