TAKE A LOOK at the great RADIO PICTURES on-line at the Usenet Newsgroup: and if your ISP doesn't carry it, contact them and INSIST that they get it for you! Here you will find picture files you can download and display. There are pictures of every kind of amateur, shortwave, vintage and latest ham radios etc.! ENJOY!

Where to find MANUALS for Amateur Radio, Shortwave and other Electronic equipment. Compiled by Brian Carling G3XLQ / AF4K


MANUALS List by AF4K Latest Revision always available via Web-site at: HINT: While viewing these files on the Internet, click on "FILE" then "SAVE" in your browser to keep a copy on your own computer!


ABC Communications Systems Inc. Voice # 800-729-6473
441 S. Robson Bldg # 108        Fax #602-964-3909
Mesa,Az 85210

AC6V's manual resources list is at
(On the Web) Click below to view.

Aben                          Phone Number needed  
P.O. Box 4118  
Jersey City, NJ 07304         Original AN/PRC-6 Tech Manuals

Antique Audio 
41560 Schoolcraft 
Plymouth, MI 48170            Mostly antique receiver manuals

Ardco Electronics             Phone number needed
P.O. Box 95
Berwyn, IL 60402
Manuals for 95% of the Hallicrafters product line. The company was
founded by Anthony Dambrauskas, the Hallicrafters service manager, 
when Hallicrafters went out of business in 1978. Today, the 
business is being carried on by his son Robert. Manuals range
in price from $7 to $20. 

Nolan Armstrong               Phone number needed
Address Needed
E-mail:         These MAY be gone now. It was a 
one-time sale. Most-Often-Needed series / Beitman by Supreme 
Publications 1926-1948 FM & Television Recievers
Service Notes on Record Players, Automatic Changers,
Wireless Units and Home Recorders etc.

Check their excellent list of manuals suppliers at:

Here's a website with lots of manuals including Collins gear:

More Manuals - this time Military Technical Manuals For Sale:

AVVID                         (800) 214-5779
Clif                          (972) 986-0738 9AM-6PM CST Mon-Fri
222 N. Story Rd. Suite 128
Irving, Tx. 75061
Address needed              Yaesu, Collins, Heath & Drake Service manuals
Email me for your needs and pricing as the list is long.

Don Beehler
456 Bennett Street
North Tonawanda NY  14120
Drake, National, Simpson, Hammarlund, Hallicrafters,
Globe, mil surplus  manuals etc. $2 to $12.00 each.
Don advertises that his stuff is "a collection of service 
manuals, instructions, schematics and data from a variety
of out-of-print sources for older equipment." What one
guy got was an excellent copy of a Sam's (including fold-out
schematic), Cerlok bound with a heavy cover and copies of
some old ads for the receiver, in a nice manila folder.

Bell Industries         (800) 428-7276
Maryann Jensen
Address needed
Call them. They will be happy to make you a
very good copy of Sams Photofacts - about $35 each
Info source: Bill.Nadzam  "K8WN"
E-mail: "Bill Nadzam" <

Walter Belsito                ( 203) 756-6376 
Radio K1RTS
149, Southmayd Rd.
Waterbury, CT 06705
'I sell copies of manuals for older ham radio , test
equipment , cb / 2-way radio & military stuff .
Manuals and copies for older ham rigs
I have been doing manuals since 1979.'

Alvin Bernard                 (407) 351-5536
"Al" NI4Q
P. O. Box 690098
Orlando, FL   32869-0098
Great guy - with first class repro manuals!
Send for a list of manuals he has available which 
includes  Gonset, Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, WRL, Globe, 
Johnson, RME, Harvey Wells.
for more info

Bomarc Services                (307) 234-3488
P.O. Box 1113
Casper, WY   82602-1113
No Export Sales
Schematic diagrams of electronic devices (approx. 2700 of them}
( mostly not available from the manufacturer - mostly non-ham items )
the physical ups address (no mail service in this part of the state) is
Bomarc Services 
Bryan-evansville Road
Casper, WY 82609

Brock Publications            (760) 757-0372
Grace Brock
P.O. Box 5004
Oceanside, CA 92052
Manuals for for all amateur equipment sold by Swan Electronics.
Also stocks manuals for Cubic Communications, Astro and Siltronix 
products. Brock Publications is a home business owned by Grace 
Brock who retired from Swan Electronics/ Cubic Communications in 
1990. EXCELLENT SERVICE reported.

John Bruchey
4910 Verde Drive
Oceanside, CA 92057
(760) 757-4717
John can be reached at home after 6pm local California time and weekends.
He still works for Cubic Corp. and has worked on Swan / Cubic equipment for
many years. PLEASE don't phone him in the middle of the night, check your
time zone before making the call and waking him up. He does repair work in his
spare time.

