Intro Web or Net? The Boss The Cost Searching Locations The Tour Christians Resources Finding

Last Up-date:
June 3, 1999

Intro to the Introduction

The document is an attempt to give you some appreciation for the virtual resources available to Christians for informational research and entertainment in light of the fact that every high thing exalting itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ is to be cast down. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

In this crude introduction to the Internet or "Web" (synonymous for non-technical purposes) I
will assume that highways (interstates, speed-limits, trucks, cars, gasoline, etc.) and
bulletin boards (cork, personal computer, refrigerator, etc.) are all very familiar.
I trust that I haven't lost anyone yet...

Web vs./and/or Internet?

Every computer (personal, main-frame, work-station, etc.) has memory and computational head-room it's not using for it's primary purpose (like your "elbow-room"). Individually, the bytes or so here and there won't support a mass effort, but add them up, throw in the larger head-rooms of business, government and educational computing work-horses along with some connectivity (wires, say) and you might start imagining a big 'bulletin board in the sky'. Some of these contributing computers (along with their people parts) mirror what they were already doing while others become specifically engaged in devoted endeavors of service.

With such a large and varied offering of 'anonymous' contacts, the "virtual community" tends to encourage a reciprocating camaraderie fostering conduct becoming "netizens". This forum is characterized by gratuitous offerings of assorted open-ended services restricted only by imagination and patience (examples to follow). Of course there are commercial offerings, too.

More briefly, the web has been described as a real-time publishing system while
the Internet has been distinguished from the web as the net-worked
computer system that supports the web. (But that's a
MUCH more sophisticated level
than is this intro's focus.)

Who's in Charge of the Internet?

Who runs the Net?

Cooperation. A bunch of people agreeing on protocol with no centralized control.

Who pays for Net access?

The same type of people who pay for telephones. Think of it this way: Everybody has to pay for a basic phone service to have a phone line. There are many numbers you can call for $9.99/minute. There are many without (additional) cost. There are probably quite a few costing more.

How confidential are addresses?

Very. Until someone decides to look yours up. Consider this: "How confidential are phone numbers?"

Hope you're getting the feel for this. I'm dealing rather freely with some broad concepts here, so as to not get too boggled with details. (as if I could!)

Now let's speed this up a bit on the way to a bottom-line tip for negotiating the Internet. If you
want to slow down just a little see
about the Internet and the World Wide Web
for competent treatment of several Internet subjects.

Getting Online without getting Soaked

The first step to getting on the web (assuming of course you have a computer and modem) is to secure a primary access provider like your university, your business, your Prodigy, your Compu-Serve, your America Online, your GEnie, etc. Marketing caution: all you need is a connection, but you are free to buy a connection *with* a bunch of added features. If you're paying more than $20/ month for unlimited access, you're probably paying for added features which would be unnecessary with unrestricted access. (Try one of these guys, for instance: Budget Internet Pricing, GlassCity Net , Developers Choice or InfiNet) The basic service guys don't advertise like their pricy counterparts, but they're out there. That's your savings, of course. And local public libraries provide the public free internet access.

Talk to someone using unlimited, unrestricted Internet access who has been to some places like those coming up on their own. My point is that the Internet will teach you how to negotiate itself for FREE and provide you with the resources to do just that including everything you need, if only you can find it. (no absolute need for seminars, lectures, work-shops, etc. lasting longer than a one-time 10 minute demonstration of how to find them) Of course, you can get as formal about it as you like. If you're chomping at the bit to get started on your page, don't pitch your bridle before I tell you that NetMechanic's free link-testing and html validation service can be a huge help in keeping your URLs current. Gosh, you know something? I really appreciate NetMechanic's free service, so why don't I just go ahead and include their more official link right here? Call it 'Web Master privilege', if you like:

Checked by NetMechanic

Perhaps the cheapest commercial web designer for Christians is Our . (where "BEACON" stands for Browser-EnAbled Christian On-line Netware). Finding stuff on the net is really this Christian resource's entire point, so just keep reading.

Naturally, the catch is in finding the free resources before you can navigate the Internet.
This scenario's best outcome is for you to profit after learning how
to better "surf" and to tell others just starting out.

Cruising the Internet

Perhaps you have, even recently, fueled a car and taken it out for a trip on the roads and highways passing many addresses on your way to a specific site? Sure you have. Well... On the Internet you drive within a browser (say NetScape's or AOL's version) on the Internet using a computer platform (say, Macintosh or IBM) for a 'lane' and pass many URLs (Universal Resource Locators) on the way to or in search of your destination (web-page of interest). Often it is helpful to consult a directory (search engine) and they are available. Sometimes you need a "directory of a directory", or a "meta-index". There are available, also. A neat trick to using a library is to realize that there are library pamphlets and books about using libraries. In the library! (fancy that) Additionally, there are people motivated to assist you if you ask nicely in the right forums and are willing to make honest attempts to help yourself.

Up to this point you might have learned something or just appreciated a different description of what was already familiar. The crux of this document's worth lies in this paragraph. Search engines are services at addresses which catalogue or index appreciable percentages of all web addresses (number totals always increasing) and return focused lists in response to your queries for points of interest. A greater mastery of search engines basically distinguishes those who find things on the net from those searching endlessly while connect time increases and personal time is depleted.

Browsers and search engines are not the same thing. A browser is the program (window) on your platform (car) through which you view different web pages (possible destinations). A search engine provides you indexed lists of periodically updated site addresses in response to your queries by subject or other "keyword". Search engines have addresses and are reached through browsers, like any other web site. Search engines can be used to find other search engines and indeed do often carry advertisements for each other. (Try a search on the phrase "Searching the Internet" for curiosity's sake sometime) Search engines differ one from another. Browsers differ one from another. It's probably better at first to stick with one browser per platform (computer configuration). Search engines can be switched among each other for their suitability to particular type searches, but it's generally good starting practice to become familiar with one search engine with whose unique protocols (command syntax) you become more adept.

Many web pages resembling the 'tour' coming up are named something like "Al's List of Links" or
"Nates Favorite Bookmarks". That works out best if you happen to like what "Blank"
likes. It also works out nicely if you simply want to see what comes up at
random. More on alternatives using search engines after the tour.

Here Today.....Where Tomorrow?

A last comment regarding connectivity and stability on the Internet: Connected in real-time, any document may change without warning. Location, lay-out, color, sound, artistry, utility, theme, authenticity and general worthiness of web-pages are all dependent on the abilities, motivations and availability of individual entities (persons, companies and organizations) offering their own pages for a cruising public. And beware of old dates which signal out-dated information!

The good news is that authors of web pages will usually give you some notice of a migrating
page's change of address. If you miss it, there's a chance a search engine coupled
with your experience in 'sleuthing' the Internet could relocate your lost find.

Admittedly, the up-coming section is rather lengthy. If prefer a shorter intro, try "
A starting place for Christians on the Web" and skip the tour by going here.

Enough! Let's merge with traffic!

A Whirl-wind Tour of Some Internet Web sites....

To finish this document more quickly (and coherently!), resist clicking through
most of the tour until after the final section on search engines.

