Empires of Saladium Official Webring

Empires of Saladium Official Webring Graphic The EMPIRES of SALADIUM Official Webring exists to connect fellow young aspiring science fiction writers. While it is preferable to have at least some content regarding Empires of Saladium posted on a ringmember page, it is NOT a prerequisite to join the ring.

The EMPIRES of SALADIUM Official Webring serves ALL up-and-coming sci-fi authors and welcomes all Star Trek, Star Wars and X-Files fan sites. The webring is also devoted to artists, poets, graphic-artists, sci-fi publishers and anyone or any site that is science fiction oriented!

What to do...

Fill in the form below and submit it. It's that simple!

Submit site to EMPIRES of SALADIUM Official Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

The steps to becoming a member of the Empires of Saladium Official Webring are as follows:
  1. Submit your site. Then you will be in the RingMaster's "queue".
  2. Copy and paste the HTML Fragment to your webpage (You will receive this after you submit this form online.
  3. E-Mail Mike the RingMaster
  4. The RingMaster reviews your HTML fragment for accuracy and adds you to the ring.
  5. As a result, traffic to your site WILL increase!

RingMember Utilities

Edit your website information:
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This Ring of Science Fiction is owned by
Michael J. van Lierop.

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