G. Cain
P.O. Box 521                  Send large SASE for list of ham, military,
Shakopee, MN 55379       test equipment and manuals. (10/97)

Center For Legislative Archives (202) 501-5350
National Archives
Washington, DC 20408
(Record Group 287) US Army Technical Manuals for radio equipment
manufactured from 1940 to 1979. Photocopies can be obtained at a 
cost of 25 cents per page and a $6 minimum order. A "Reproduction 
Service Order" must first be completed by the National Archives to 
determine the cost of the specific manual you desire. The manual 
on this form must be identified by its proper Army Technical 
Manual number. If this number is not known, contact your nearest 
US Government Depository Library for assistance. (These are 
usually the main public libraries in large and medium-sized 
cities.) A booklet entitled Indexes and Lists to Army Technical 
and Administrative Publications 1940-1979; The National Archives 
Microfilm Publications Pamphlet Describing M1641, also available 
from the Archives, describes this procedure. 

Bomarc Services               307-234-348X
P.O. Box 1113
Casper Wyoming (the big square just below canada on your map)

Philip J. Carpenter    (413) 323-4088
4 Westwood Drive
Belchertown, MA 01007
Operation and Service Manuals from AEA to YAESU
Search available at no charge.


Columbia Electronics International Inc.
Paul Keys, President
PO Box 960
Somis, CA 93066, USA
They sell Military radios & test sets and have manuals for same.
Phone: 805-386-2312
Fax:   805-386-2314
Visit their web site for latest availability listings

Robert Fowle                  (517) 789-6721
The Hammarlund guy
1215 Winifred
Jackson, Mich.  49202-1946    Hammarlund & Collins manuals etc.
sales catalogs, Sams etc.

Eico Electronic Instruments Co., Inc. (212) 566-4995
363 Merrick Rd.                       Leave Message 
Lynbrook NY 11563
Note: No current kits, EICO manuals and schematics only
Note: MAY be out of business. SOMEONE LET ME KNOW?!

Alton H. Bowman               No phone number given
4172 East Avenue              radio, TV, amateur, misc.
Canandaigua, NY 14424-9564    Schematics & info 1920 - 1970

Charles Larus, K4CAD
5421 Tuckahoe Lane
Richmond, VA 23226            Heathkit & other manuals, copies.

Aben                          Phone number needed
P. O. Box 4118                Vintage manuals, military etc.
Jersey City, NJ 07304

Brock Publications            (619) 757-0372
Grace Brock, ex-Swan employee
P.O. Box 5004                Swan, Cubic, Siltronix, Atlas
Oceanside, CA 92052            manuals. Most $20 ea

Collins 30L1 Manual On-line

David Crittle RETROVOX        Phone number needed
2 Burwood Street
NSW 2650
Australia                     Schematics for Rogers tube amps & others

Compass Electronics Supply    No voice phone callers
465 Market Street        FAX: (973) 278-5708
Paterson, NJ 07501            Mil. Surplus Technical manuals

David Crowell                 (401) 934-1845
40 Briarwood Road             Hundreds of manuals & schematics
North Scituate, RI 02857      Send 2-stamp LARGE S.A.S.E.

For Sale: Radio Schematics 1921-1965.  $4.00 plus LSASE.  Send
manufacturer, model number & any other pertinent info to: Don
Davis, K4ZDB; 8833 Brucewood Drive; Richmond, VA; (804) 272-4452.

Diverse Devices               (44) 01703 584680
75 Priory Road
St Denys
Southampton                   Various manuals
England                       Catalog-on-disk

DSM Diversified               No phone number given
909 Walnut Street             Vintage manuals starting at $5.00
Erie, PA 16502                Hallicrafters, Johnson, WRL etc.

EICO Electronic Instr. Co., Inc.
113 Fulton Avenue
Hempstead, N.Y.   11550

Henry Engstrom               (707) 544-5179
P.O. Box 5846                 Many manuals for amateur,
Santa Rosa, CA 95402          military & Heath equipment

Address needed
Check bought out GE). They have
manuals available for nearly all GE radios. Do a search by model number 
to obtain the number of the manual you need then call the 800 number 
to order.

Fair Radio Sales Co, Inc      (419) 223-2196
1016 East Eureka
P.O. Box 1105
Lima, OH 45802
Manuals for surplus equip. Also  Tektronix manuals &
vacuum tube data. Catalog available. 

Eric Friedebach               Phone number needed
PO Box 64                     Radios & aircraft - military
Monaca, PA 15061              surplus manuals - all photocopies

Lee Fouts                     (307) 587-9506
K7MBJ                         (307) 864-3286
4874 Powell Hwy               Also has old catalogs & Heath gear
Cody, WY 82414                As of 9/96 he had about 50 manuals to sell.

Robert Fowle, KB8DBC
Address needed
National & Hammarlund Manuals

4 Pincey Mead
Essex SS13 3EW
Tel & Fax : 01268 470899

Ken Grimm's manuals on-line
FTP server at:    ftp// 
Use anonymous log-in with your e-mail address as the password.
Great reprints of  Hallicrafters, Drake, and E. F. Johnson items available
for download from the pub/uploads directory.
E-mail your scanned manuals in GIF or JPG format to him at:

HAManuals                     Home:   (360) 825-1167
Bill Turini   KA4GAV/7        Work:  (253) 924-5890
29926  Southeast 408th St.
Enumclaw, WA 98022-7761
(360) 825-1167    (360) 825-8004 FAX
Many Drake manuals for older rigs on a $80 CD-ROM
Web site:, and change the

John D Hensley WJ5J           Phone number needed
Address needed
E-mail only to:
E-mail fails 3/30/97!
Surplus Conversion Manuals Vol I and III

Steve Hevener, W8KBF          (330) 659-3244
The Signal Corps
3583 Everett Road             WWII Military radio catalog 54 pages
Richfield, OH 44286           Historical information - $3.00

Hewlett Packard Co.        HP info: (800) 752-0900
They will give you the number for ordering manuals.
They take credit cards.

