Acknowledgments and Special Thanks

This project has grown far beyond my initial expectations. I am constantly surprised by the level of interest in the site and the Regiment. As the site has grown, I have received invaluable assistance from a number of individuals. In fact, this site would not have been created without the help of others. Some have provided information and shared documents and photographs. Others have helped with the website directly by typing, proof-reading, or creating various pages. Yet others have provided much needed encouragement and have suggested other sources of information.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has helped to make this site possible. Some of these individuals are listed below. Please forgive me if I have inadvertently omitted anyone; I am still working on this page and more names will appear every few weeks.

Seventh Installment-- Many more to come!

Russell Adams

Kent Armstrong

Diane Dismukes

Dan Doty

Dave Finney

Chris and Diane Greene

Don & Lois Harvey

Roger L. Heiple

Brian Hogan

Richard Kropp

Susan and Richard Lindquist

Bill and Jack Moore

I am deeply indebted to both Bill and Jack Moore. That's Bill in the photograph at his Great Grandfather's gravesite. I'm still trying to get a picture of Jack, other than the back of his head! Although they squabble like brothers, they are actually cousins. They share along-term interest in the Their ancestor William Murray, and the Civil War in general. After having met them over Chinese, we decided to conduct joint research. Thus began a series of expeditions to various museums and libraries. We seem to be on a monthly schedule, at least for now. Having an extra pair of hands and eyes really makes the research go quickly. I very much like to thank them for putting up with "absentmindedness" and all of the time I got directions or museum hours wrong. Well, I guess we can always go get something to eat. Thanks Guys


Tom, Larry, Don and James Morris

Jan Rowe

H. Webster Wood

Last Updated: 03/10/99
Webmaster: Rob Richardson
All original material © Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 Rob Richardson