Bigfoot helps you find that missing someone....If you haven't clicked on it yet, you can enter here: Either way is the same difference, but I'll use the more intuitive method for subsequent examples. That means if you're reading this off-line, you probably won't have the links listed for you, but you should still benefit from this document's descriptive introduction of the net. (On-line, use you browser's 'back' button in preference to page redirects and close any secondary windows to get back to the 'calling' window.)

As we were....

Bigfoot is a "global e-mail directory for the online community", so there's a resource already for looking up other folks online. That description is a little confining though, because other people-locators can find people who don't even have phone service, let alone computers and modems. Anyway, Big-Foot asks for First and Last name before taking off to fulfill your request.

For a family-friendly Internet you can check with Bess, "The Internet retriever for families, kids and schools" which accepts queries by subject to help you find web-pages on the net while providing some protection from objectionable material. For a few tips with which to "...ease your fears and allow you and your child to take advantage of this new technology" see A Safety Net for the Internet . More " and information to create a SafetyNet for your children online.." are available at KidShield - Protecting Children on the Internet. By their own press "The Global SchoolNet Foundation (GSN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is a major contributor to the philosophy, design, culture and content of Internet-based learning." Membership is free for all educators so this might be a good parental consideration for home-schoolers. Another is Hedgebuilders, a proxy-based Internet filtering and site blocking service established as a not-for-profit ministry.

Search Sites on the Web uses some rather small print to list links to a few hundred search engines. This collection is rather extensive. I noticed a Chinese search engine and one listing known sex offenders. Ever consider that the Internet might be the world's largest clip-art repository? Find its directory here. Look for zip-codes and recipes, conduct patent searches or just find the closest ATM to you right now. Suspect you will find something of interest if your visual stamina is up to it. Of course you can always adjust your terminal font (hopefully). And to more quickly "access the most popular Christian Internet search directories" see WebSearch.

Satellite pictures are available on the net and will thrill some people endlessly while others would take a look only on special occasions. A general note about sights: Many web efforts have several pages providing the same or similar service so don't assume that this is the only place for satellite pictures or Bess is the only filtering search engine..., and so on. For an example that hits rather close to home regarding many subjects mentioned in this 'Christian's Intro', see the Stepping Stones Internet Learning Page which discusses Internet /web history and use, browsers, searching, security, netiquette and more. Somewhat dated but still useful: Internet and World Wide Web by Carl W. Kalbfleisch offers that "This paper will present the Internet and World Wide Web with a Christian perspective."

If you prefer a view closer to home, try the Eye on the World page of terra firma cams representing a motley crew of cameras placed to continuously film building construction, bus-stops, Washington and New York cites, et cetera.

When you tire of inputting addresses but want to keep cruising the net, there are a variety of resources like Auto-Pilot which will constantly up-date your browser with random sites sending you on a remote-controlled flight through cyber-space. It's like the ultimate in circumventing creative-block. If interest is more physical, like fixing your car, visit AutoShop Online, "Your first stop for answers on automotive repair, maintenance and operation". Another auto resource is Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guides for their "buying/ selling guides, leasing info, recall announcements, Auto Loan Calculator, [and more]." OK, now: Quick! Close your eyes and tell me again how we went from 'browsing random sites' to 'car maintenance' . Hah! Give up? (keyword was "Auto") Cruising the net makes subject-hopping a full-time threat to staying focused, but this tour's very focus is to provide a whirl-wind tour, so let's keep moving, shall we? If you happen to be or know someone in the market for a car, pull into the AutoWeb to check out deals near your very own zip code. This site permits great specificity with respect to model, year, features, price, series and lots of other neat particulars. Lastly, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) provision has seen to it that "The toll-free Auto Safety Hot-line is your chance to help identify safety problems in motor vehicles ..... or get safety information."

Something like autopilot, but used just for reaching new people would be Make a Friend on the Web. Perhaps you would like to locate existing college chapters of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Navigators, and/or Campus Crusade for Christ, courtesy of Student LINC : A Service of Campus Crusade for Christ. You're just as welcome to search the Catacombs and meet some individual Christians on the Web. You might also try Christian Pen Pals which boasts "More than 5,000 Christian pen pals and growing daily!". Of course, I can't fault you if you would rather look up some missing relatives, so try The Best Genealogy Links on the WWW - and remember: "Genealogy is Hereditary"! If you're really fired up to find Aunt Agatha, Wes Coleman's Best of Genealogy on the Web page is a another resource offering "comprehensive genealogy links site with detailed descriptions of each link".

Ok, you say, this stuff is engrossing, but I'm missing the television tube! There's no need to fear, the National TV Networks page is here! (Includes links to ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Cartoon Network , Discovery Channel, Warner Brothers Network, QVC, History Channel, MTV, CNN, A&E, American Movie Classics(AMC), Bravo, C-SPAN, Comedy Central, ESPN, fX, HBO, Sci-Fi Channel, Show-time, VH-1, Weather Channel, and Disney Channel, the last I checked...) And if your interests are more reserved, try the Classical Music Insites. If you're feeling more purposed right now there's the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. (Incidentally, Harry Plantinga welcomes volunteers needed for in the ongoing effort to put Christian Classic books on the Internet. Note the Christian Classics page's request for volunteer typists, proffers, scanners, coordinators, formatters, etc.) For Christian music try Leo's Christian Home Page. This page's neatest section for me was the list of praise song lyrics complete with chords. Mighty impressive! (mind the copyright notice, please) And speaking of copyrights, according to " Howard Rachinski, CCLI President and CEO:"Many churches today are unknowingly violating copyright law. Ironically, while the Church is being blessed, songwriters and publishers are being deprived of livelihood. As a result, churches are unknowingly eroding the very heart of resource." Shore up your church's accountability at the CCLI - Christian Copyright Licensing International -Home Page. The links page for CCLI is one of the best-organized I have seen. A very useful spring-board.

To find out what the USA weather is like outdoors you can do it sitting down with Intellicast. And there's always the option of curling up indoors with a good ol' classic, courtesy of the Classics at the Online Literature Library. Catering to the truly enlightened, there's Resources for Life "for those concerned with the thoughtful application of Christianity to everyday life." If you're feeling really stout, you might even go by Grantley Morris' site listing Issues that make Christians Squirm treating issues with a focus "...on facts, arguments and scandals that give Bible believers nightmares."

Some interests are without a doubt more ubiquitous (common) than others. For instance, looking for something to do in Cleveland, OH it's probably much more likely you would be inclined to "link to fine arts, music and theater" through the Cleveland Artists Network than that you take a flying leap with "Northern Ohio's skydiving resort since 1965... Where SAFETY SOARS!" at the Cleveland Sport Parachute Center.

There are several attempts underway to group common interests for easier addressing on the net. The WebRing is one such effort whose concept employs site maintainers hosting (coordinating) independently created and maintained web pages related to a particular theme. Everyone is welcome to browse the rings. Different WebRing offerings lie under the headings of home pages, Philosophy & Religion, Sights & Sounds, Entertainment, Hobbies & Recreation, Games, Computing, Health, Education, Literature & Fine Arts, Miscellaneous, et cetera. There were 547 rings as of September 15, 1996 and 22,000 as of March 29, 1998. The following example is from an early entry which appeared under the heading of "Philosophy and Religion":

The RING OF FAITH is a webring for Christians. If you are a Christian
and have a web page, please consider joining this ring. Your page doesn't
have to have a specific Christian theme to it, YOU only need to be a Christian
and have no "bad" links from your page. It only takes a second to place your
page in the Queue to join the ring, so please check it out!