Al McMillan, W0JJK (Ex-WRL etc.)
P.O. Box 802, 
Council Bluffs, IA 51502
A printed catalog , which is now $3.00
Moderately good quality.

John Kakstys                  (908) 486-6917
18 Hillcrest Terrace          Tubes, antennas, parts of all kinds, manuals,
Linden, NJ  07036             used HF & VHF ham radios, accessories etc.

KDC Sound                     (800) 256-9895 - orders
17294 FM 3083                 (409) 231-3753
Conroe, TX 77302              CB & ham radio modification books.

Steve Kimber Manuals (W7VEW)  (801) 634 0760
KingsRow Estates #12    
Washington, Utah 84780

Some Kenwood Manuals can be downloaded in PDF format from the Internet. If you don't already have it, you will need the Adobe PDF Reader (Free) to read these files available from The Kenwood Web Site Download Area

Manuals Plus                 (206) 531-8031
P.O. Box 937                 (206) 536-1121 (fax)
Spanaway, WA  98387-0937     Test equipment manuals, no catalog
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, M-F

Manuals Plus                 (801) 882-7188
P.O. Box 549            FAX: (801) 882-7195
Tooele, UT 84074             Test equipment manuals

Pete Markavage                (732) 238-8964
The Manual Man 
27 Walling Street             Send THREE (3) 32c stamps for a catalog.
Sayreville, NJ 08872          3,000 amateur & related manuals.
Manuals for amateur, audio and radio-related equipment.

Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society - 
2412 C Street
Meridian, MS 39301
601 693-5958
Listing on page 82 current issue (January) ARC...
our museum / web page is at:

They are available to club members (and just about anybody else for that
matter) as long as they aren't for re-sale.  We try to keep the price
reasonable ($1 a section for lower voltage caps - $1.50 a section for
400v and up). The caps are tested and reformed before delivery - usually
by the club member making the purchase - that's why we don't advertise
nor solicit other sales. Someone would have to check/reform each before
being shipped - and volunteers are hard to come by. We do have a list -
but like most lists - it's incomplete / innacurate and out of date. We
hope to get an "honest" inventory in the next few weeks and get it
posted to our site. 

Like most clubs we have swap meets and a large annual meeting with an
auction... what ever shows for those is what gets sold. And like most
large clubs - we have a large technical library - Riders, Sams, Supreme,
Beitman, etc. There is a photocopier in the office available when

Ben Nock                      He can help with schematic copies etc.
Address needed (REQ 3/30/97)
G4BXD                         Ben buys and sells old manuals
He also has a lot of UK military radio manuals etc.  (SEE BELOW)

Mike Nowlen                   (703)716-1363
POB 1941
Herndon, VA 20172    Trades test equip. &HI-FI manuals

NTIS                          Government Agency with original
5285 Port Royal Road          manuals for military radios etc.
Springfield, VA 22161         May be expensive nowadays!
Phone (703) 487-4684          They take AMEX, Visa, & Mastercard.
Fax   (703) 487-4841
web at

Chuck Penson                  (612) 221-4510 day
WA7ZZE                        (612) 822-1186 evening
Box 2414                      (612) 224-5092 fax
St. Paul, MN 55102       Numerous old Heath manuals

Harris Semiconductor
Applications sheets and data sheets via Internet!
Harris' web page is

Josh Heide  KD6KML            Phone number needed
Address needed                (REQ 3/30/97)            G.E. manuals
Order ONLY via -

Henry - KD6KWH                (707) 544-5179
P.O. Box 5846                 Military & ham vintage manuals
Santa Rosa, CA 95402          Also for accessories. List available.

Nick Hersey                   Phone number needed
1459 San Juline Cir           TM series manuals
St.Augustine, FL 32095-4725   and other military manuals
Nick deals In all types of Electronic items: Parts, Manuals,
Older gear, Motorola Commercial Radios, Older Mazagines.

Hi-Manuals                    No phone number given
Box 802
Council Bluffs, IA 51502      Catalog $2.00

Kim                           414-249-9895
Address needed               Test equipment manuals
E-mail fails 3/30/97

Mauritron Technical Services  (44) 844-351694
Address needed                Service data for most radio equipment
Oxfordshire, England.         built in the last 70 years.


