Friends In Love
Dancing upon the shores of life in perfect harmony
We are ...

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* Friends In Love * © 1997

With serene desire in the warmth of friendship we stand.

Secure in being wanted and needed as we declare, "I am."

We share the beaming smiles by the day and whispers by night

While reveling in complex simplicity and beautiful sights,

We surf the crest of the waves laughing at simple things,

While playfully erasing the memories of life's bitter happenings.

We'll guide and direct when the other loses their way...

Sometimes finding an assurance offered in "I'm here to stay."

Sharing our strength and comfort when there's a time to cry,

Or feeling helpless at being unable to explain, "what and why".

Understanding when patience seems to get suddenly short,

Knowing the imperfections, but committed to the loving more.

Having courage to say, "You're wrong" when it's needed most,

But at other times complimenting, encouraging...even to boast.

We stand strong in protection against the dangers and ills

Drawing upon the strength of sheer determination and will.

Extending the healing found in love at times of illness or plight

Or sometimes just the gentle assurance everything is alright.

Yet, even more, we delight in the "me" of me and the "you" of you

As we nestle in the steadfastness of love and friendship found true.

Author: * Angelblueyes * © 1997

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Glimpse At The Wonderful Things Others Have Said

© Angelblueyes owns all rights to these original poems.
NOTE: These poems are protected by international copyright laws and may NOT
be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without author's expressed and
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