
Thirukkural consists 133 Chapters and each Chapter containing 10 couplets.
They are grouped in 3 major parts with subgroups as follows:


1.1. Introduction
1. The Praise of God
2. The Excellence of Rain
3. The Greatness of Ascetics
4. Assertion of the Strength of Virtue

1.2. Domestic Virtue
5. Domestic Life
6. The Goodness of the Help to Domestic Life
7. The Obtaining of Sons
8. The Possession of Love
9. Cherishing Guests
10. The Utterance of Pleasant Words
11. The Knowledge of Benefits Conferred: Gratitude
12. Impartiality
13. The Possession of Self-restraint
14. The Possession of Decorum
15. Not coveting another's Wife
16. The Possession of Patience, Forbearance
17. Not Envying
18. Not Coveting
19. Not Backbiting
20. The Not Speaking Profitless Words
21. Dread of Evil Deeds
22. The knowledge of what is Befitting a Man's Position
23. Giving
24. Renown

1.3. Ascetic Virtue
25. The Possession of Benevolence
26. The Renunciation of Flesh
27. Penance
28. Inconsistent Conduct
29. The Absence of Fraud
30. Veracity
31. The not being Angry
32. Not doing Evil
33. Not killing
34. Instability
35. Renunciation
36. Knowledge of the True
37. The Extirpation of Desire

1.4. Fate
38. Fate


2.1. Royalty
39. The Greatness of a King
40. Learning
41. Ignorance
42. Hearing
43. The Possession of Knowledge
44. The Correction of Faults
45. Seeking the Aid of Great Men
46. Avoiding mean Associations
47. Acting after due Consideration
48. The Knowledge of Power
49. Knowing the fitting Time
50. Knowing the Place
51. Selection and Confidence
52. Selection and Employment
53. Cherishing one's Kindred
54. Unforgetfulness
55. The Right Sceptre
56. The Cruel Sceptre
57. Absence of 'Terrorism'
58. Benignity
59. Detectives
60. Energy
61. Unsluggishness
62. Manly Effort
63. Hopefulness in Trouble

2.2. Ministers of state
64. The Office of Minister of state
65. Power in Speech
66. Purity in Action
67. Power in Action
68. The Method of Acting
69. The Envoy
70. Conduct in the Presence of the King
71. The Knowledge of Indications
72. The Knowledge of the Council Chamber
73. Not to dread the Council

2.3. The Essentials of a State
74. The Land
75. The Fortification
76. Way of Accumulating Wealth
77. The Excellence of an Army
78. Military Spirit
79. Friendship
80. Investigation in forming Friendships
81. Familiarity
82. Evil Friendship
83. Unreal Friendship
84. Folly
85. Ignorance
86. Hostility
87. The Might of Hatred
88. Knowing the Quality of Hate
89. Enmity within
90. Not Offending the Great
91. Being led by Women
92. Wanton Women
93. Not Drinking Palm-Wine
94. Gaming (Gambling)
95. Medicine

2.4. Appendix (Miscellaneous)
96. Nobility
97. Honour
98. Greatness
99. Perfectness
100. Courtesy
101. Wealth without Benefaction
102. Shame
103. The Way of Maintaining the Family
104. Agriculture
105. Poverty
106. Mendicancy
107. The Dread of Mendicancy
108. Baseness


3.1. The Gandharva Marriage (The Pre-marital love)
109. Mental Disturbance caused by the Beauty of the Princess
110. Recognition of the Signs (of Mutual Love)
111. Rejoicing in the Embrace
112. The Praise of her Beauty
113. Declaration of Love's special Excellence
114. The Abandonment of Reserve
115. The Announcement of the Rumour

3.2. Wedded Love (The Post-marital love)
116. Separation unendurable
117. Complainings
118. Eyes consumed with Grief
119. The Pallid Hue
120. The Solitary Anguish
121. Sad Memories
122. The Visions of the Night
123. Lamentations at Eventide
124. Wasting Away
125. Soliloquy
126. Reserve Overcome
127. Mutual Desire
128. The Reading of the Signs
129. Desire for Reunion
130. Expostulation with Oneself
131. Pouting
132. Feigned Anger
133. The Pleasures of 'Temporary Variance'

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With Thanks:
Verse & Prose of Thirukkural have been used from the Book: TIRUKKURAL with translations in English by Rev Dr G U Pope, Rev W H Drew, Rev John Lazarus and Mr F W Ellis Published by The South India Saiva Siddhantha Works Publishing Society, Tinnevelly, Limited. India (1982).

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