"Oh, she's all right as far as a roommate goes, I suppose ... Yep, her eyes do sort of "dagger" you when she is ticked off ... Oh! She doesn't like the taste of beer very much at all. *If* you wanted to have fun watching her sit there and giggle for no reason, you should've asked her if it was a 'Blue Moon Nite' and if it was then you only had to purchase her only one *whisper whisper whisper* -- and even then she don't usually drink all of it. Trust me, I know!! ... Yeah, she does have a ...errrrm, uhmmm ... well, an unusual sense of humor -- but it's a good one though *giggle* ... Yes, she is an "active" one when out and about. I teasingly tell store owners that she don't get out much ... but I haven't seen anyone get invited back to a store by the owners or sales clerks the way she is, and she doens't even purchase anything -- all she does is "ooohhh" and "aaahh" over the merchandise! Go figure ... Well, I had better quit talking to you about her though, even though she is sitting over here laughing as I tell you these things about her ... Oh, by the way, has she knocked you out yet while talking to you since she has to use her hands to "talk" with also?? *ducking from me while giggling*

-- Snippets of the Indy roomie's "dismal" attempt to "embarrass" me while conversing with someone I knew on the phone one nite --

This page is dedicated to the memories of 1996, the year Bry and I became "roomies"

Well ... how on earth could I manage to torment Bry the way that I do at times?!? *ultra innocent angelic look as he tries to fake a "daggered look" in my direction ...
Bry: Now look here, Miss Thing, you know exactly how!!
Me: Hmmmmm *looking at him* *flipping of the hand at the wrist with a whiplash sound effect so the palm of it faces him* Talk to the hand, hon, 'cause the ears ain't listenin'...
Bry: *imitating hand action back with a false disgusted tilt to the head* No, Heifer, it is talk to the hand, dial with the fingers *pretends to "air dial" an imaginary phone*, and speak to the weave, my dear *runs the fingers thru his hair on the last part as he rolls his eyes*
Me: Uhm, good one, Bry ... but way toooo long. Come back when you can do better than that. Until then, thank you and drive thru *uses first two fingers of hand to make them appear to "run off" into the air*
Bry: *giggling* Oh honey... you just couldn't take the "ride", so don't even try!
Me: Well then. You had just better buckle up for the one I am about to take you on ... and hold onto your garter belts as well hon, I don't warn about the fast turns. *chuckling*
Bry: *adopting a fake snobbish look to his face as he does an Egyptian sort of side head movement on the following astericked words* Oh - Oh!! You just *think* you are *just* *all* *that* and a *bag* *of* *chips* and *more*, don't you?
Me: I know I am. *winkety wink* You are just jealous that you can't compete! And I *even* taught you everything that I know!
Bry: *arching eyebrow* And why, pray tell, would *I* consider taking lessons from an ameteur like you when I am already a pro?!? *shaking head in mock dismayment*
Me: *looking up and noticing you reading this thus far...* *chuckle* Whooopsies!! Sorry there ... but don't worry though,, Bry and I often joke around with each other like this. Nothing serious. *grin*
Bry: *smiles and waves at you in greeting while emitting a giggle*
Me: BUT he did start it though... *chuckling while ducking for cover from Bryan*

Bryan and I parted ways back in April of 1996, after almost a year of being roommates in the Castleton area of Indianapolis. Bryan, 1996Oh, we were your typical roomies -- we had our spats and stuff as well as many great times and laughs together. He did things that got on my nerves (as I am most sure I did likewise to him as well) but in the end though, I realized and (more importantly) knew he was a dear dear dear friend and confidante of mine. One of the things I missed after moving in April of '96 was being able to sit around and talk to Bry about this-that-and-everything. *grin*

We met back in 1993 when we both worked for a restuarant chain in Indianapolis area. *psssssssssst!! Hey Bry!! Recall that one night when that one girl we used to work with stunned us all with her "feats" with a ceiling fan?!?* *laughing over here* Granted, we didn't meet under the most pleasant of circumstances .. I was dealing with some personal matters and working a lot of hours and all on top of it. So ... naturally one day he happened to say the "wrong" thing to me (he was in charge of checking out the server's sidework one nite at the end of their shifts) not knowing all that had been going on in regards to me and that the manager had told me not to concern myself with doing any sidework but to go ahead and clock out. Well, before he could say another word, I swung around and proceeded to lamblast him right then and there. I think I put the foulest mouth on the face of the earth to shame in that breif moment of time. *embarrassed chuckle* The next day we were scheduled to work together again and I decided to approach him, apologizing for part of the things I had said to him the day before and then extended an "olive branch" by inviting him to join me for a cup of coffee after work.

The rest I suppose is "history" .. He and I became the absolute bestest of friends from that day forward, able to tell one another anything without fear of recrimination or to have it later thrown back in our faces even in the heat of anger. *smile* And not only that, though, but we laugh most of the time we are together in the some room over the simplest of things. (Seinfeld could take lessons from us at times about how to get laughs out of nothing.)

Before we became roommates, I lived in a small town southeast of Indianapolis and he would often come to my house in Maxwell to visit. The girls immediately adopted him as their Unofficial Big Brother and he was "forced" to undure hours of them trying to entertain him with either their countless hours of video tapes or by playing "hairdresser". *chuckle* We would sit out on my front porch at times, talking to each other or some of my neighbors who happened to stroll by during their evening walks. Oftentimes we went to the local Waffle Housetm, that was a mere two miles down the road, to host one of our notorious "coffee rituals" that lasted 2 to 3 hours (if not longer). *looking at waitress ..."uhm, we will take a bowl of sugar packets, a bowl of creamers, and keep the coffee coming!!"* *chuckle*

Megs and Jessi used to bake cookies and cakes (from scratch nonetheless) that they packed in the car for me to take to work to deliver to him. I used to tease him that he got the "specially prepared" items while I was merely treated to boxed creations. *starts to hum the tune to "Puppy Love" here*

We later migrated on to another restuarant to work at in Indianapolis. Well ... one morning while driving to work I experienced some car problems -- well actually, the engine fell right out of the car onto the front axle!! Anyways, Bry offered to drive me back and forth to work since we worked pretty much so the same schedule (almost a day in/day out type of schedule). After a while I started to stay over at his place on nites when I had to be into work the next morning until finally we decided it would be more convenient to become roommates literally.

We shared many many humorous moments together during that time period. One thing about Bryan and I when we got together was that we could talk about anything and everything -- plus we both possessed a great sense of humor of different stylings that didn't clash. Freinds like that are hard to come by, you know.

Although we were great friends, we had different dreams and goals in our minds and eventually we were given an opportunity to try to achieve these dreams. Only bad part was that it required us to move ... but into separate directions though. In April of 1996, I packed up my belongings to take to Pennsylvania while he boxed up his belongings to try his hand at California. He later moved back to Indianapolis ... but this time to turn into reality another dream of his as he and a friend of his worked together to open their own internet service providor just in time for Christmas, 1996!!! Now he has decided to move to the Chicago, Illinois area in the spring of 1998 and I wish him well in his new endeavors in life! *huggity-hugs*

We still bump into each other online from time to time ... and we have continued to talk on the phone to each other. Though I do miss the times he and I sat around to talk or laugh together, it is really great that we both are turning some of our dreams into reality ... and that won't destroy our friendship but perhaps make it stronger. *grin*

*sentimental sigh*

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