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Rose of My Heart Twinkle Of My Life

My Child Come Listen © 1982

Twinkle Of My Life

Dear child come listen to me for I shall lie to you not.

Your life has become painful and there is much you have forgot.

You have only lost your way...gotten off the beaten path

And need only a small reminder of the potential you have.
Twinkle Of My Life

Just a child when you left home...leaving behind things taught,

And, while answering to just the self, some values were simply lost.

Life is passing you by and, as yet, there's much you have to learn

About the lessons in its living and for much you should be concerned.

Twinkle Of My Life

While time marches onward, life is a gift never promised to you.

Believe this to be valid and not otherwise should you assume.

Regain the truest of fundamentals and from there you'll flourish and expand.

It takes more than mere time, you see, to declare yourself a "Man".

Twinkle Of My Life

It all seems so slow to come, but patience also must be earned.

Things do become easier and with every bridge you cross you learn.

Take not leave of your senses to aimlessly skip around to and fro,

For in the mindless flurry you are most certain to lose control.

Twinkle Of My Life

Beware of the tendency toward aggression to justify past mistakes.

You may otherwise find more forgiveness to be given for its sake.

Avoid the repetition, else another fool will surely come to live.

One cannot take more than others are willing to so freely give.

Twinkle Of My Life

You can't control the deal of the cards and sometimes life isn't fair.

Give heartily from within and know that compromise means to share.

A choice in how to play your hand in life is always yours, you see.

Fair is when no one loses, while a price comes with wounded pride and greed.

Twinkle Of My Life

My child come listen to me for I shall lie to you not.

Your life has become painful and there is much you have forgot.

Young man take heed of the words and seek above all to understand.

It is in the use of knowledge that you learn the wisdom to be a "Man".

Written By:
Twinkle Of My Life*** Angelblueyes ***Twinkle Of My Life

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