Mauritron Technical Services 8 Cherry Tree Road Chinnor Oxfordshire OX9 4QY Tel: 01844-351694 Fax: 01844-352554 Abe Nutkis Phone number needed (REQ 3/30/97) Address needed Depot manuals for military radios e-mail address is PAUL Phone number needed Address needed Manuals for Collins, Drake etc. E-mail (REQ 3/30/97) Andre Pelletier Radio VO2APL 500 Dineen 200 Labrador City,NF Canada A2V 1E6 Jay Stanfield Phone number needed 3212 Rita Lane Fort Worth, Tx 76117 Jay has a lot of Heathkits & manuals Deane E. Kidd, W7TYR (503) 625 7363 27270 SW Ladd Hill Road, Sherwood, OR 97140 Tek manuals - reasonably priced East Coast Transistor Parts, Inc. (800) 637-0388 2 Marlborough Road, West Hempstead, N.Y. 11552 Motorola Semiconductor Applications sheets and data sheets via Internet! Motorola's page is at Stefan Ponek (415) 355-1550 Address needed Pacifica, CA E-mail: He has the first 400 Sams Folders 1945-65. Almost ALL Radio, TV, Hi Fi, etc, schematics, pictures, alignments instructions and parts list for commercial equipment sold during those years. I will sell it all for $300, but you have to come to Pacifica, CA (SF Bay) to pick them up.. Richard Prester Phone:(973)728-2454 131 Ridge Road West Milford, NJ 07480 Write for list of manuals (copies) for sale. Many amateur rigs covered. RTO Electronics 616-461-3057 5585 Hochberger Eau Claire, MI 49111. Call for price and availability. Web Page: Howard W. Sams & Co (800) 428-7267 / (800) 428-5331 2647 Waterfront Parkway East Dr Indianapolis, IN 46214-2041 You can order Sams Photofacts through your local distributor (saves postage and handling costs), by mail or by phone. Sams covers most consumer electronic items manufactured since 1945. A photocopy service for manufacturer's manuals and Rider's data is also available. The Raymond Sarrio Company Phone number needed Address needed Vintage radio manuals Address needed Ham/scanner/military/commercial I have over 3000 manuals listed on-line. I can normally get manuals shipped within 2 business days, and I guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. 73's Ray SWAN MANUALS ON THE WEB: See: Technical Information Services 76 Church Street Larkhall Lanarks ML9 1HE England Tel: 01698-883334 or 01698-884585 Fax: 01698-884825 WA8ULX Phone number needed Name needed Address needed! Motorola & G.E. Manuals Dave Williams 16 Church Street Owston Ferry Doncaster S. Yorks DN9 1RG England Tel & Fax : 01427-728046 Jim Farago 4017 42 Ave South Minneapolis, MN 55406-3528 A complete set of Riders, Volumes 1 through 23, covering radios from 1924 to 1954. The cost is $3 per copy plus SASE. The customer must provide the unit name, brand name and model number. John Kakstys (908) 486-6917 18 Hillcrest Terrace Tubes, antennas, parts of all kinds, manuals, Linden, NJ 07036 used HF & VHF ham radios, accessories etc. E-mail: Large SASE for list. Or E-mail him. Or: <ahref= A few Manuals & books etc. Land Air Communications (718) 847-3090 95-15 108th Street Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Authorized dealer for Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu manuals. Also carries Collins, Johnson, Hallicrafters, National and other manuals. Can provide schematics on most equipment dating back to 1945. Pete Markavage (732) 238-8964 The Manual Man 27 Walling Street Send THREE (3) 32c stamps for a catalog. Sayreville, NJ 08872 3,000 amateur & related manuals. Manuals for amateur, audio and radio-related equipment. Ed Matsuda voice: 619-479-0225 fax : 619-479-1670 P.O. Box 390613 San Diego, CA 92149 primarily Hewlett-Packard and Tektronix manuals. (not cheap!) E-mail: Musty Manuals (708) 634-6467 HamHeaven Communication Corp 645 Wheeling Rd Wheeling, IL 60090 An extensive collection of owners manuals, service and maintenance manuals, catalogs, magazines and other technical facts on all types of early and late model radio equipment--including ham gear. Manuals come with updates or articles, product reviews and other tidbits of information. Catalog available. MECCA (614) 522-4944 1132 Conway Dr Newark, OH 43055 Used manuals for test equipment, amateur equipment and early receivers. Prices range from $5 to $35. Send an SASE with your request for price and availability. Shaun P. Merrigan Phone number needed EE Student FAX: (403) 457-3072 14203-72 Street Edmonton, Alberta High Quality manuals for Canada T5C 0R4 Hammarlund, R-390A etc. University of Alberta Ben Nock, G4BXD (44) 01562 743253 62 COBDEN ST, KIDDERMINSTER Manuals for most British radio sets WORCS DY11 6RP and other things, vehicles for instance. U.K. E-mail: Abe Nutkis Phone number needed Address Needed R-390A receiver 'Field & Depot Jersey City, NJ Maintenance Manual" Olde Tyme Radio Company (301) 585-8776 Suite 317 2445 Lyttonsville Road Silver Spring, MD 20910 Some RCA Tube Manuals and Riders for sale. Catalog available. Johanne Paquin < (REQ 3/30/97) Address needed Various radio manuals Richard Prester (973) 728-2454 131 Ridge Road West Milford, NJ 07480 Write for list of manuals (copies). Many amateur rigs covered - most are $5-12.00. He also sells tubes, parts etc. Puett Electronics (214) 321-0927 / 327-8721 P.O. Box 28572 Dallas, TX 75228 Schematic diagrams "for nearly any radio receiver." Cost is $5 with manufacturer and model number; $15 plus drawing and description if the manufacturer or model number is unknown. Reproduction manuals, Rider's indexes, RCA Vacuum Tube Manuals, and many other service/instruction manuals for classic radios and related equipment are available. Some amateur equipment manuals including Collins. Test equipment manuals include Hewlett Packard, Tektronix, Hickock and others. Also supplies recordings of old radio shows as well as tubes and other antique radio components. Catalog available. Radio Bygones (G.C Arnold Partners) 9 Wetherby Close Broadstone Dorset BH18 8JB England Tel/fax +44 1202 658474 Many manuals available Radio/TV/Ham Schematics Alton H. Bowman 4172 East Ave, RD 2 Canandaigua, NY 14424 A large collection of manuals and schematics for Amateur Radio equipment and other electronic products from 1920 to 1970--many unusual. Welcomes requests for odd-ball material with and without model numbers or labels. Prices are $5 for schematics and $7.50 to $10 for manuals. An SASE is appreciated. Alton emphasizes that this service is his hobby and not a business. Radio Era Archives (214) 358-5195 2043 Empire Central FAX: (214) 357-4693 Dallas, TX 75235 Schematics, books, manuals, catalogs etc from antique and ham radio etc. Radio Man Phone number needed Address Needed E-mail: Manuals for Gates transmitters etc. Radio Relics (407) 740-5581 660A Clay Street, Winter Park, FL 32789 Schematics, manuals, service data, troubleshooting hints. and Tube substitution list. E-mail: R. L. Drake Company (513) 746-6990 230 Industrial Drive Franklin, OH 45005 Drake product manuals only. Robot Research Inc. (619) 279-9430 5636 Ruffin Rd San Diego, CA 92123 Robot manuals only. Raymond Sarrio Co. Phone number needed 6147 Via Serena St. Alta Loma, CA 91701 Specializes in Vintage and modern ham radio manuals, test equipment and some commercial radio manuals included. There are Over 3500 manuals listed on line. Savoy Hill Publications Voice/fax: (44) 01237-42480 Tudor Gwilliam-Rees 50 Meddon St Bideford, The Little White Town Devon, England EX39 2EQ He has a huge library of vintage service data, 30 years worth. He takes credit cards. 26 page brochure of manuals for radios 1914 to 1980 free on request (appreciate help with postal costs for overseas). Web site: E-mail: John Noname Phone number needed (req 3/30/97) Address needed Catalog of schematics available at: Slep Electronics Co. (704) 524-7519 P.O. Box 100 Otto, NC 28763-0100 Operation and service manuals; schematic service for old and new amateur radios, commercial and military surplus test equipment, commercial and surplus military radios, antique radios and equipment manuals. Catalog not available due to large stock. Send an SASE for price and availability. Include make and model of each unit.


