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"The most important things in my life,
aren't things"...

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For you Mom!
With my wish to stay always fresh and blooming.
Flowers, are part of your life, but you are for us,
the prettiest flower in the whole world! *hug*

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Ooh, yes Dad! For you!! Now you have four (4!) of them!
No more japing! You won't miss any 'sports' channel
and maybe (whew!)... the rest of us have the chance to watch
our favorites, too! *S*

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Chris, sweetie! That's to count down the days, the hours...
Don't worry babe, time flies! *hug*

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WoW Yianni! Kung fu and body building... what's next?
Well... I send you few CD's, with your fav. songs!! hehehe

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What else would be better for ya, Anna-Maria?
A privet line for your long, long lasting phone calls! *love ya!*

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My dear friends,
I keep all the wonderful time we spend together,
the things and thoughts we share, deep in my memory
'box' and may time won't ever erase them... and
may life won't let us be apart...

Anna-Maria, Andrea, Angela, Catherina, George,
Costa, Roxanne, Angelo, Aki, Dia, Harry, Alex,
Efi, Tony, Sofia, Nick, Yianni, Dimitri, Chris...
Hiya! I'm so glad to have you around, being here
for me when I need you! (Well... mostly when I
don't need you... whew! hehehe) Luv ya!

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e-mail me

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|| Home Page || Introduction || My Interests || Greece || Athens ||
|| Greek Islands || Cyprus || Greek Mythology-The gods ||
|| Athena || Oedipus || Orpheus || Pandora || Olympic Games ||
|| Friendship || Sweets for... || Feelings || A Smile for You ||
|| Wisdom || Proverbs || Quotes || They said... || Points of view ||
|| Cats || Music || My Links || My Awards || My WebRings ||
|| Romance || LOTH || My Gallery || Skies || Always ||
|| My favorite poems || Whispers of heart || Traces of Soul ||
|| Pieces of Soul ||

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