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Anti-Novak and Anti-Peterson Page

Daniel Peterson: Psychopathic, Obsessed Troll

    January 30, 1999 ~ Updated July 2001

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    Daniel Peterson, also known as Daniel "Psycho-son":

    Rude Psychopathic Obsessed Troll

    -- But First! --

    Buy a copy of Dr. White's book from, but be sure to ignore the temper tantrums as expressed in "book reviews" by hostile and cranky Mormon Trolls who gave this book only one star (gee, I wonder why)! We know that Trolls can't read-- hmm, must've gotten a trained chimp to write those reviews-- but when they get a whiff of anything that even remotely sounds like it might be critical of their religion, they go nuts! This book is worth reading for that alone!


    (Junior High Yearbook Picture of Daniel Peterson)

    For those of you who wish to see examples of Peterson’s sophmoric, obnoxious antics, then please visit Alpha and Omega’s website to read his e-mail exchange with author James White, but be sure to come back to this page to read the rest of this saga Peterson's e-mails to Dr. White.

    It was this series of e-mails between Peterson and Dr. White that prompted me to contact Peterson; I was amazed at the amount of vindictiveness, immaturity, stupidity, and impolitnessness contained within Peterson’s e-mails to White. I was angered and disgusted by Peterson's demeanor, his snotty attitude. Again, see Peterson's e-mails to Dr. White.

    Dr. White had proven Peterson (and some of Peterson’s friends) wrong in their e-mails, yet, Peterson and Gang would not admit it, but instead, fired back with insults and your general Ad Hominem approach. Peterson had the nerve to accuse White of being rude, when in fact, it was Peterson who was doing so.

    lady troll

    (To the left we see a photo of Peterson's "dream troll." You see, he really ought to be chasing after members of his own species rather than human females! --More on this in a little bit!)

    Peterson supposedly graduated from some school. How anyone of such low caliber and ignorance could be allowed to receive a degree is beyond me. Additionally, he has written a book--I can’t help but wonder how he he found the time to write one. Between his stalking of me via e-mail and his throwing temper tantrums at White and sending copies of my e-mails to his friends, WHERE does Psycho-son get the time to write or to do research? But then, I AM assuming that he is literate. . .

    I resume here with my story of How It All Started:

    Peterson responded to my e-mail, and I responded to his, and on it went for awhile. At one point, I made it known to Peterson that I did not wish to discuss anything with him anymore, but he continued to e-mail me ANYWAY; ergo his nickname of "Psycho-son".

    With most people, I am polite, but knowing how rude Peterson was with Dr. White, I figured that he would not respond to politeness, so on to other measures: I tried being blunt, insulting, and rude, but nothing worked-- not until, in utter frustration at being stalked by this nut case, I used an obscenity in an e-mail to him. For some reason that shut him up.

    Actually, no it didn’t-- he sent me yet another e-mail, and I recall I had to send him another message telling him something like ". . .you are an $$%*!$!!! [censored here for the faint of heart] who cannot read. Leave me alone." So THEN he left me alone. I suppose it was because I was using langauge that even a crass imbecile like Peterson would have no problem understanding. (Words with more than two syllables are difficult for him to comprehend, you see. He also has difficulties with simple English phrases such as "Do not send me any more e-mail," "Go Away," etc.)

    In the Toilet: Where the Trolls' Ideas Belong and Where They Like to Frolic

I had entered Peterson’s name and e-mail address into my mail filter, which did catch some of his messages, but regrettably, not all. That method didn't prove to be too useful, though, since Mr. Psycho-son had his friends --people I did not even know-- send me e-mails to chew me out. . . more about this on another page ( Jerk Mindset: The Conclusion). . .

Again: Despite my clear message to him that I did not want to hear from him, (I even entitled some of my e-mails "Go Away" --would could be plainer?--) he continued to send me messages, behavior that is just like a a stalker's.

Daniel Peterson's Baby Picture

(Daniel Peterson's Baby Picture)

Peterson, or should I say, "Psycho-son, Stalker of Women" was soon e-mailing me every five minutes or so---

---It wasn’t but a few moments after sending him an e-mail of the "Leave Me Alone" variety that an e-mail from him would pop up in my in-box. This happened repeatedly--Psychoson’s response rate was very short. I am afraid that Peterson is a lonely man who becomes obsessed with ladies who e-mail him. He needs to learn a new flirting method,for sure. (Am I the only one who has seen Glenn Close in 'Fatal Attraction'?)

(---See there, we "Anti-Mormons," as you like to call us, DO have a sense of Humor, Mr. Gary No-Brain . . . um, er, I mean Gary Novak. It’s just that you and your pals don’t like it when the so-called "humor" is directed at you or one of yours.)

row of hearts


Above: Cupid. If only Cupid would bring Dr. Psycho-son a true love of his very own, then perhaps he wouldn't stalk human females.

row of hearts

But I am not unfeeling and cold! If a Mormon Troll such as "Dr." Peterson is having a hard time meeting the ladies, why doesn't he check out

Mormon Match Makers-- yes *THIS* is the place to Meet Lonely Trolls, Psycho-son!

bears with heart

row of hearts

Now, where was I? Oh yes.

Things became even spookier and creepier when I began to get e-mail from LDS (Mormon) folks who I never even heard of before. What had happened was this: Peterson was sending out my e-mails (with my *e-mail address*, the Rude Jerk!) to his friends. Apparently Peterson cannot defend himself and has to enlist his friends to do that for him.

Just Say No To Trolls!

I told Peterson that he could go ahead and send my e-mails to his buddies, but I also said that I absolutely, positively did not want his friends to e-mail me. However, I received yet another e-mail from a "Psycho-son" buddy just a day or two ago from someone called Gary Novak (also known as Gary No-Brain).

I have more to say about the weird, immature, disturbing tendency of these people swapping private e-mails around in another page of this site(Jerk Mindset: The Conclusion).

Peterson Today

(Daniel Peterson As He Looks Today)

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Novak and Peterson are Rude Trolls!

© 1999-2001