Sony Publications (816) 891-7550 Ext. 33 P.O. Box 20407 Kansas City, MO 64195 Manuals for Sony shortwave receivers and other products. Steinmetz Electronics (219) 931-9316 7519 Maplewood Ave Hammond, IN 46324 Schematic copies from a complete set of Rider's and Beitman books, some older manufacturer's manuals (consumer radios only) and Sams Photofacts. The cost is $3 for the first schematic copy, $2.50 for the second and $1.50 for each additional copy. Include an extra dollar for research if the model number is unknown (SASE preferred). Also carries vacuum tubes and other parts. Catalog available. Stu, K4BOV 10401 Spencer Hill Road Corning, NY 14830 Stu would be pleased to answer technical questions, and can also help you out with any other questions regarding Swan gear. (He's a walking Swan encyclopedia) Stu would prefer that you wrote him a letter detailing your problem, and what you've done to try to fix it. Include the serial and model numbers, along with a SASE. He has a fax at (607) 936-2463, but he will respond via a SASE. Surplus Sales of Nebraska (402) 346-4750 1502 Jones St Omaha, NE 68102 Stocks a complete line of manuals for Collins amateur equipment and partial collection of commercial equipment. Call or send an SASE for price and availability. Collins parts are also available. A.G. Tannenbaum (215) 540-8055 Michael Tannenbaum P.O. Box 386 FAX: (215) 540-8327 Ambler,PA 19002 Manuals for old ham equipment Has a catalog E-mail: Tech Systems (800) 435-1516 1309 Hwy 71 Belmar, NJ 07719 Test equipment and manuals (HP, Tek, etc.) Ten-Tec, Inc. (800) 833-7373 P.O. Box 8010 Sevierville, TN 37864 Manuals for Ten-Tec products only. Most older manuals are available and they will make photocopies. Call or write for specifics. US Army Military History Institute (717) 245-3611 Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5008 Technical manuals for military radio radio equipment. If possible, include the manual number with your request. If this is unknown, include a complete description of the equipment including the model name, model numbers and the time period in which the equipment was in use, if known. Once a specific manual is identified, it may be obtained in one of two ways. If the Institute possess three or me copies, one may be borrowed through interlibrary loan procedures. This process must be initiated at the your local library. Alternately, photocopies can be purchased. The minimum cost is $6 for up to ten pages. Each additional page is 25 cents. Each patron is allowed up to 300 pages per calendar year. Selected bibliographies of Institute holdings are available through interlibrary loan. (See below!) Varian Associates, Inc. (800) 432-4422 301 Industrial Way San Carlos, CA 94070-2682 EIMAC tube data for tubes from 1-kW to 1.5-kW plate dissipation including all glass-envelope tubes. 200-watt, 800-watt and larger tubes are manufactured in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can use the telephone number shown above to access either plant for data on any EIMAC tube. See web site: VE4AQ's manuals exchange page VISTA Technology Inc. (513) 426-6700 3041 Rising Springs Ct Bellbrook OH 45305 Newly published manuals for selected models of Rockwell/Collins Amateur Radio equipment. Authorized by Rockwell International. W7FG Vintage Manuals (800) 807-6146 Gary Gompf, W7FG (918) 333-3754 3300 Wayside Drive Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006 Military manuals etc. Open 7 days per week. SASE for catalog or call. Gary's manuals are reported to be of excellent quality, and around $10-15 each. Over 2,000 manuals available. Web Page: E-mail Inquires: 918-333-3754 Orders: 800-807-6146 FAX: 918-774-9180 David Watts Phone number needed Address needed Numerous manuals Canada for old radios 1930-1980 E-mail: Bill Werzner Address needed Houston, TX Mingqi Werzner < He has early radio schematics and manuals for sale at very reasonable prices. E-mail him your fax # or mailing address for price list as it is not available (yet) on the computer. Western Nebraska Electronics (308) 879-4552 HC-84, Box 1 Potter, NE 69156 A complete collection of Collins manuals. The cost is $12.50 for a reprint copy, or $35 for a printed copy. Also carries a large supply of Collins parts. C.W. Wolfe Communications Address needed Canada Dave Wood Phone number needed Radio W4EJ Address needed Dave has an extensive collection of HEATHKIT manuals E-mail: <W4EJ@COASTALNET.COM Yaesu USA (310) 404-2700 17210 Edwards Rd Cerritos, CA 90701 Owners and service manuals for Yaesu products. Also sells components. ##############################################################

