Tina's Indiana Information Page

STATE REUNION REGISTRY: Yes, for medical only
P.O. Box 361
South Bend, IN 46624
AAA Adoptee Search of Indiana or E-mail: bheide@mvillage.com
Provides confidential and voluntary means by which birth-families separated by relinquishment or adoption, can locate each other. This is not a group but individually run. Gives suggestions for searching and some referrals. COMPUTERIZED REGISTRY: Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to RRI for application form, complete form with as much information as possible, then return form to the address above. Once the application is received, the information will be placed in the computerized registry. A match is made only when two consenting parties with the same identifying information are registered. A file remains active until a match is made, or notification is received by registering parties to remove file from active status. Any updated infodrmation or change of address will be added to registry upon receipt of registrants. All information provided by registering parties is strictly confidential. If a match occurs, indication on registration form must be made as to how RRI can contact you.
Indiana Adoption History Registry
P.O. Box 1964
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1964
Social Services Division
Dept. Public Welfare
402 W. Washington St. 3rd Floor, W-364
Indianapolis, IN 46204
The Confidential Intermediary Program of Indiana
ADOPTION RECORDS: Closed in 1941
RECORD ACCESS: Restricted to Confidential Intermediaries


Archives Division
Indiana State Library
140 N. Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Driver Records
Room #N405 Indiana Government Center N.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
age 16
BirthState, County since 10/1907
DeathState, County since 1/1900
MarriageState, County since 1958
DivorceCounty, Court Clerk in County of Event
State Board of Health
Division Vital Records
1330 W. Michigan St.
P.O. Box 7125
Indianapolis, IN 46206-7125

Overview of Indiana Adoption Laws
With respect to medical information, the state registrar is required to release a copy of all medical history information on file to any interested person [defined to mean an adoptee, birth parent, adoptive parent, relative of birth parent, relative of adoptive parent, state or county department of public welfare, adoption agency, court]. The state registrar may release a copy of the medical history to any person who satisfies the registrar that the person has a legitimate need.
Indiana operates a mutual consent registry for adult adoptees (age 21), birth parents, adoptive parents, relatives of deceased adoptees and relatives of deceased birth parents. Registrants may consent either to release of identifying information, non-identifying information (adoptions after 7/1/88 only) or both. Registrants must specify to whom information may be released. Identifying information will not be released unless the adoptee, a birth parent and the adoptive parents have registered. Non-identifying information is released upon request without consent of a birth parent for adoptions occurring after 7/1/88.
For registry information, contact:
Indiana State Board of Health
330 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Telephone: (317) 633-0274
Ind. Code 31-3-4-26 et. seq.
The Indiana State Library, Geneology Dep't. maintains records from the Indiana State Board of Health, Vital Records Division. If you ever want anything looked up, just call and ask. They might have birth records, also. They should have everything on microfilm and can look many things up while you wait.
The number is 317-232-3668.
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