---- Steven McGuigan, Site Maintainer

It actually takes a little more than a second, but many should find it worthwhile and the ring's convenience should grow with use. Another webring happens to go by the name of "Ring of Light" and one of its members features a page for prayer requests and testimonies which you may add to and/or join. Check it out here, if you like. Another site accepting prayer requests and featuring many other prayer links is The Best Prayer Request Center on the Internet.

This seems as good a time as any to mention this page Quiet.

You may be wondering who pays for all this free stuff on the net. An appreciable amount is financed by businesses convinced that a site has enough traffic to demand advertising dollars for their market interest. CNET's Dispatch Tool is a good example as it allows you to custom-design your own computer periodical and have it delivered to your e-mail door, funded in full by its own advertisements. An appreciable part of net services are gratis from individuals who feel that their personal concern is a worthy "social cause". One good example is the individual who supplied the Defrost patch for NetScape's browser and explains the concept of "donation-ware". Another is Unmasking Santa Claus. Institutions from commercial, governmental and educational sectors provide contributions and open-accesses for reasons stemming from goodwill and public relations to free introductory periods and "who-can-guess?". Search Insider is "a service providing tips, tutorials, and other resources related to searching the Web-" who have evidently been so successful that they "are no longer accepting advertisements." Al Horta wants to reach the world for Christ in English and Spanish. Rick was inspired by the 'Indiana Jones' film "Raiders of the Lost Ark" to write a Bible search utility he calls Rick's Holy Search. Some very nice Free Fonts for windows are listed in "Sleepy Haven's Den". The Personal Postcards Network Directory proudly claims "2162 sites you can send FREE greeting cards from. We bet you can find a postcard for any occasion!". Welcome to the Foundation Center Online " is an information clearinghouse established.[for] disseminating information on foundations, and related subjects. [to] grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public". Richard Gallagher's "...goal is to provide Links to some of the Best Web sites on the Internet..." through the HREF Index of Hyperlinks Home Page and shares "I sincerely hope that you are enjoying the Internet as much as I am!" Wilson Internet Services offers free descriptive links for web site development, security, promotion, consulting, publishing, discussion forums, and more claiming simply "We believe in giving away what we receive." And The Christian Connection has been provided by Daniel R. Sharp who explains "I originally built the CC because there really wasn't one place to go for a comprehensive collection of Christian resources on the Net. I wanted to do for Christian stuff on the Net what Yahoo did for everything on the Net." I think he comes as close as one guy ever could. Very polished and efficiently organized. Much easier to navigate than the "Christian's Intro". J

Didja like that "wingding", or "smiley-face"? It was kinda 'nice', wasn't it? Find out more about netiquette or 'being nice' at the Beginners guide to: Good Manners. The objective of Get Free Stuff On The Net is to provide hyperlinks to several free services available on the Web. Michael Packer's offering of Calendar Generator v1.1 to generate calendars online really cuts out a lot of bothersome HTML typing and even implements suggested improvements. I've looked for such ever since Netmind discontinued their free version. Don't know if it's showing yet, but I like free stuff on the Internet, so excuse me while I plug two more really neat resources: The first title sounds a little presumptuous, but it's got quite a bit going for it as The Original - Most Complete And Organized List Of Free Stuff On The Net. Laura might have something to say about that since she maintains Christian Freebies which houses links to free Christian resources and literature including books, booklets, Bible-study courses, posters, magazines, catalogs, software, web hosting, clipart, tapes, bumper stickers, and more.

You could no doubt spend a couple of life-times reading or even just scanning the web. A wiser elective would be to discriminate and evaluate your surfing fare. Widener University provides an actual training module for reviewing web pages (complete with checklists) in Teaching Critical Evaluation Skills for World Wide Web Resources. Purdue University contributes with a starting point for Evaluating World Wide Web Information. Lastly, the World Wide Web Virtual Library lists pointers for evaluating information sources in general and "...particularly those on the Internet."

If you would like to review this resource later, know that courtousy of Netmind, you can...

Register to receive e-mail when "A Christian's Intro..." is updated!

Enter your complete Internet e-mail address (user@domain):

Not to make you paranoid, but while you may not personally be interested in a Guide to Lock-picking, aren't you just a little curious about how good those locks really are? (Just be discerning about who you pass this information on to....) Perhaps the law will help you keep the criminal element in line, especially when you have access to the entire US Code. And for other legal resource info like schools, codes, cases, experts, practitioners, news, directories, etc. try FindLaw: Internet Legal Resources.

To be a more informed voter on the local, state or federal level a must-see for unbiased, free and wonderfully organized information concerning candidate voting records as well as other issue notes is Project Vote-Smart.

For my next feat, I will now make you an accomplished webmaster in one measly paragraph! (Don't worry if this paragraph gets too involved for you, we'll review "web authoring" more lightly a little later.) Counts and other statistical records of site visits are kept by programs called web-counters. This is probably the most popular free web-counter used to count the number of visitors to a site. Companies use it, too (for a fee). So could you (for free). When you have a page. After you get familiar with the controlled English that drives web pages. Not programming, just keyword groups called "tags". That's what makes up HTML, or 'hyper-text mark-up language'. Michael Grobe of Academic Computing Services at The University of Kansas has put together a no-bones HTML Quick Reference which should make it plain. Now I bet you're wondering "How do they do that in HTML?" Go and see. Swell. Now you can write HTML but you need a place to put your page. The Guide To Free Webspace is a good place to find it. Congratulations, you are now a novice WebMaster! But maybe the URL you ended up with is long and difficult to remember, like "". Doesn't exactly look like the "Christian Intro", does it? What's a webmaster like you to do? A free redirection service service would sure come in handy right about now. Something like Topps Redirection Service, for instance. My, isn't that wonderful? Such nice people to offer you an alias by which folks can mosey over to your page with something as simple as "". But web design quickly becomes tedious and time demanding. What about some nice fonts, or spelling checkers, maybe some validators to check your HTML source code, or CGI code generation for animation and forms processing, or image manipulation or color editing or - Whoah, there! What have I created out of you? Don't fret, you're just expressing a desire to visit Free Services for Web Authors. Maybe even the Mega Web Tools site. Are you not yet satisfied but that you must inquire of me for an employment tip? (Sigh)Very well. Just trot on over to The Web Career Research Center. And there you have it: You are now an accomplished WebMaster. (Permission to smile is granted.)

By the way, if you're interested in shareware (programs available more cheaply than their commercial counter-parts after a free period of testing) you will want to visit the Virtual Software Library (VSL) which sorts thousands of titles by platform (computer configuration) and keywords. Ok, ok. I know folks like to throw out the descriptive "thousands" and spread their hands, so let me be more specific (still spreading my hands): VSL reports having, as of October 2, 1998, 190,000 software files. They are another search engine which could benefit you greatly. And the service is as free as most others listed on this page. So down-load 'em, people!

Meet the "Father of Shareware" who started it all in 1982...Pretty interesting stuff about how he left IBM and became so successful with the shareware concept. Occasionally personalities such as this are available on line, speaking for themselves. It's another aspect of what makes the Internet so engrossing: access to people competent, capable and sometimes supplying you advice, help and/or encouragement.