AC6V's Manuals supplier list

Consolidate Surplus: Suppliers of manuals for test equipment

To get the latest list of manuals sources from ARRL HQ, send an e-mail to: use the following format in the message section:


MORE Manuals Sources from -

    Alinco Electronics, Inc 
    438 Amapola Ave 
    Suite 130 
    Torrance, CA 90501 
    tel 310-618-8616 
    Supplies Alinco manuals only. 

    Amateur Wholesale Electronics 
    PO Box 224 
    1040 Industrial Dr 
    Watkinsville, GA 30677 
    tel 404-769-8706 (technical service and orders) 
    Manuals and replacement parts for Azden Radios. 

    Antique Audio 
    41560 Schoolcraft 
    Plymouth, MI 48170 

Older factory manuals for RCA, Zenith (including Transoceanics) 
and several others. Riders volumes 1 through 22, Sams Photofacts 1 
through 600, Beitman's volumes 1 through 10 and Sams Transistor 
Service Manuals volumes 1 through 90. The price is $5 per 
schematic up to 8 pages. Fifty cents for each additional page. 
Written inquiries for schematics preferred. 

    Antique Electronic Supply 
    6221 South Maple Ave 
    Tempe, AZ 85283 
    tel 602-820-5411 

Antique Electronic Supply supplies pre-1960 service manuals for 
many electronic products, including communications receivers. The 
cost is $4.50 each. A catalog of antique radio parts and books is 
also available. They offer reprints of some older service manuals, 
tube manuals, a tube substitution guidebook and even a ballast 
tube manual. 

    Ardco Electronics 
    PO Box 95 
    Berwyn, IL 60402 

Manuals for 95% of the Hallicrafters product line. The company was 
founded by Anthony Dambrauskas, the Hallicrafters service manager, 
when Hallicrafters went out of business in 1978. Today, the 
business is being carried on by his son Robert. Manuals range in 
price from $7 to $20. 

    Brock Publications 
    PO Box 5004 
    Oceanside, CA 92052 

Manuals for for all amateur equipment sold by Swan Electronics. 
Also stocks manuals for Cubic Communications, Astro and Siltronix 
products. Brock Publications is a home business owned by Grace 
Brock who retired from Swan Electronics/ Cubic Communications in 

    Center For Legislative Archives 
    National Archives 
    Washington, DC 20408 
    tel 202-501-5350 

(Record Group 287) US Army Technical Manuals for radio equipment 
manufactured from 1940 to 1979. Photocopies can be obtained at a 
cost of 25 cents per page and a $6 minimum order. A "Reproduction 
Service Order" must first be completed by the National Archives to 
determine the cost of the specific manual you desire. The manual 
on this form must be identified by its proper Army Technical 
Manual number. If this number is not known, contact your nearest 
US Government Depository Library for assistance. (These are 
usually the main public libraries in large and medium-sized 
cities.) A booklet entitled Indexes and Lists to Army Technical 
and Administrative Publications 1940-1979; The National Archives 
Microfilm Publications Pamphlet Describing M1641, also available 
from the Archives, describes this procedure. 

