X-Men #73 - "The Elements Within Us"

Reviews by Havok the Black Knight

Writer: Joe Kelly with Joe Casey    Pencils: John Johnson    Inks: Dan Panosian

  First off, I am totally not pleased with the recent anouncement that Carlos Pacheo is leaving the title. Now that that is out of the way, let me say that the art this issue was unspectacular. For every good panel there were two or three panels which were somewhat painful to look at.

  This issue concentrates on the unexplained connection between Magneto and Joseph and Maggott. Joseph finally decides to talk to Maggott about what happened in Antarctica. Before either can spill anything, Sabra attacks Joe intending to kill him because she thinks he is Mags. Maggott convinces her otherwise and she and Joseph take off to find out the truth about the return of Magneto. Maggott is left with his secrets but Sabra calls him by his real name, Japheth. The more I see Maggott in action, the more I like him. He is actually developing a personality. Joe-boy is still a cold fish(thank god he left with Sabra, only to show up comatose in UXM #354...whatever). Sabra is a single minded instrument of destruction as ever.

  The X-Men also recieve a letter from Prof. X. the letter is pleasent enough but they all know he is still in captivity somewhere. No one, especially Wolverine, is very happy about the fact that they have no idea where he is.

  In other news, bodies are turning up in Salem Center and all evidence still points toward Maggott(it'll be the N'Gari Demons in 75). Cecelia uses her sheild as an offensive weapon(woo hoo). Beast puts up a new years reselution list for the X-Men. Xavier's cell in the Hulkbuster base is revealed to be empty. Sebastion Shaw accepts the mysterious from the entity that freezes time and gave him that picture of a gold medalion.

  All in all, this has been Kelly's weakest issue so far. It hops around a lot and really doesn't have any focus or build to it. It does set up and flesh out many upcoming storylines. I guess we just have to put up with some filler issues every once in a while. I give it a thumb parallel to the floor (leaning toward down because of the art).

Next issue: Pacheco's last... grumble grumble, rassum frassum...

X-Men #73

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