"The law ... should surely be accessible at all times and to everyone."
- Franz Kafka

The Israeli judiciary

-"Judicial activity" as factor of Social violence.

See my proposal - for Improve secure Civil Rights by the LAW!

- My name is
Boris Dobrovensky.

E-mail! -Call!
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The TOPICS of message.

  1. My impression of the Israeli society.
  2. The "judicial activity" conception
  3. Nothing from legal scientist!!
  4. The court's tyranny is dangerouse
  5. The court's independence?! -Why.?!
  6. The judge's nomination dilemma.
  7. The court's independence mind..
  8. The court's commission, -why?.
  9. Our famous's lawyers conference "/CapitolHill/Lobby/9650/amidar.html
  10. "Amidar" company's vain lawsuits;
  11. The judge's and their clerk's humor
  12. The proceeding record problems
  13. Example of judge's tendentious to me
  14. The judge's fabrication of court discredit
  15. The sabotage for submit my petition.
  16. Now I need help for Human Rights defence.
  17. Need the law of judge's responsibility
  18. Other cases of thendentious in court
  19. Primer of damage the Law,
    the Human Rights and Dignity
  20. For Contact or GuestBook Click here
  21. to HOME - Click here

-In Israeli society contains a 
wrong public relations, as ethnic
intolerance and abuse a citizen; 
-a wrong judgement brings the 
society to anarchism and violence.
-A popular wisdom learns: "-as you sow, you shall mow!"
-Our judiciary expects a doctor!
Read my Proposal -to amend LAW

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    The message consist the public affair theme:
-You must read the true witness of abuse, writing by 68 old
Israeli by using dictionary; -without knowledge of English.

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I am a victim of the social violence that growing on the ground of political intrigue by corrupted local oligarchy, provocate ethnic intolerance. I has injured physical and mental to invalidity 100%. I could not defend for myself because mutual guaranty. -I wish convince the people by showing the proofs.

-I were abused during 25 years by government officials, -by wrong medicine, by wrong judgement, by police, -by labor organization, by judges, by who not!

-Here I would like to expose the causes of Society
 Injustice and a part there by Israeli judiciary,
-The reality of malpractice in public medicine and
 a infringe of the patient rights in Israel,
 about the right for inquest of a deceased family ,

 ..the fake due process of law as allegedly fabricated
 by the Israeli judge, and much more...Real Cases!

It's hurt me to tell publicly all cases of abuse what
 had cause me in my country, it caused not me only.
-In the social violence contains a public danger.
-The public must know what happened in his country.
-The public must to stop social violence and tyranny.

-There are many cases of abuse and violations against a
weak citizen groups by collaboration the government and
the court as the part of the mutual guarantee in Israel.

-If in the court possibility wronging the Laws and Human
Rights then a fighting for free speech seeing as a bluff.

-In Israeli society contains a wrong public relations, as
ethnic intolerance and abuse against a citizen; -a wrong
judgement brings the society to anarchism and violence.

-A popular wisdom learns: "-as you sow, you shall mow!"
-I sure, a wrong behavior of our leadership are causing
the society intolerance in the country; -sometime the
violence returns and blows the violators itself by a
boomerang they could flow against other's.

Not once in our hard history the people were loss the
independence because of egoistic wrong behavior his
leaders, because they were bused with internecine wars.

-We are witnesses that opposite the tragic lessons,
our elite's persons has not learn nothing from history..
-For obtaining his itself's illusion purposes somebody
continue to stimulate the intolerance, the violating of
the one society group against other group.. and false.

On my hard trial the propaganda of Israeli democratical
liberalist system seeing as a show completing from a
brain washing and of casuistry, and a fear from the court.
The facts learns that our society needs a basic medicine.

I am the victim of abuse and judge's tyranny,
I have evidences of lawless judge's behavior, wrong
to principle of Justice, negation to Human Rights
affair and sabotage the Persons dignity principle.

I see a causal relation between our judges tyranny with
wrong conception "judicial activity" of our highest judge.
Because of their illegality decides caused my helpless.

