Hiya Gang!! Welcome to a pictorial presentation of those late night (and Saturday and Sunday afternoon) horror hosts that we all grew up on. This is an ever-evolving page dedicated to past and present hosts that graced the screen. Roll out the sleeping bags on the living room floor, pop the popcorn,turn out the lights, turn up the volume and relive your childhood!! - - -Thomas Rude'
HORROR HOST FANS UNITE! I know there are those of you out there that live in areas that currently have horror hosts on their TV. I also know that most of you own a nifty little device called a VCR and also have some stuff from current and past hosts in your collection. If you're one of these people, contact me! I collect videotapes of horror hosts and I would like to trade! C'mon, I know you're out there!
LE FastCounter SPECIAL THANKS: First, a big tip of the ol' top hat to Jim Mannan, my webmaster, for volunteering his services to put together the Gallery for me and for putting up with my pestering. Special thanks to George "E-Gor" Chastain and his TV Horror Hosts page. I use his site for research to the point of larceny. A very special thanks to Ron "The Ghoul" Sweed and Don "Count Zappula" Melvoin for making my Saturday nights as a child special and for making me the sick and twisted soul that I am today. Finally, to all those I traded horror host videos with and without those tapes, the majority of images on the Gallery won't be here for your viewing pleasure.
NOTICE: All horror hosts are the creative property of their respective owners. This is a not-for-profit fan page. If any owner of copyright and/or trademark wishes representations of their property removed from this site just let us know and it will be done.
THIS IS SITE OWNED BY THOMAS J. RUDE'. SITE DESIGNED AND WEBMASTERED BY Photographic gallery images except as noted from the collection of Thomas Rude' Original text © 1998 by Thomas Rude' This page hosted by |