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Shadowrun Pregenerated Characters

OK guys, here it is. The long awaited page of pregenerated characters and new archtypes. I will tell you right up front that the characters that you are going to be reading below were all created utilizing the standard rulebook rules. There were not "house rules" applied. No special Metahuman anything. So if you want to modify them to suit your game, feel free. I went to great pains to ensure that I spent ALL of the characters starting money, so those of you that don't believe these are for real "pregenerated" characters....start there. That should also make it easier for you to modify the characters. And believe it or not, I did roll three dice to determine the characters starting nuyen. Hopefully you will have fun with these characters....and please feel free to let me know how they are doing or did.


Shadow-Journalist- (Eyeball)

Character Name:  Zeek Phillips         Race: Human       Good Karma: 1
Height:  5'10"     Weight:  178 lbs    Hair: Brown       Karma: 2
Physical Description:  Zeek is a small man that blends in to most
crowds with little problems.  His features are indistinguishable from
the next mug.

        BODY: 4                     Essence: 2.65
    STRENGTH: 3                       Magic: n/a
   QUICKNESS: 6                    Reaction: 5(6)
    CHARISMA: 3                  Initiative: 1(2)D6
INTELLIGENCE: 4                   Lifestyle: Middle (3 Months)
   WILLPOWER: 4                       Nuyen: 8,000 Nuyen

   SKILLS             LEVEL            CYBERWARE        LEVEL

   Electronics          3             Boosted Reflexes    2
   Ettiquette                         Hearing Amp. 
     -Street            4             Optical Mag         3
   FireArms             3             Camera Eyes
   Stealth              4             Ear Recorders
   Unarmed Combat       2             100 MP Head Memory
   Journalism           5
   Interogation         5 
   Car                  2
   Negotiation          4
     -Fast Talk         6
   Car B/R              1
   Current Events       3

VEHICLE(S): Leyland Zil Tsarina


Walther Palm Pistol (15 Rnds)
Walther PB-120 (5 Rnds)


3 X Ordinary Clothes        Armor Jacket          Wrist Phone
Pocket Secretary            AZTMicro Cam          Bionome Trid Adapt
Fichi VX2200 Porticam       2X Conceal Holst.     
Character History:

A: Skills 40
B: Attributes 24
C: Resources 90,000
D: Race Human
E: Magic n/a


Former Jock (Mister Clean)

Character Name:  Marcus Booth        Race: Human       Good Karma: 1
Height:  6'6"     Weight:  255 lbs    Hair: Bald       Karma: 2
Physical Description:  Marcus fits the mold of a 20th Century man used 
for advertising a cleaning solution.  He is huge, wears a large gold 
earring in his left ear.

        BODY: 6(9)                     Essence: 1.25
    STRENGTH: 6(7)                       Magic: n/a
   QUICKNESS: 6(7)                    Reaction: 6(7)
    CHARISMA: 1                  Initiative: 1(2)D6
INTELLIGENCE: 6                   Lifestyle: High (3 Months)
   WILLPOWER: 5                            Middle (3 Months)
                                              Low (3 Months)

   SKILLS             LEVEL            CYBERWARE           LEVEL

   Athletics            4              Boosted Reflexes      2
   Ettiquette                          Dermal Plating        2 
     -Street            4              Plastic Bone Lacing
   FireArms             6              Muscle Aug.           1
   Armed Combat         6              Eyes:
   Bike                 3                - Low Light
     -TwoWheeled        5                - Thermal
   Unarmed Combat       4                - Mag III
   Gambling             2              Smartlink             2
VEHICLE(S): Honda Viking
            Harley Scorpion

Kept at TownHouse
Honda Viking
Tres Chic Clothing   X 4
Fine Clothing X 10
Ordinary Clothing X 10
Secure Jacket
Leather Jacket (Real)
Secure Long Coat
Medium Security Armor (Equates to his
former goallie uniform.)
Level 3 Form Fitting Armor
Savelette Guardian 
Sports Hunting Rifle X2
Remmington 970 Shotgun
Combat Axe
Walking Cane (Stun Baton)
Monofiliment Whip (Ring)
100 Shotgun Rounds
100 Pistol Rounds
100 Rifle Rounds
MGL6 (Viking)
Savelerre Guardian (Viking)
Flashpacks X2
Med Kit X2
Riding Helmet *
Silencer (Viking)
Handset Phone X2
Wrist Phone
Telecom (1500MP)
Kept in Tacoma House
Harley Scorpion
Ordinary Clothing X2
Camoflage Suit
Light Security Armor
Secure Long Coat
Fine Clothing X1
Level 2 Form Fitting Armor
Savelette Guardian X2
AUG-CSL System
M22A2 Assault Rifle
Panther Assault Cannon
Large Net Gun
Offensive Grenades X100
Smoke Grenades X100
Mini Offensive Grenades X50
Mini Smoke Grenades X50
Large Nets X5
Cannon Belt (100) X2
Rifle Rounds (1000)
Pistol Rounds (1000)
Clips Asst.  X20
Flashpacks X2
Med Kit X2
Extra Drugs X4
Riding Helmet *
Silencer X2
Rope X100’
Ascending/Descending Kit
Ascend/Descend Harness
Grapple Launcher

A: Attributes
B: Resources
C: Skills
D: Race Human
E: Magic n/a


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