Search Engines were mentioned before and should be high-lighted again. I've occasionally looked for a list of fulfilled Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament. So far the most concise one found is in this short page with NO TITLE. As you become more adept in the use of a particular engine or two, your finding-to-searching ratio on the net should greatly improve. So how 'bout it, would you like to go " Search for information on the Internet " ?

Admittedly, there is a less formal, more intuitive side to searching the net. With more enterprises and individuals getting their own addresses, chances for your guessing correctly may be improving. At least it might give you a starting point. For instance, I became interested in finding the site for Saturn cars and was most perturbed with not finding them under "". Right away I figured that company was not nearly as progressive as they would like people to think. Then a few days later I found them under . No doubt they sat in offices wondering how better to reach the masses while avoiding me. (grin) A little later, just "saturn" started to work through an automatic redirection. Lesson learned: It helps to not grow too paranoid while searching the net. Of course the easiest way to find somebody is to accept the address they give you. I attended an Ohio-based Southern Gospel group named Proclaim and may have never found their page had they not supplied it. Given the breadth of the net, much more likely is your having seen the 1979 drama Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames which first premiered in Canada and now roams the world in evangelistic out-reach. OK. Now let's have a little searching exercise to review what we've learned about the art of searching. How would you find out what time it is (not trusting your computer's analog display). Suppose you needed the atomic clock read-out for, say, EST or GMT-5. Think: who would be most likely to consider such a service compatible with their business objective? Why, yes! I'm so proud of you! Timex, of course!

It just occurred to me that you might be unemployed. And not interested in becoming a web author for which an employment resource was given above. Do you suppose there might be some help through the Net? But of course! Some sites are specifically interested in Youth Ministers, which should be good news for a brother I met at a prayer practice workshop. Youth Ministry Job Openings says "If you work with kids...we like you. A lot. And we think you're going to like this Web site...a lot." The remaining job-searching resources we will peruse are more generally addressed to professionals in general. "Career City: Job Search is specifically designed for those technical and professional people who are seeking the most demanding and challenging positions available today in their chosen field." Career Exposure boasts as follows: "Your Link to the World's Best Jobs! We are proud to be a Women-owned business." The The Monster Board , which has now incorporated the 'Online Career Center', read this way when last I visited March 27. 1999:" Search our 185,487 job opportunities now!" Moving right along, "NationJob Online a network of computerized recruitment services ... providing a computerized job listing service since 1988." Job Options -Job Database, Private Resume Builder and Recruitment Resource (formally 'E-Span') offers that "JobOptions has more jobs, more employers, more options, more resources and more tools. JobOptions pioneered online employment recruiting in 1991." These services all have their merits and certainly are worth all they don't charge job seekers, that's for sure! Still you have to take their boastful claims in consideration of their competitors: "CareerSite [has] seamlessly integrated powerful Web-based software with large databases of job and resume content in order to make the entire employment process faster, better, cheaper and easier for all participants -- employers, job seekers and intermediaries." CareerWeb positions themselves as a source of "Professional, Technical and Managerial Jobs" and are worth a shot, I suppose. According to Ohio Careers Resource Center, "We are a full service Employment and Resource Center, currently specializing in the Engineering and Information Technology industries..." Head Hunter adds some specific gauges to their claim for stardom as they attest that they are "The premier Internet community for job seekers, employers and recruiters. ...Search for jobs or résumés for free! ...The database is constantly cleaned: jobs are never over 45 days old, and résumés are never over 90 days old." Hot Jobs leaves no doubt that they are geared for those with a work history as the are "The Experienced Professional's Job Board". Could just be, I don't know. But after looking at a few of all the forgoing sites, it should be clear that Job Safari's boast as "... the largest and most useful index of companies with employment information on the Internet" is way, way over-indulgent. Should serve as a good example of not falling for the hype (notwithstanding personal opinion, of course!) For something a little different, Net-Temps A Job Posting Service "...was designed specifically for the Staffing Industry. Job Seekers can Search Jobs, Recruiters can Search Resumes and Employers can Hire Temps Online." Again different, but still of use for all fields of job-seekers in general, "The Recruiters Online Network or RON is a worldwide virtual community of employment firms... with over 8,000 registered recruiters" Well, I think that should be enough to get your job search started. Dibs on your first pay-check!

I met a lady named Ida from the Philippines who shared her faith in Christ and that she missed news from the homeland. She was working on a buffet line at the time, so I was reminded that being employed isn't everything. Thanks to Internet news resources like Archipelago she can no be more informed about her homeland. While we're being so cosmopolitan, Far East Broadcasting Company's (FEBC) Photographic archive is a news service providing photos from around the world. Now for some news more local to you specifically, all you have to do is ask your favorite search engine. I 'm clueless as to where you live and what interests you in particular, but let's say you stomp around the Ohio area quite a bit and maybe get close to Cleveland every now and then. (just let's say...) Then you might peruse such sights as Cleveland Live! or Discover Ohio. Maybe you're really into concerts and would even travel a little if you could find some Christian Concerts on-line. Regardless of where you hail from, if your interest were information systems you might be looking for an On-line version of a leading weekly IS news publication like, InfoWorld Electric Page One. But where in the world would you find that?! (tee-hee!)

For issues close to home (for US citizens, anyway) web pages often supply more in-depth information than television and more current information than many hard-printed mediums. Consider the controversy over "Internet Censorship Legislation". Now contrast that with efforts of Phrantic's Public Housing Project (or PPhP) which is "a collection of generous people on the net willing to share their webspace with you" who are working "to ensure that everyone who has an Internet email address can have access to their own home page on the WWW". Geocities provides a similar service but much more professionally (also for free) allowing thousands of guests 11-megabyte accounts including many supportive services.


This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page

Other folk working hard to preserve and improve your access to information include Town Hall (an "interactive community [of] committed to inform, educate and entertain the public against big government-" featuring Social Security Calculator, Capitol Cam, NEAwatch ...) and the American Library Association Home Page which is busy "...defending intellectual freedom and promoting the highest quality library and information services". I suppose I should have expected a librarian like Boston's Winsor School Library Director Ellen Berne to provide the Ready Reference Using The Internet which is a superb document " of full-text sources and data suitable for ready reference on the Internet." I might as we admit it: before there were self-satisfied web surfers, the librarians were probably just waiting there for us to come over the hill, patiently clutching their indices for the net like that at the Cuyahoga County Public Library to thrust into our hot little hands. After all, the McGill Libraries Internet Search Tools happens to be a wonderful Canadian page comparing search engine efficiencies listing such useful resources as the self-explanatory How to Choose the Search Tools You Need and Ross Tyner's very profitable Sink or Swim: Internet Search Tools & Techniques (Version 3.0) for all who "...hope to take advantage of the resources ...offered by the Web without spending many fruitless hours flailing about, and eventually ...drowning, in a sea of irrelevant information." Lastly, as if you didn't have enough help already, The Spider's Apprentice would simply like you to know "That's what we're all about -- helping you search the Web more efficiently."