    Eico Electronics Instrument Co, Inc 
    363 Merrick Rd 
    Lynbrook, NY 11563 
    tel 516-599-5744 

Eico manuals for the last 25 years. Calls are accepted on Monday, 
Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM Eastern time. 

    Fair Radio Sales Co, Inc 
    1016 East Eureka 
    PO Box 1105 
    Lima, OH 45802 
    tel 419-223-2196 

Manuals for surplus equipment. Also some Tektronix manuals and 
vacuum tube data. Catalog available. 

    PO Box 802 
    Council Bluffs, IA 51502 

Extensive collection of manuals from the mid-30s to the 70s. 
Amateur Radio equipment is included. You must order from a current 
catalog and "dropped list." The cost is $3 for both. Many Heathkit 
manuals in stock. They also supply vacuum tube data from the RCA 
Receiving and Air Cooled Transmitting Tube manuals and the Rider 
#35 Tube Substitution Guide. The cost is $5 per tube plus a 
business-size SASE. Your check will be returned if the tube data 
is not available. Hi-Manuals cannot accommodate technical 
correspondence, quote requests or telephone calls.  

    Howard W. Sams & Co 
    2647 Waterfront Parkway East Dr 
    Indianapolis, IN 46214-2041 
    tel 800-428-7267 
    tel 800-428-5331

You can order Sams Photofacts through your local distributor 
(saves postage and handling costs), by mail or by phone. Sams 
covers most consumer electronic items manufactured since 1945. A 
photocopy service for manufacturer's manuals and Rider's data is 
also available. 

    ICOM America, Inc 
    2380 116th Ave NE 
    PO Box C-90029 
    Bellevue, WA 98009-9029 
    tel 206-454-7619 

Manuals and parts for ICOM products. Call for prices. Most service 
manuals cost around $25 for base and mobile units; $20 for hand-
held units.     

    Kenwood (East Coast)                             
    East Coast Transistor Parts, Inc 
    2 Marlborough Rd 
    W Hempstead, NY 11552 
    tel 800-637-0388 (orders only) 

    Kenwood (West Coast) 
    Pacific Coast Parts Distributors, Inc 
    15024 Staff Ct 
    Gardena, CA 90248 
    tel 800-421-5080 (Outside CA) 
        800-262-1312 (CA only) 

    Kenwood product manuals only 

    Japan Radio Company 

Service manuals are available from JRC dealers. The three 
companies likely to have JRC manuals in stock are: 

    Electronic Equipment Bank 
    323 Mill Street NE 
    Vienna, VA 22180 
    tel 800-368-3270 

    Gilfer Shortwave 
    52 Park Ave 
    Park Ridge, NJ 07656 
    tel 800-445-3371 

    Universal Shortwave 
    6830 Americana Parkway 
    Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 
    tel 800-431-3939 

    Jim Farago 
    4017 42 Ave South 
    Minneapolis, MN 55406-3528 

A complete set of Riders, Volumes 1 through 23, covering radios 
from 1924 to 1954. The cost is $3 per copy plus SASE. The customer 
must provide the unit name, brand name and model number.  

    Land Air Communications 
    95-15 108th Street 
    Richmond Hill, NY 11419 
    tel 718-847-3090 

Authorized dealer for Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu manuals. Also 
carries Collins, Johnson, Hallicrafters, National and other 
manuals. Can provide schematics on most equipment dating back to 

    Musty Manuals 
    HamHeaven Communication Corp 
    645 Wheeling Rd 
    Wheeling, IL 60090 
    tel 708-634-6467 

An extensive collection of owners manuals, service and maintenance 
manuals, catalogs, magazines and other technical facts on all 
types of early and late model radio equipment--including ham gear. 
Manuals come with updates or articles, product reviews and other 
tidbits of information. Catalog available. 

    1132 Conway Dr 
    Newark, OH 43055 
    tel 614-522-4944 

Used manuals for test equipment, amateur equipment and early 
receivers. Prices range from $5 to $35. Send an SASE with your 
request for price and availability.  

    Olde Tyme Radio Company 
    Suite 317 
    2445 Lyttonsville Road 
    Silver Spring, MD 20910 
    tel 301-585-8776 
    Some RCA Tube Manuals and Riders for sale. Catalog available. 

    Puett Electronics 
    PO Box 28572 
    Dallas, TX 75228 
    tel 214-321-0927 or 214-327-8721 

Schematic diagrams "for nearly any radio receiver." Cost is $5 
with manufacturer and model number; $15 plus drawing and 
description if the manufacturer or model number is unknown.  
Reproduction manuals, Rider's indexes, RCA Vacuum Tube Manuals, 
and many other service/instruction manuals for classic radios and 
related equipment are available. Some amateur equipment manuals 
including Collins. Test equipment manuals include Hewlett Packard, 
Tektronix, Hickock and others. Also supplies recordings of old 
radio shows as well as tubes and other antique radio components. 
Catalog available.  

