Things You Can Do
For Your Enviroment

I'm not an activist...but I can't help but agree with them on many things... mainly, that if we don't do something about our enviroment NOW, we won't have one soon!!! It's not about saving the Planet... the Planet was here long before us, and will be here long after She's finally gotten tired of us and kicked us off!!! Every Mother would get tired of her kids if they were treated with the same disrepect as we treat Mother Earth!'s about saving ourselves, our ability to breathe, to enjoy this beautiful Planet that we've been given the priveledge of living on. Here's some things you can've probably heard many of these before, but they bear repeating.

Do NOT flick your cigarette butts on the ground!!!! I'm a smoker myself, but do you realize that everytime you drop a cigarette butt on the ground, you are creating a major trash problem? Cigarette butts take YEARS to degrade.. that is, if you leave them whole. Do what we do at our Sabbat sites.. we either flick them into a fire, or we field-strip them (taking them apart); that way, they will degrade in 1/100th the time....

If you go camping or use a fireplace or wood burning stove, don't cut down a tree unless you need to! You can always trim the deadwood that all forests'll be helping the trees have more room to grow. Or, if you must cut a tree down... do it in an area that has large clumps of trees. That'll serve the same purpose. Better yet... you should also plant one to replace what you take.

When you brush your teeth, do you let the water run? STOP! Even the little time you take to brush your teeth is way too much time to run water... and water, especially if you live in a desert like I do, is too precious to waste.

Are you one of those people who lives in an area where you have smog tests? Don't try to cheat them to save yourself the money on car repairs! I know several people who do that, and that's not cool AT ALL!!! If you know your car won't pass... or that it could pass if you rigged it a little.. take the time to get it properly fixed. And if you live in an area that doesn't require smog tests.. get one anyway. If you save money at the expense of the enviroment, you're not saving anything at all. You have to breathe this air too!!!

Do you eat yogurt? Do you always buy individual cartons? One thing you could do is try buying large cartons more often, and putting your individual servings for your lunchbox in reusable containers. Much less waste. That goes for anything that comes in large cartons as well as individual ones. Not only will you be helping the enviroment, but you'll also save yourself some money.. large cartons usually yield more individual servings for less.

These are just a few things you can do to help. Simple, common sense things that way too many people take for granted! If you have anything to add to this list, please e-mail me at A little goes a long way in helping us keep our HOME clean!!!

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