Another issue close to home in several countries, excluding France perhaps, is the Millennium Bug for which A Business Guide to the Year 2000 (Y2K) Computer Date should prove very helpful with its links about "Tools and Information Resources to help you deal with the Year 2000." The Year 2000 Information Center would like to aid the Y2K preparations with "... a forum for disseminating information about the year 2000 problem, also called the Millennium Bug, and for the discussion of possible solutions." If staring at that count-down clock to Y2K is too much for your nerves, visit a cartoon service highlighting the Y2K problem from the Netherlands COSMOS corporation: 100 Steps to Kill the "M" Bug. And find out what former IBM programmer and ASCII text inventor Bob Bemer thinks of the Y2K problem now in Millennium bug already taking its toll (InfoWorld) after " He predicted the year-2000 problem back in the 1970s. " Lastly, " The Joseph Project 2000, a Christian-led nonprofit, desires to prevent and respond to the potential impacts of the Year 2000 computer problem ... {and} to bless their neighbors during any potential time of difficulty." The most redeeming aspect of any resultant Y2K hardship may be His Church's demonstration of love in action.

One excellent use of the Internet is for finding information not yet regarded by professionals in their own fields. My prayer warrior suffers from RSD and I naturally wanted to pray more specifically for her. But many doctors misdiagnose it and I didn't want to subtract the time for a library search from my intercessory period. Similarly, you might well imagine the occasional passing interest in , say, OTC (over-the-counter medicines) candidates for FDA approval or pending airplane safety regulations. Well, I'm just happy that my sister could suggest the RSDHope page for my enablement to good time-stewardship. Sadly, not all disabilities are limited to physical detriment or invasion. Persevering is "Dedicated to Christian male and female survivors of sexual abuse and those who walk alongside us on our healing journey." Another webpage for disability outreach which "...exists to accelerate Christian ministry in the disability community..." is Joni Eareckson Tada's JAF Ministries. Besides being a quadriplegic she is a " host, author, conference speaker and mouth-artist.". Incidentally, that RSD prayer partner of mine has e-mailed me an On-Line Petition to garner support for R.S.D. recognition. She is quite the "go-getter type of sister". Her form serves as an example of how you might use the net to champion your particular cause.

Even nearly able-bodied people can get pretty discontented when anticipating surgery. The masses seem to be growing greater repositories of grape-vine information and medical histories all the time. If you or someone you love has a date with an intrusion remember the best preparation is prayer. To get a better idea of what the 'practicing' physician might be doing, check out the Surgical Procedures Website " ...dedicated to the presentation of various surgical procedures."

There is a lot of hype about selling and making fortunes on the Internet. Don't know if you've heard, but people gamble on the lotteries, too. Have been for years, I hear. So, what else is new? But I digress... Point is, the Web is a microcosm of our society and does include resources for commercial interests. Take selling your used computer and buying another, for example. Good tips and helps that you could find with a search engine include Intel's "PC Buying Guide Checklist". And just to mention 'the other' platform', whatsay we turn up the intensity a bit with the ? Hoo-boy. I can just hear the PC fringe crying "Unfair! Favoritism!". (sigh) So, let's give them a website "created to help you solve your computer problems". That's what Computertips are (is) for.

A rather neat service for providing an efficient means for "...a fast, affordable, and politically correct way to distribute press releases, brochures, advertisements and other commercial messages to prospective customers via Internet email.." is PostMaster Direct (tm). To find Christian businesses in the you might look at the growing National Christian Business Sites. Continuing this brief perusal of (shudder) commercially positioned sites, Computer Discount Warehouse claims "CDW presents the industry's most comprehensive Online Catalog, bar none" which is I what would expect them to say, of course. But I do benefit from the polished lay-out and pragmatic functionality of their site: It's a great place just to see what's most recent even if you're not buying! The MidWest Micro Home Page , an online catalogue serving computer users throughout the continental United States and Canada, is another opportunity to scan the latest offerings. The articles Free Phone on the Internet and I Want My WebTV, written by Stephen Hait for the SC Free Times describe some convenient technology which hopefully is just around the corner of main-stream. RTD World Wide Web Services is a commercial company providing a free primer on some progressive web technologies (their "Advanced Development Services"). The primer treats Java™, Java-scripting, Shock-wave™, Lingo™ programming, Database integration, application specific integration and more.

Yahoo is a type of search engine that's more hierarchical than strictly categorical. This allows for a more general initial attempt which (hopefully) grows more specific with subsequent choices. At worse, a categorical search may tend to be more "hit-or-miss." Naturally, a considerable set-back occurs if your subject hasn't been categorized yet or you pass over it unawares during your search. A resource describing search techniques and search-engine design is linked towards this document's end, but for now


is a nice example from Yahoo featuring way more links than I have time to check out.

Looksmart as a subject, directory-based search engine is an alternative to Yahoo boasting a customizing feature for searches and piggy-backing on Alta-Vista (generally subject-based and appreciably 'HTML aware') for horse-power. I describe Alta-Vista as 'HTML aware' because its allowance for searching by web page components (Title, URL, image tags, anchors, links and the like) has allowed me some incredibly discriminating and successful searches on occasion.

Sometimes you feel like a search engine, sometimes you're more in the mood for a directory. My "Aunt Bren" wanted to know how to get to Toledo from Cleveland to visit me. I couldn't describe it very well on the phone, so I looked it up in MapQuest which accepts departure and arrival info before returning travel routes with directions and optional maps. It took a bit to find this because I was looking for TripTiks (thinking of the old AAA service) instead of TripQuests, as MapQuest called them. I did mention that searching was an art, didn't I? Truth to tell, I ended up asking an acquaintance in the computer lab. Never get too virtual to say "Hi" to someone sharing your air. Here are the directions I sent to Aunt Bren some time ago:

TripQuest Directions!
Directions from  Cleveland, OH
           to    Toledo, OH
Distance: 119.1 miles 
Beginning at Cleveland, OH
   Go South on US 42 for 2.3 miles  to I-71
   Go West on I-71 for 6.9 miles  to I-480
   Go West on I-480 for 9.6 miles  to I-80
   Go West on I-80 for 83.3 miles (Portions toll) to I-280
   Go Northwest on I-280 for 12.5 miles  to I-75
   Go West on I-75 for 4.5 miles 
To Toledo, OH

Well, now. That's fine and dandy for getting from one city to another, but what about getting to the front door once you're off the highway and on the side-streets? There's an electrical contractor in Oregon, Ohio at 2300 Navarre Avenue. Input that address in the Mapblast and see if a nice, big, red "X" don't mark the spot for you! Now did you really think the phone company was going to let everybody else run all over them in this dash for the super highway? Actually the Ameritech(sm) Internet Yellow Pages page is my favorite resource for integrating maps, addresses and phone numbers.

Concerning the highways, ITS (an acronym for Intelligent Transportation Systems) hopes to reduce the time drivers stop at red lights [and provide] in-vehicle technologies, such as traveler information .... route guidance systems, and "smart" cruise control systems that take into account the location of surrounding vehicles." That's the coming Automated Highway System described along with several state DOT pages. And guess what? ITS Online.

