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Open 24 Hours

Graphics Resources: Spice for Your Web Pages

Please read before entering the Graphics Links page:

The links on the next pages are to graphics sites that I've discovered on the web. The diamond symbols identify sites on GeoCities (where this page resides).  I list these sites for your information only. They are not my sites, and I am not responsible for their content or for content they may link to.  Read each site carefully for the conditions under which you are allowed to use the graphics there.

What to do about broken links: Broken links to these sites usually because of changes or problems at those sites. I do appreciate you dropping me a line to let me know that the link is broken, but please don't write to me and ask where they have moved to, because it's as much a mystery to me as it is to you. You might try a web search at Yahoo or Altavista using the old link name to see if you can find the new location.

BUT ... many graphics sites disappear because of LINK ABUSE by graphics users. Don't add to the problem by linking directly to  graphics -- respect the owner's guidelines, and always (unless they come right out and say otherwise) copy the graphic to your own web site. DO NOT LINK to the graphic at their site.  (WebTV users and others who cannot upload graphics: please see the links on the next page for directions for an alternate way to copy graphics to your site!)

Home (this site)

Graphics resources

  Many graphics on this page are from NeonCity.
Neon  City

The 24-Hour Graphics sign is available for use only as directed here.

Copyright 1998 J Johnson. All Rights Reserved.
Copying a web page or graphic without permission and passing it off as your work is plagiarism and violation of copyright law.

Email address and guestbook on the next page.

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Free home pages at GeoCities

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