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Gender: Feminine
Language: English
Arlene is short for many modern names like Charlene, Darlene, Earlene, or Marlene. It has no real meaning.
Arlene is a modern name created in the late 19th century.
Pronunciation: are-leen.
Alternates: Arleen, Arlena, Arline, Arlyne, Arlean.
Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
0.094 % named Arlene
0.010 % named Arline
0.007 % named Arleen
0.002 % named Arlena
0.001 % named Arlean
0.001 % named Arlyne
Popularity of Arlene:
Popularity (for newborns):
In the United States...
1900-1910: 333rd most popular.
1910-1920: 195th most popular.
1920-1930: 128th most popular.
1930-1940: 69th most popular.
1940-1950: 111th most popular.
1950-1960: 170th most popular.
1960-1970: 263rd most popular.
1970-1980: 407th most popular.
1980-1990: 515th most popular.
1990: 673rd most popular.
1991: 661st most popular.
1992: 610th most popular.
1993: 644th most popular.
1994: 678th most popular.
1995: 684th most popular.
1996: 708th most popular.
1997: 675th most popular.
1998: 756th most popular.
1999: 701st most popular.
2000: 806th most popular.
2001: 836th most popular.
2002: 768th most popular.
2003: 842nd most popular.
Popularity of Arline:
Popularity (for newborns):
In the United States...
1900-1910: 504th most popular.
1910-1920: 306th most popular.
1920-1930: 271st most popular.
1930-1940: 356th most popular.
1940-1950: 591st most popular.
1950-2000: N/A
Popularity of Arleen:
Popularity (for newborns):
In the United States...
1900-1910: N/A
1910-1920: 873rd most popular.
1920-1930: 585th most popular.
1930-1940: 530th most popular.
1940-1950: 470th most popular.
1950-1960: 675th most popular.
1960-1970: 775th most popular.
1970-2000: N/A
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