While we're travelin', are you interested in knowing where the nation's speed-traps are? I know Aunt Bren would be even *with* her fuzz-buster snooping behind the grill. From WWW Speedtrap Registry informative descriptions such as this abound:

The local police will pull you over for anything they can. 
Cruising is popular here and it is not at all uncommon to see 
three or four cops with people pulled over. As far as I know, 
they use only radar. They once pulled over a 73 year old man 
and ticketed him (complete with fine) for having studded snow 
tires on his car 2 days too early. They are idiots--be careful in 
entire Salem area, which is also covered by Perry Township. 
I suggest out-running them if you are in a hi-po car. Trust me, 
it can be done. 

{Ahem!} As you can see, real people are making these entries. Actually, what makes many services like this one so practical is that many contributors with many miles between them keep this impressive database current and expanding. That's illustrative of the "netizen" community concept. It helps that just about everyone can contribute to the topic of speed-traps. Web-pages with such ubiquitous subjects get the bulk of the attention and repeat traffic. Oh, No! Nearly an entire paragraph without a link anywhere. Oh, my! We'll take care of that with a mention of The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette, and again (just because it's nice to be nice) there's Community: Netiquette.

Oops, if you weren't careful you might have learned something back there. Oh, well. No point in stopping now... For a neat, entertaining collection of tutorials to increase general personal decorum know-how in polite society there's, the Ability Utility. And if anyone is interested in an Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (1997-98 ed.), Cornell Law School's Peter W. Martin explains with examples, descriptions, abbreviations and even includes a topical index. But if you suspect your grammar is in any way holding back your pursuits just hop on down to the University of Ottawa for their free online HyperGrammar course. Speaking of politics, (people interacting, don't you know?) let's not forget the silent minority boasting their own Animated American Sign Language Dictionary . Now don't be shy if you happen to be hearing! And excuse the mention, but the kind of political yakety-yak that most people are anticipating when "politics" is mentioned can be found on FREE! The Freedom Forum Online which claims to be "... the USA's largest foundation dedicated exclusively to media and First Amendment issues."

Betcha think this web-page stuff sounds kinda neat and you're thinking you might want to do it, or just see how 'they' do it, even if you skipped over our earlier review of "web authoring", right? Well, why not check out Creating a Basic Website? When you do get your own web page up and running, don't forget to let people know it's out there. For helpful treatments about publicizing your web pages as well as finding images and retracing your own web trips, see the Mining Company's Web Search Guide. And if you eventually get the urge to move (your page) see V3 Redirection Services to "Get Yourself A Life-Long Internet Address --This service gives you a FREE, easy to remember URL for your website: a V3-URL.".

Now let's just suppose that you want to go into business for yourself. And you need some free help. Gosh, I wonder if there's anything on the net? Lessee.. First up there's Entrepreneurship - From A To Z, Altos Education Network's free on-line survey course "created to introduce potential entrepreneurs to the full process of the start-up." Then there's an on-line course of 30 lessons to help you decide on owning a small business or realigning strategies of a present business called an Introduction to Winning With Small Business. The Online Women's Business Center is an interactive business skills training web site with articles and links for self-evaluation, research, mentoring, counseling, marketing, financing, procurement, et cetera. It's useful to all, but dedicated "to helping entrepreneurial women realize their goals and aspirations for personal and professional development." Getting down to the nuts and bolts, the Business Builders Index of 'Entrepreneurial Edge Online Magazine' offers "a series of 42 comprehensive, self-paced training modules that will walk you through the step-by-step procedures of marketing, managing, promoting and growing your business. " Includes business planning, cash flow analysis, competitive targeting, training, contracting, franchising and most points in between. Lastly, just for comparison, the commercial (for pay) Virtual University for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (VUSME) says " "Entrepreneurs are discovering they can use the Internet to do things they couldn't do before: Most importantly, they are doing it profitably. But there are secrets to be learned. That's what this site is all about." You decide if you want to pay for what's so freely available elsewhere. Your preference.

Maybe now you're wanting to find more space for your web-page(s). You can find lots more with a search engine, but to start you off: Yahoo suggests quite a few free web service providers. After all is said and done (or at least after I'm through yakking), it's The List that most comprehensively and conveniently tabulates over four thousand Internet access providers around the globe. Just input your area code, state, province or country code and you're on your way!

BTW (i.e. "by the way"), can you take a joke?

That's enough! Just wanted to give you a little appreciation for the breadth of the web. Mayhap you deserve to see Andy's 3dRiddle Page for all your patience so far?

But I gotta stop somewhere, so that's it for real.... this time.

Hey! What about that Christian Intro to the Web?

Yes indeed. The tour was a smattering of many things purposed to convince Christians that the Internet's virtual community is actually a modern day Athens of opportunity. If you can appreciate the Internet as opportunity to serve and proclaim our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, then here is this document's heart for you.

The Internet itself is not Christian, but can become a Christian tool for you. It's a forum positioned to be enriched by a growing Christian presence and utilization. There is a need to recognize that most tools can be used constructively or destructively. Wandering the web calls for avoiding cesspools here and there, the same as in "real life"( Philippians 4:8). 4thWatch Interactive Multimedia Bible " a service to the Christian community designed to edify, build up and encourage believers in their faith." THE LIGHTHOUSE electronic MAGAZINE (TleM) " a completely free Christian music magazine {offering} a wide range of information including artist interviews, album reviews, upcoming release lists, industry news, editorials, indie product reviews, columns by several industry notables, and more." The official page for Koinonia House, K-House Interactive , is intended for "Encouraging the Serious Study of God's Inerrant Word". A while ago, I ran across a Bible translation I couldn't quite place while preparing a New Testament study. Not finding a match among several familiar translations, I inquired of the poster to find my search engine had discovered the Wilton Bible Study as a work in progress. Turned out that Clyde Wilton was a rather enterprising Pastor busily "...translating the New Testament from the original Greek into English." among several other engagements!

Apologetics' best single scriptural motivation that I know of is 1 Peter 3:15. The Internet goes a long way towards equipping Christians for eternally provoking discussions in personal spheres of influence. Some people think that I'm well-bred or well-read or both. Actually, I'm just well-surfed. And boasting in Jesus Christ alone. In the best interest of the prepared Christian, the web page "Biblical Apologetics is dedicated to presenting a logical basis for faith." Web evangelism - Exciting new tool for the Millennium - You can reach the world is an online seminar on evangelizing techniques which believes "The web is not being fully exploited by Christians for evangelism." How true. The Y Files is a series of scholarly essays addressing questions related to creation and the humanities. The InterNet Evangelism & Teaching (NET) is "A huge website exalting Jesus Christ from brief pages to entire books!" Questin J. Schultze supplies "FAQs-for Christians who are now on the Net or thinking about getting on it" through Internet for Christians.