I wish discuss the "judicial activity" concept of Israeli judiciary, -devoid a logical or philosophical basis for it. This concept goes wrong with international Human Rights law. -The wrong judiciary conception would hurt other citizens; -the discuss of "judicial activity" is a public affair. -I sure, that the proofs are proves and impression the ulterior sense of the "judicial activity concept" given by our highest judge, it shows that the wrong proposal could be using any experiment for legalization the court's tyranny and cause a people helpless. -The "idea" has favorites between the interest groups. -The policy: "-Separate, then rule" and the idea of "judicial activity" would be Scilla and Charribda against the Justice and against Unity of the people.

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-Especially injustice and violation causing against the jewish immigrants from Russian. -I accent, that there has not one case when the offender was punished by ones of the court decision.
-The offenders always was whites, despite they were caught about bribe for nature, money or sex bribe; -there was cases with tragedy end. -Always was found a judicial casuistry for whiten the offenders. There was cases suicide because discrimination abuse. -Please help me discuss the public affair theme. Write me even if you are not agree with me, or when you see mistakes in this messages. Sincerely Boris Dobrovensky

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"JUDICIAL ACTIVITY" conception in Israeli court;

-"YES" and "NOT". -A critic of the wrong conception.

-The new concept "judicial activity" in Israeli court, has
proclaimed by the Israeli Supreme Court chief A. Barak;

According to his idea, -as if the judge see the 
legislator gave a law, wronging to democratic 
principle (in subjective judge's fancy(!), then 
a judge have the authority to give a judgement 
opposite to the law (for human right sentry(!)
(even the judge consider opposite to parliament(!).
-so has selling the new idea for Israeli people.

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-The conception based(essentially) on the professor's free fancy as if our court is independent from the political administration(as if the court is any ideal justice machine and as if all our judges are straights, ideal persons).
-Other of our scientists(prof M. Kremnitzer) suggest to pass the privilege of witness examine from advocates to judges. -Really this casuistry permit to judge free to do tyranny. -Nobody checked if this research's proposals are rights.
On the other hand, it is a surprise for each educate man that honoree that a researcher publicates his proposals without relation on philosophical beginnings of the court and without expertise or reasercher basis.
Read the trial cases -Then you would understand!
that the freedom and the civil rights are not secured.

..As well, in general society conception all working people have responsibility for his professional work, although presidents of their countries; -therefore missing any reason that a personage from exclusive public statement, who take a biggest pay from the society, -they has not any responsibility.. -Then the clever persons wish secure itself so as these perfect condition will left till to all time. -Did not here seen any anachronistic and negations?! -You do not feel a facile into a comedy of absurdism!? -Therefore exist a needing the discussion on the "judicial activity" conception as a public affair because tie with human right defence problems in Israel and may be the discussion would prevent a mistakes in other countries. -But the discussion on problematic propositions detached from facts(of the reality) will cause wrong consequences, it would cause a conceptions harmful for people, contrasting to our Human Rights condition and opposite to Human dignity Law. I sure publication of facts sometimes occurring in our court will help prevent big mistakes in discussion; -the evidences will not enable turn it in casuistry. Realty: -a citizen is helpless against abuse; -you will see proves in my and other citizen's cases. -If a wrong judgement is possible now against me now, tomorrow it will happen to You or with other citizen; -then the concept "judicial activity" contains a public danger with possible of judges rampage! My purpose to examining the perception of "judicial activity" with the facts of our life and the relations with democratic principles and human rights defense conceptions and justice. -Only facts may show who is a liberal and who is the hypocrites. - I sure that my witness will arise a public interest in discussing problems, will effect revision of false postulates and cause changes in the blunder perceptions.

-My impression of the "judicial activity" idea:

-The perception that the Israeli court is independent from political administration is very impressive but not exactly. -Let's remind that great part of our parliament members are lawyers with corporate interest, mentality and bias. These circumstances lites to forward the satisfactory laws for interrelated lawyer's community. The judge's nomination commission consists of jurists only. -Really, these circumstances makes possibility for protection by judge nomination, the interest negation. Precisely a short time ago in the press were publications of existing protection by judge's nominations. Is known the precedents of corruption in this community. All agree that a judge is a human being only. Not any Angel. Therefrom in my opinion: -As there are not proofs for hypothesis of a ideal judge, as there nobody, have the right to sale for public a legend on judge's authority to decide against of the law.

