Just a gentle reminder
to hear the whispers of

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Receive email when this site is updated (seldom more 1-2 times a month). If you're on my ICQ especially, PLEASE do this. It helps to stay in touch in case of lost contact lists). Your e-mail address is kept totally private with this service! I'm not even given your e-mail address.

Whispers From Angelblueyes
FYI: Feel free to share any page at this web site (even this one)
Anything at my site is for the enjoyment & benefit of all everywhere

What's new since Xmas time?

(YIKES! That is a long time!! Sorry this update is so late)
Well, you can't accuse me of "over updating this page"
So, please don't feather beat me now okay - *giggles*

P.S. Been creating new pages & updating the other site pages.
For some reason people were triggered to come to this page to
view changes that were not yet made or posted here. I greatly
apologize for such a bogus notice. Trust me, I'm far too protective
of wasting your time and don't wish to bring you back here for
little or nothing. That is not fair & takes unfair advantage,
of which I'd never do in all good conscience.

I am sorry for your inconvenience though. This page does not have
ALL the things that I wanted to include because it is being rushed
before my plan due to the notice many just received from Mind-It.
Soooo...that means I'll have something new for you to view again
in the next couple weeks :)

The Angels Cry
The Angels Cry - Posted 4/17/99
Chances - Posted 4/07/99
How Could I
How Could I? - Posted 4/07/99
Paderewski Lesson
Paderewski Lesson - Posted 4/07/99
Open Letter
The Open Letter - Posted 3/17/99
Electricity Of The Eyes
Electricity Of The Eyes - Posted 2/12/99
The Sea Is Your Home
The Sea Is Your Home - Posted 2/11/99
Be Not Am I
Be Not Am I - Posted 12/29/98
No Greater Words Were Ever Spoken
No Greater Words Were Ever Spoken - Posted 11/29/98
If you missed this one, then shame on you
It was inspired by you & written for you *Smiles*

Click buttons to view pop-up of each page while here
Click the link to open a new page
Want to bookmark one of the pop-up
pages? Just right click on its window :)

I wish for you, above all, these three things
(looks for that genie in the magic lamp)

1. To know you are loved and cared about

2. For peace & love to be within you always

3. For blessings to follow wherever you go

Luv Ya Bunches, *Angel*


The sections below is subject subject to change
often with new & interesting things each update

NEW ~* Real People *~ NEW
(in our "unreal" cyber world .. ya' think?)

Romance on the Net?
Do you think there can be such
in this "seemingly" unreal world?
Think it's only a dream?

Listen to Liz at Looking for a dream
Click button below to view page from here

NEW ~* Pondering Minds *~ NEW
(a little thought to ponder)

It's what you do
when you don't have anything to do
that makes you what you are when
it's too late to do anything about it.

As found on a page at the site of Quin McWhirter
Click button below to view page from here

NEW ~* New & Hot FREE Programs & Tips *~ NEW
(the absolute best - just can't live without!)

MediaRing Talk™ 99

a Next Generation Internet voice communication software that lets
you make FREE long distance & international calls from your PC

V5.9 is now out too...should get the easy upgrade
This upgrade enables cable modem users to use program

I have it and it is GREAT & it surely beats typing!! *smiles*
Netmeeting is good & powerful, but also complicated to learn
& connectivity with the servers is rather poor. I've found that
headsets (earphones with mic) offer more control than speakers
a stand-alone mic. Cheap ones work just as well!! Can buy headsets
for as little as $15-$25 & be cookin'. Small handheld mics due in a pinch

PC Tip - Things I check & do to insure sound system is ready for any telephony program
+ installation tips to make life easier:

Please sign my angel book?

Thank you so much!

Peek at what other angels say.

Been Angel Visits Angel visits

Let me know in your message if you want a response to it AND please DON'T FORGET to include your ICQ# or e-mail address if you do want a response to message! :)

The ICQ Online-Message Panel
Before adding my ICQ #496523 enter e-mail at top of page.
Brief Message (no longer than this box):
My Communication Center Download ICQ from Tucows
Longer messages are cut short.

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