On a very much related side-note, I find the Internet an indispensable tool in my efforts to relate the Gospel to people where their particular interests lie. So many believe the most important issue is the latest political scandal or communicable disease or "take your pick". With the Internet I can engage them every time with their own particular ignorance (pronounced "lack of knowledge" to their face). "Oh, you're a vegetarian? Interesting. By the way, which type? Are you a vegan or "strict-vegetarians" (those people who only eat plant-based foods like legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains), a lactovegetarian (which adds egg products),a lacto-ovovegetarian (a vegetarian who refrains from eating meats, but who eats both egg and dairy products.), or a pesco-vegetarians (one who doesn't eat meats, but will eat dairy, eggs and fish) Do you mean no meat, no animal by-products, no animal-incorporated or no animal-distressed?" Vegans are of no special irritation to me, but vegans believing they are are doing the utlimate "right thing", well, my Lord sent me to illuminate the darkness by any means necessary. (Lemme at 'em!). A lot of anxiety over the perceived gasoline shortage seems to have died down since '70's, but no doubt is due to return sooner or later. In any event, the American Petroleum Institute Home Page is sure to prove profitable with "Information on all aspects of the U.S. petroleum and natural gas industry..." Also a definitive work known as The Global Hubbert Peak should be equally indispensable because "In 1956...Dr. M. King Hubbert correctly predicted that USA oil production would peak around 1970." But if and when everyone is talking about vegetarianism or gas shortages or Y2K... - Guess what? None of that will be the most important matter before mankind. I just want to be able to speak to their interests so that I might have the priveledge of introducing somebody to everyone's Solution.

Early on I realized that few known to me felt as strongly about the Internet's potential to serve Christ as myself. I continue to visit churches advising their leaders that " to His Holy Spirit, the Internet is the best means of coordinating efforts in the Body of Christ!" supplying them a card with link to the resource you're reading now. But depression seems ever so inviting when so many assume I'm trying to sell some service for money. Still, I do understand some simply find it more convenient to pay someone else to do web design or to teach them web design. That's all the more reason I'm pleased to find a kindred spirit in Kathlene Rushing who writes:

"The Internet Christians the opportunity to proclaim 
and to display the gospel ... to the      world. I believe that to 
fully utilize the potential of the Internet, it should be used for 
outreach...      An Internet ministry can reach many people who 
have a spiritual vacuum... Internet is a great      medium to be 
used for the glory of God. Physical distance is no longer a 
boundary... Connections      ...can be made [not] possible 
before... Intercessors [and] Churches can share with each other 
and with those who want to know the Lord." 

Kathlene's consultant service offers the resource How To Put Your Church Or Ministry On the Internet .

No doubt Houses of Worship sympathizes with Kathlene and myself as it provides customized and automated World Wide Web pages for every church in North America. This is a free service, designed to help churches communicate better with their congregations and with each other. Look up your church today!

No doubt if you've compared notes with other church goers, you might have been struck to notice Bible readings matching over denominations. You may have wondered if there might be a conspiracy afoot. There is. And you are free to learn The Meaning of "Lectionary" at Perspectives.

An excellent example of a church utilizing the Internet in its own out-reach as well as to serve the entire Bride is Ginghamsburg Church. Too many churches stop with a picture of their building, excluding much more helpful information like mission statements, service format, meeting times, location maps, etc. You know, those neat little items amounting to Reasons to Visit and Worship with Us or What to Expect When You Come . No lacking there at Ginghamsburg. Additionally, check out this link for their 36 Chart CyberMinistry Presentation. And take advantage of the CyberMinistry Leadership Page purposed to help anyone "interested in using the Internet in church ministry". Then meet them on the New CyberMinistry Mail List Server! (purposed for discussions web-wide) if you can't wait 'till we all get to heaven.

For a wealth of information relevant to praise and worship be sure to check out the Worship Resource Links. And Tim Taylor, 'netizen-at-large', says of the Audio Bible Online "..... if you haven't listened to Alexander Scourby read the KJV Bible, you're really missing a treat. Sounds like King James himself is reading it!"

The New Jerusalem News Bible Study and Gospel Magazine looks very promising as a church linking members in India, Sri Lanka and USA offering Biblically-based articles on faith, overcoming temptation, the Church and its foundation, a free magazine, prayer, sermons, music, video, forums and more. But it loads rather slowly and the lay-out has some flow problems. Should improve with time, but for now contrast with the Ginghamsburg page and offer both feed-back which improves most every site. Be an encourager, Barnabas!" The purpose of Bible Basics, is to provide fundamental information about the Bible, where it came from, where to find various books or topics, and the history of the books it contains." A considerable collection of conservative Bible articles, outlines, and chart lessons as well as a place to ask your Bible questions is Bible InfoNet. Learning New Testament Greek online is made possible by Bill Freeman. The Blue Letter Bible providers state "Our mission is to facilitate in-depth study of God's Word through an on-line interactive reference... The idea of the Blue Letter Bible is that serious Bible study ought to start with the Bible. Therefore, the Blue Letter Bible starts with the Bible being the browser of other Bible study aids, such as commentaries." This effort has truly been blessed since it's start in 1995. Glorify God by using these resources He has provided!

The Servant of the Lord Interactive Information Service page is so huge that I'm tempted to say it has *everything*. But honestly it 'only' had topics under:

"Smaller Christian Ministries and Links...;Christian Apologetics, 
Devotionals, Bible Studies, Science & the Bible, Creation, Sermons; 
Christian Communities, Support Groups, Prayer, Recovery and Help 
Programs; Israel, Middle Eastern, and Archaeological Resources; 
Major Christian and Biblical Resources; Scholarly Biblical and 
Theological Resources; Major Christian Organizations and Larger 
Ministries; Churches, Schools, Prisons, Missions and Other Ministries; 
Internet Indices and Search Engines; HTML and Web Publishing 
Resources; Secular Libraries and Major References Sources; Newspapers 
and Periodicals; Other Helpful Resources, Youth Ministries, Chat Rooms; 
Art, Music, Multimedia, Radio & TV Resources; American Religion Links; 
U.S. Government and Other Resources..."

the last time I reviewed it...

There are a few Christian search engines listed just ahead in the "Christian Resources" section, but for now a Nerd World search on Christianity" yields some nice results while CrossSearch (CS) (a service of Gospel Communications Network) is a dedicated Christian search engine listing over 350 evangelism resources. The 1998 Christian Resource Index features sections on Ministries, Churches/Fellowships, Educational Sites, Kids' Stuff , Poetry, Sermons, Art, Counseling, Family, Fun & Entertainment, Apologetics, Devotionals and more. Very nicely organized and searchable. Looks to be another excellent jump-start.

Well, so much for the tour, and this very sneaky reprise. This "Christian Intro" now continues next section with some 'links of even briefer description'.

If a heading like "Christian Resources" isn't interesting and you missed the free gift in this document's earlier link, I am sorry. But here's another opportunity for you to find out How To Become A Christian.

And again, just in case you're wondering: "What is a Real Christian"?

Christian Resources

10/40 Window

  • Updates organizational news

    A Christian Spotlight on the Movies

  • "'s largest and most popular source for on-line Christian movie reviews..." " features a powerful search engine {using} title or an actor's name, etc... "

    Adopt a Special Kid

  • Information on adopting thousands of special needs children


  • a good concise list of Body news, concise newsletter of much world evangelical news

    Answers in Action

  • Apologetics and Occult Research Some elucidating articles can be parceled out

    Army's New Frontier

  • The Salvation Army International Headquarters

    Bible and Bible Studies on the Net

  • Studies, Subjects, Reference, Language Versions, etc: good Christian clearing house

    Brigada Avenue

  • Evangelizing unreached cities

    C for C Christians

  • Using computers to build the kingdom

    Calendrical Calculations

  • Features Dershowitz's Calendrical Bookmarks for calendar science, history, calculators and more.