    Radio/TV/Ham Schematics 
    Alton H. Bowman 
    4172 East Ave, RD 2 
    Canandaigua, NY 14424 

A large collection of manuals and schematics for Amateur Radio 
equipment and other electronic products from 1920 to 1970--many 
unusual. Welcomes requests for odd-ball material with and without 
model numbers or labels. Prices are $5 for schematics and $7.50 to 
$10 for manuals. An SASE is appreciated. Alton emphasizes that 
this service is his hobby and not a business. 

    R. L. Drake Company 
    230 Industrial Drive 
    Franklin, OH 45005 
    tel 513-746-6990 
    Drake product manuals only. 

    Robot Research Inc 
    5636 Ruffin Rd 
    San Diego, CA 92123 
    tel 619-279-9430
    Robot manuals only. 

    Slep Electronics Co 
    PO Box 100 
    Otto, NC 28763-0100 
    tel 704-524-7519 

Operation and service manuals; schematic service for old and new 
amateur radios, commercial and military surplus test equipment, 
commercial and surplus military radios, antique radios and 
equipment manuals. Catalog not available due to large stock. Send 
an SASE for price and availability. Include make and model of each 

    Sony Publications 
    PO Box 20407 
    Kansas City, MO 64195 
    tel 816-891-7550, extension 33 (Customer Service) 
     Manuals for Sony shortwave receivers and other products. 

    Steinmetz Electronics 
    7519 Maplewood Ave 
    Hammond, IN 46324 
    tel 219-931-9316 

Schematic copies from a complete set of Rider's and Beitman books, 
some older manufacturer's manuals (consumer radios only) and Sams 
Photofacts. The cost is $3 for the first schematic copy, $2.50 for 
the second and $1.50 for each additional copy. Include an extra 
dollar for research if the model number is unknown (SASE 
preferred). Also carries vacuum tubes and other parts. Catalog 

    Surplus Sales of Nebraska 
    1502 Jones St 
    Omaha, NE 68102 
    tel 402-346-4750 

Stocks a complete line of manuals for Collins amateur equipment 
and partial collection of commercial equipment. Call or send an 
SASE for price and availability. Collins parts are also available. 

    Ten-Tec, Inc 
    PO Box 8010 
    Sevierville, TN 37864 
    tel 800-833-7373 

Manuals for Ten-Tec products only. Most older manuals are 
available and they will make photocopies. Call or write for 

    US Army Military History Institute 
    Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5008 
    tel 717-245-3611 

Technical manuals for military radio radio equipment. If possible, 
include the manual number with your request. If this is unknown, 
include a complete description of the equipment including the 
model name, model numbers and the time period in which the 
equipment was in use, if known. Once a specific manual is 
identified, it may be obtained in one of two ways. If the 
Institute possess three or me copies, one may be borrowed through 
interlibrary loan procedures. This process must be initiated at 
the your local library. Alternately, photocopies can be purchased. 
The minimum cost is $6 for up to ten pages. Each additional page 
is 25 cents. Each patron is allowed up to 300 pages per calendar 
year. Selected bibliographies of Institute holdings are available 
through interlibrary loan.      

    Varian Associates, Inc 
    301 Industrial Way 
    San Carlos, CA 94070-2682 
    tel 800-432-4422 

EIMAC tube data for tubes from 1-kW to 1.5-kW plate dissipation 
including all glass-envelope tubes. 200-watt, 800-watt and larger 
tubes are manufactured in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can use the 
telephone number shown above to access either plant for data on 
any EIMAC tube. 

Vintage TV Schematics and service manuals. 
He charges $4.00 + postage.

    VISTA Technology Inc 
    3041 Rising Springs Ct 
    Bellbrook OH 45305 
    tel 513-426-6700 

Newly published manuals for selected models of Rockwell/Collins 
Amateur Radio equipment. Authorized by Rockwell International. 

    Western Nebraska Electronics 
    HC-84, Box 1 
    Potter, NE 69156 
    tel 308-879-4552 

A complete collection of Collins manuals. The cost is $12.50 for a 
reprint copy, or $35 for a printed copy. Also carries a large 
supply of Collins parts. 

For more manuals sources, see Nick England's Boatanchor Manuals Suppliers List on his BA FAQ page

FTP Download Boatanchor Manuals on-line

Circuit Diagrams On-line 260,000 available

Other web resources:

Pete the Manual Man      

W7FG Vintage Manuals


Boat-Anchor Manual Archive

Antique Electronic Supply

Radio Shack / Tandy Corp.

D. Lancaster's list of manual sources:

Howard W. Sams (photofacts, etc)


A.G. Tannenbaum's

Many of these companies will gladly send you a list or a
catalogue if you call or write requesting one. Also, if you find that one or two
of these companies are out of business, PLEASE drop me a message and  
let me know about it so I can delete them!



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