. I came onto IRC and the WWW back in March of '95. *wondering if I should buy a cake and candles to celebrate IRC anniversaries*

I suppose I should really thank my Indianapolis roomie for my nick. He first took me onto a BBS chat system, around January of '95, to just show me how it was done . . . what we didn't expect was for someone he knew at that time to present me with an IRC account for my birthday a few weeks later. Bry let me at first borrow his computer, then -- after we became roommates -- he purchased a newer setup and let me use his old one full time. (Which at first caused him to almost go bald as I plagued him with questions as I never really been around a computer before, let alone operate one. *chuckle* )

We were logging me in for the first time on this "gift" account, and both of us decided that my work nickname just wouldn't be too cool (and I already used that for NTN - a trivia network game) and the "affectionate term" that some called me on the BBS chat ("The Bunny Pasta Lady") . . . so we tried to think of a nickname for me to use that would also be somewhat descriptive of me. After a few minutes he typed in "Secret1", stating that I wasn't a fast typist and sort of new to the commands so the nick would help cover my "silence" per se on the channels I would go onto. I looked at the nick and crinkled up my nose, liking the theory behind it but not liking it as it appeared. . .so I asked him to add on the "-ive" part. And that is how the Secretive nick was born! TA - DA!!!

I still cruise the net, but can often times be found chatting on #30Plus on EfNet, a popular and rapid screen scrolling channel at times. *chuckle* Sometimes the folks there "talk" so fast, that I slip into "lurk mode" and sit here on my side of the monitor chuckling at some of the conversations ... which I used to my advantage in past tense days when I was the "gossip reporter" for the channel homepage for 2 years. I also sometimes go to the undernet to pop in for brief visits at the #30plus there.

I used frequent at times #NiceCafe, a little channel that is laid back in atmosphere and the conversations are generally of an upbeat nature. This is the channel that taught me how to **fwhap**!! *chuckle* *grinning at the NiceCafe crowd* I have tried sitting in on #thirtysomething, not a channel I recommend -- they are a paranoid channel of newcomers, /whois your nick upon entering and cut and paste this info on the channel and will /kick you with no hesitation if one of them "feels threatened" by the alternative channel you might be on at the time (especially channels of tarot or such theme).

For those of you searching for Tarot or divination themed channels, here is the listing I found so far and sometimes frequent myself . . . Please note though, that many times you may enter a channel and folks may not be talking or the channel appears empty, if you sit and "lurk", you may notice the nicks or the channel itself coming to life. Some folks sit on one channel, but leave their computer or perhaps open another window to do other things then return to see that someone else had joined. Patience is the key to any enlightenment themed channel.

#Tarot on EfNet naturally has to head the top of this list, as it used to be the only one of this theme for a long time then later spawned off the other like-themed channels that are now online. The channel grew considerably over the first year I joined, but was plagued for a few months by ego battles and then someone from sun.westga.edu (and yes, some of us had worked with their system administrators to resolve this problem) who would take over the channel and sets it on +m mode so that no one can converse on it. After tiring of this -- some of the folks from the channel went off to start new channels for us to visit or joined other channels already starting to develop. Sadly, the channel sits empty most of the time ... but *not* all the time though either as some folks pop in to discuss computers and sewing. *shrug* Don't ask me what the room name has to do with those topics but that is what is discussed there 99% of the time anymore. If you see me on here, I am either just killing time or touching base with a couple of folks who I know from the channel for a while now.

Another EfNet channel to try out is #Psychic -- a channel I feel very comfortable on (when they aren't arguing over "control" of the channel or the op-folks logged into it aren't just lurking) since they gear most of the conversations to be in synch with the channel name -- though I should add that they are not a channel to obtain readings, it is just a discussion channel. There is a channel on undernet called #Psychic_Readings where a nick of AMPsychic schedules free readings online though if you wish to try to get a reading from an internet channel.

There are also Tarot-themed channels on the undernet you can check out, I have only been to #Tarot a few times to converse with ShadowWeb and a few former regulars of EfNet's #Tarot that have converted to the undernet scene. I have heard they have a channel home page but I don't have the URL to share with you - BUT if you are seeking a channel that actually discusses divination once in a while, this is one to try. There is also a #TarotCove on the undernet but I will be honest and state that I haven't personally visited this channel so have no idea how the conversational flow is geared.

I have heard of a couple on DALNET's servers, one called #Oracles, that is geared for readings and discussions but when I was last there was vacant, but take in consideration that fewer folks cruise DALNET at this time -- like undernet was once less populated until this past summer but has doubled population counts, so I have heard through the rumor mill that you can sometimes indeed luck into a conversation on this channel at times. #Tarot on DALNET is always empty regardless of what time of day you go there.

Talk City's servers also have some "enlightened" channels ... of pyshic and Wicca theming. The people who use Talk City's servers have to abide by Talk City's rules - which are different from other server networks. I have found that these rules do not limit the chance to talk and share ideas though and in fact, have had very fun visits on these servers. My only gripe with Talk City's set up is that 1. someone snagged my nick, and 2. with their version of nickserve, lately I can't get on the server no matter what nick I try to invent only to be told I tried to join their server too many times. *sigh* I have tried to write them about this but all I get back is an automated letter saying my letter wasn't read but here are some FAQ URLs ... *grrr*

I lately can be found more often chatting on

On irc.sandnet.net, on Wednesdays and Thursdays you may have fun checking out the online readings at #LeDawn's - on the same server, on Fridays you will want to pop into #SpiritSpace. These sessions start slightly after 9 PM EST. You just may find the ol' Secretive hanging out on these channels as well. There are a couple or so more other channels on sandnet.net that you may enjoy: #SpiritLinks, on Wednesdays try #LadyDi's_Space (I beleive I have that spelt correctly), and there is a chat channel called #SpiritRead*grin*

I am a member and a founder of a WWW chatting group known as NewAgeCoffeeHouse. A home page for the group is being created if you care to hop over there! This is not an area for getting a reading but to share thoughts about readings, divination, and other topics.

Lastly, another channel I have found to tell you about - it is on irc.netmart.com and you log into #BASInnovations. This channel is only occupied between 10 PM to 1 AM EST on Sundays, and is for a radio talk show from Long Island, NY called "Psychic Eye". You can also log onto the chat room from their home page at www.psychiceyetalk.com but please bear in mind that people of all ages tend to hang out on here during those times to also ask questions - sometimes repeatedly so when the show takes a commercial break (so that let's you know when the people in the chat rooms get answers to their questions). If you can deal with that, then you may have a fun casual atmosphered visit here indeed.

Last updated : 2000 © Carol aka Secretive

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