    Campus Crusade for Christ

  • Purposed essays and Gospel message

    Christian Answers Net

  • "Providing Christian Biblical Answers to Contemporary Questions"

    Children's Christians Resources

  • "Fun Stuff for Kids!"

    Christian Financial Concepts

  • Larry Burkett's Organization

    Christian Geology Ministry

  • A view of what the Bible reveals about ...the earth's geology

    Christian Links

  • Simply named, but Jeff includes some uncommon links.

    Christian Resources Around the World

  • "Fine Christian Resources on the Web"

    Christian Resources on the Web

  • Gateway to a collection of links to various Christian resources

    Christianity Net Church Locator

  • Purposed Search engine boasting 4,500 churches

    Christianity Web locator

  • Purposed Search engine boasting 5,100 sites

    Christmas Songs

  • Many repeats, MIDI files


  • Guide to Christian interests on the Web

    Daily Bread

  • Direct from the source

    DAWN (Discipling a Whole Nation)

  • Ambitious effort to complete evangelism

    Desert Road Ministries

  • The Cos family is making plans for missions in Mazatlan, Mexico...

    Directory of Christian Internet Resources

  • Many links, nice lay-out, but slow

    Discovery Communication's "Christian Links"

  • Nicely indexed from 'Audio Visual' to 'Womens' Ministries'

    Discovery Papers by Ray C. Stedman

  • A Biblically-inspired treasury

    Executable Outlines Series

  • Biblically-based collection of study outlines

    Faith Matters

  • Provides Christian Internet teaching resources

    Family Radio Site

  • "The Sound of the New Life", World-wide Christian Radio

    Free Web Tools, Bible Programs and Christian Resources

  • "This page is devoted to the best of freeware."

    Glen Braden's Home Page

  • Brother from bstudy-l

    Global March for Jesus Home Page

  • Pray for unity

    GOSHEN Internet Christian Resource Directory

  • A mega-service and reference (Internet, too)

    Gospel Communications Network

  • I-net Christian info center

    Grace Notes Publication

  • Ministry freely distributing verse-by-verse Bible lessons and doctrinal studies

    HeartBound Music

  • Larry Holder's page of original music


  • Free e-mail service "The World's Free Web-based E-mail", plus several perks

    How to Read the Bible

  • A fresh perspective from some "real" non-denominationalists...

    International Care Ministries

  • Philippines IncA ministry's report on efforts to combat despair in the Philippines

    Internet And The World Wide Web

  • "The purpose of this page is... to show {the Internet's} possibilities and demonstrate {them}."

    Jerry's Christian Links List

  • Personal book-mark links provided for public browsing

    Jews for Jesus

  • "We exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people world-wide."

    Jon's Home Schooling Resource Page

  • A page of possible interest to Christian parents...

    Lambert's Web Links

  • Many links of Christian interest, "not in any special order, some ... slightly sorted."

    Larry Holder's Home page

  • Includes his midi files

    Malachi's Torah Scroll

  • "...a column dedicated to teaching Messianic Jews and non-Jews about the richness of Torah study..." --Rabbi Malachi Z. Goodman

    MBI WCRF Radio Schedule Schedule

  • Links several popular Christian radio broadcast ministries

    Michael Card's Official Site On the Web

  • Concerts, lyrics, reading list, etc.

    Mission Aviation Fellowship

  • Offers to add your church to their e-mail hubs

    My Utmost For His Highest

  • The Official Oswald Chambers' Devotional Site

    Not Just Bibles

  • A Guide to Christian Resources on the Net

    On Main Street

  • "A Christian Talk Show about Today's Issues"

    Online Bible

  • For the Mac

    Online Bible (OLB)

  • Source Free down-load source for Mac, Dos and Windows (look under "New" and "Update" links)

    Piett Von Oostrum's Home Page

  • Brother from bstudy-l

    Promise Keepers

  • Official National Site

    Ravi Zacharias

  • International Ministries Includes Ravi articles, a suggested bibliography, radio stations and times, etc.

    RBC Ministries Home-page

  • A Christian information clearinghouse of sorts

    Ron Hutchcraft Ministries Home Page

  • Inspiration from Christian radio personality

    See You At the Pole

  • Official page for the student witness effort

    Send the Light Home Page

  • A church using the Internet (with Kevin Paulson featured)


  • Hands-on training advantaging students' job-search

    SOON Magazine

  • An easy-English Ezine efforted for international evangelism.

    Spurgeon Archive

  • Wonderfully edifying old sermons

    Stand to Reason

  • Apologetic Home Page

    The Caring Place

  • Original Christian Art By John Pettinato visualizing selected Bible verses

    The Christian Internet Community (CIC)

  • Ring purposed "To confess christian beliefs on the Net in a simple, recognizable way."

    The Creation Science Home Page

  • Many resources related to origins and science from a creationist perspective

    The Family Research Council

  • Home-Page Purposed" to reaffirm and promote ƒthe traditional family unit"

    The Sharp Youth Ministry Connection

  • Site providing supportive resources to all youth workers

    The Toledo Christian Opportunities Page

  • An example of purposing a web-page locally

    The Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List

  • "The most comprehensive listing of right to life resources on the Internet." {with free fact sheets}

    Today's Verse

  • Daily offering of NIV scripture verse from Zondervan

    Unreached Peoples Prayer

  • Profiles Very prayer-useful reviews on the order of "Operation World"

    Voice of the Martyrs

  • An in-depth look at today's persecuted church around the world

    Web evangelism: Exciting new tool for the Millennium

  • SOON Gospel Literature's "how-to" article

    WEF and International Day of Prayer

  • For the Persecuted Church, World Evangelical Fellowship

    WWW Bible Gateway Online

  • Bible Lookup, very handy.

    Xenos Christian Fellowship

  • Frank disclosure of Xenos

    Give a man a search engine, and he might find the time to thank you...

    The following five sites are meta-indices holding thousands of distinct search engines for your review, consideration and use. This list is inexhaustive, of course.

    A "Some Useful Sites on the Webs" is less nicely formatted than the rest in this list, but gives a considerable selection and displayed everything in one key-stroke at the time of my last review.

    "Search-It-All" is a page serving as a convenient launch site for searches in many subject areas including: Phone, Address & Email, Internet, Travel, Shopping, Business & Finance, Reference, Computers, Publication & News, Sports, Package Tracking, Job Search, Entertainment, Biomedical, and the like.

    The "Quick Search Menu" of Martin Computer Services Company features a conveniently framed format of multi-purpose search engines followed by blocks of focused search engines grouped under such headings as Government, News and Reports, Sports, Reference Desk, et cetera.

    The "Internet Search Mechanisms" is prefaced with several useful links for searching field developments, trends and review. It indexes links for search engines under such headings as "Internet Search Mechanisms", "Stand Alone Meta-Search Software", "Searching Web Resources" and "Subject-Oriented Resource Guides".

    "The Internet Sleuth" is a very professional and nicely formatted list of over 3,000 searchable databases. It is commercially supported and free to use. The page's frame format permits selecting from a list of alphabetically indexed subjects, a quick search through some relay links to several web search engines and a search on the Sleuth page itself.

    For more search engine references, description, info, etc. see

    Understanding and Comparing Web Search Tools , The Web Robots Pages
    and/ or
    The Search Page

    God Bless you, visitor number

    Any and all feed-back is invited through this form.