- don't be afraid of a traitor, -he only can sell you to the enemy. - be afraid of indifferent people, -because they causes a world wars and a dishonesty in the world.." Bruno Jasinsky |
-Please Encourage me against the Israeeli Anti-Semitic oligarchy!
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- My name is >Boris Dobrovensky. |
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Proposal Amending the LAW |
POLEMIC Judiciary |
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-I'm accusing.. Israeli oligarchy! -I'm Israeli citizen from June 19722, after repatriation from USSR, -during 25 years I suffer -as a victim of tyranny, hate, ethnic intolerance, hooligan behavior, because of injustice, conspiracy and a Culture of lie.
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![]() | -Author of this protest is a veteran 11971 Th Zionist's USSR Jew's struggle for free repatriation in Israel. ![]() |
The description of my page: |
-I would share and give up at least 700% of a prospected
to the lawyer, who would take a contingent case.
Human Rights Defending Organization ! The struggle for given Constitution ! |
-The message consist a public affair:< |
-First, about a special kind of injusttice turned against the jewish immigrants from Russia. -In the show of wretched coalition agaainst "Russian Jews" -I stress, that there has not were an unique case, when the offender has been punished by court. -The offenders always were acquitted, even though they were caught getting bribed with money or sex; -there were cases which finished with tragedy. causes public instability |
-There is many cases of abuse and viollations in many nuances towards weak citizen groups, caused by collaboration of bureaucracy machine with the judiciary, regarding the mutual conspire in Israel. -I am sure that wrong behavior and abssent honesty into our leadership, causing a main influence for increase the society intolerance, violence and the turmoil. -Look, my old mother has been killed bby several learned doctors in public hospital, but all our rulers with our police with the judiciary system instead to inquest the murder, as ordering the law, they are secured the -killers ( Return here with BACK button !) |
- I wish to publicize the witness of cconspire and arbitrariness in our court and leadership. - Of course, as this cases would discuussing, as for the public will be convince who and why resists for critic the wrong sites of a "judicial activism" "concept" and why they resist for advance changes in our court. Of course the evidences would convince the people that we must a basically changes in community and judiciary systems in order to improve a better society, with healthier social relations. |
- Franz Kafka |
In the Israeli judiciary given does not honesty interpret about of the court's independence. The court's independence is a relative notion, it minds that nobody could not to ordering, interfere or influence on the judge to prevent from given a honesty, lawful judgment. The court's independence mind that nobody may not to intervene in judgment. But the court independence doesn't mind, that a judge could does activism in negation to law, as causing a rampage, arbitrariness, or to judge in way that opposed to the law, or do the judgment without given liability for his work, or to be free from the parliamentarian or public's control. Vice versa, if a judgment was made contrary to norms or law, from this point the independence finished and instead of the given immunity the judge and his judgment turn be open for public critic and for revision by parliament and for government and public institutes, that must to secure democratic and human rights Principe. The court's independence doesn't mind as the court could turn be a country into the country. There not exist notion rule of court, as say some Israeli lawyers, but the court have to ordering correct to the law, by the law. (It is more absurdity to read about given courts independence from parliament in "democracy", where yet does not given a Constitution! ). -Should not be Court independence fromm parliament, -It's clear, that each judge is indepeendent, and has immunity always, when he watches the law. -As each citizen (or minority)(No moree !) That is the principle of social harmony in democracy, that should be the principle of jurisprudence. The public men, the leadership, the gazette, the media men that run evade from treatment in complains on cases of arbitrariness in the court, they show a wrong public behavior that support and bring the social turmoil in the country. |
Sir Prime Minister ! - Where Your CONSCIENCE?!
-You with others lead our country to apocalypse ! - The culture of lie is the sovereign here! -You offered to bring a love between eethnic groups, -but in real you betrayed all sacramenntal for your chair. -Our society continued suffer of intollerance and injustice -because our politic rulers behave as political prostitution. |
--I don't want and have not an interesst to take a part of political trends our media. -But I have to explain, that I appealed to our Prime Minister, Sir Benjamin Natanyahu and to other men concerning on tendentious behavior of some our judges. -I explained facts of crime acts againnst a citizen, when in vain "Amidar's" trial, by judge's conducting causing tendentious falsifications in proceedings after the session with testimony of witness; as by change and by cleaning the written testimony from the computer's memory or by judge's fabrications like do not written the relevant proofs or testimony in proceedings (before of passing a copy of the proceedings to litigants); and given a fabricate judgment without using relevant laws and proofs. -To my complaints were combined documents, that reminded (part of these facts -explained here ( but after my complaint, the hypocrisy lady, that I accused, instead to be punished -she was advanced in grade, - she got vacancy of the district judge) after my complain, as premium for offense. -The government Department gave me an answer with demagogic attention, that our Prime Minister believes in our Court(!) -But in the answer hasn't referred to facts and proofs as witness on abuse acts causing by our hooligan judgment against a citizen; -yet them clerks answered me that he will not intervene in my complains on rampage behavior of some judges (as it explained). Our administration secure itself from intervene in cases of arbitrariness in our court by lies argue, as if the administration may not to intervene in occurred in the court, because the principle of the court's independence. Then the abused citizen could not to find the justice, -he is powerless against arbitrariness. -I am sure, that it was no good behaviior of our leaders; -then as I accuse our to-day's government, (as I mind in parallel about our last leadership to). -What the real price of our Law of Civvil Freedom and Citizen's Dignity?!. Read the answer in my testimony by actual cases and in my analyze. |
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