Maile (Alyxia oliviformis) Endemic



        The Maile is a climbing shrub or vine. The leaves are dark green, Glossy, pointed, and arranged oppositely or in whorls. The flowers are small, Tubular, and greenish-yellow. The olive-shaped fruits are shiny purple-black When ripe. The distinctive malie scent is strongest in stripped inner bark and Crushed leaves. The maile also have a sticky white sap.

Where is it Located:

  The maile occurs on most of the Hawaiian Islands. It tolerates a variety of habitats ranging from dry, open regions to wet, Closed canopy forests from about 50-2000 m (160-6000 ft).

Cultural Uses:

        The maile is often woven into a lei. Hawaiians dedicated The mailelei to the hula goddess, Laka.