Shadowrun puts weapons into a vast number of separate catagories, such as Heavy Pistols, Light Pistols, Light Machine Guns, Medium Machine Guns, Heavy Machine Guns, and more. In the SRII RuleBook, weapons are restricted to a few per category. Players may opt for individuality and not want to carry around the very common Ares Predator. It seems that everyone carries roughly the same weapons. That works out nice if you've got a Concentrated Skill in Predators. I'm going to take a bit of time and expand on the variety of weapons available to the characters. I'm also going to introduce my Toxin Page, which will tremendously expand the current SRII sources.
The first aspect of weapons that I would like to explore is going to archaic, at least for 2050. Believe it or not, there are still weapons from the 20th Century circulating around the world. As it was in 1996, many 3rd world nations still relied on weapons from the 1920's. Now in the middle of the 21st Century, corporations own most of the third world countries and tend to support the primary forces with state of the art weapons. However, freedom fighters and rebels of every level take whatever weapons they can get.. The same applies with gangs across the country. Surplus weapons have surfaced throughout the sprawls. Some have been upgraded to accept the modified ammunition of the future, while others haven't. Below I have listed a series of 20th Century weapons that can be currently found in 2050.
Weapons from the 20th Century are more or less collectables to the people of the 21st Century. To purchase a good ole reliable Colt 45 Single Action Peacemaker, you'd be looking at dropping a cool 2,000 or so nuyen. Some of the weapons actually do more damage than current weapons do, simply because of bullet design. The bullets of the 20th century were made from anything from lead to copper to silver, wheras bullets of the 21st Century are made strickley from polymers and plastics. The plastic bullets were the result of armor designed to stop the metalic and slower bullets of the 20th Century.For those of you GameMasters out there that would like to incorporate 20th Century designed into your campaign should make the weapons viable, yet have enough problems to want the characters to get 21st Century weapons. Here are a few applications that I've come up with.
Toxins and poisons are vaguely described in the SRII rulebook. Mostly, they cover Narcojet toxins and such. Other sourcebooks get into other toxins, or applicant (such as DMSO), but fail to correspond the varieties to toxins that would be available in 2050. Corporations and Law Enforcement Agencies would have such an inventory of toxins that I couldn't even begin to catalog them. What I have attempted to do was create a glossary of various agents and how they are used.