The impression from practice give me the ambition to declare that our parliament granted the judges excessive authority; -also problematic is the trial session by public exclusion, and other exclusive plenty of rope for judges transgression.

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-Reality the judge is free to edit a wrong session records and the litigants are helpless against judge's remissness. -Reality our judge has no responsibility for his decision! -Aside from a danger of tendentious trial, the trial without jury enable for cause whitens for felony(!). -Plenty of felony has turning to white after few years. -For any "interesting persons" it is OKAY condition, but the quest if the public interest is watched?!?

-I mind that the jurisdiction of "judicial activity" may cause the lawyers rampage and tyranny now and in the future. This conception can turn into an antidemocratic Trojan Horse.

I am not against the right of a judge discussing the law;
but in opposite to the administration's conception I sure
-the trial is not the place for the revision of the law;
for this purpose exists the democratic institutes, -they
and public have the authority on law critic and revision.

I believe the court process must be under public control,
as it conventional in USA, in Europeans democracies.

The Human Right Watch impossible without obedience to law.

The parliament is indebted to enact on judge's
responsibility for normal trial management according
to the law and for watch the citizen's equality.
-Only in this way would be reassure the human
rights, the public justice and the Person's Dignity.

I believe the judge should initiate his activity in
the court by guard on the Law and guard the equality
before the law, -otherwise we open the door for
danger of corruption and for public anarchy.

The law give for every person the right on justice 
trial. -The trial without juries or witnesses opens 
a possibility for injustice and for using the court
for violence a person and for cause injustice.

The trial without juries or witnesses opens also a
possibility for using a court to whiten the felony.

I sure that any interest lawyer has deceive
the parliament, so as suggested to access the
law giving the exaggerated authority for judge.
-Under a logic understanding -that on public
vision every conspiracy would disclose, -but
after the close doors everything possible.

-The conception of "judicial activity" is problematic;
-there is public interest to discuss the concept.

-Lawless! Helpless; -it liable case with everyone.
-Read my message: -You need know how it cause.

             "They sparkle with wit"
Before I will conversate the case of incrimination
me the crime affair, -I wish show to my reader how
our judges can to sparkle with wit, -they have the
right for amuse oneself a little...

  The episode cases with suit of the "Amidar" company...
  In July 1991 the Office For Lawyers Help got me the free
  advocate for jurist's help. Then I asked my advocate to
  appeal for closing the parallel old suit(c"af 4230/87).

  But in purpose for disturb me the clerks of the court
  has covered my affair, therefor my advocate could not get
  the appeal for two weeks, I busy with this problem to.
  -Then I wrote a complain to the chief of the Haifa's
  court on vanishing the suit's affair from the court....
  -As I got my complain to the secretary, as in few minutes
  the affair was found and brought before sir chief...
  -Look, -it is his answer from 11 July 1991:

    -"..Has not any basis for this complain...(!!)
    -There are absent any causation for my intervention 
    in the complain on the file's vanishing, because this
    suit's file there is on my table(!?) for my decision".
          The chief:  R. Sabir    ...

  -May be it is not lite for understand the black humor
  the Haifa's court chief, but You can understand that
  in process of human abuse takes part the court clerks;
  -You see that the clerks maltreatment is certain defended!

-You are understanding that the old court's wolf know better from us that his clerk, who brought the "vanishing" affair, she itself covered it continuously for two weeks and she did the sabotage action by involving the trial... -It was a criminal lawless action in few aspects.

-I am the witness and I am their victim. Next It will give witness of me incrimination.

*The Judge of the trial fabricate me the court discredit* -There is a needing to explain the incrimination:

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====================== * "Amidar's" trials * ====================== The last 12 years I am harassed by a court suits from the government company for housing for new jewish immigrants, "AMIDAR"; -The company's managers tried to throw me out of the flat, where I dwell according to the law for long time.

"Amidar" is not the owner, because -the flat was given for me orderly by the Ministry of Absorption in 1976. The houses for new immigrants in these time has bought from the budget of the Ministry of Absorption.

Good to remind: -the housing for jewish immigration 1972 was built by special international jewish and USA donations. I presented the documents approving my rights on the flat. The 20-th paragraph of the Resident's Defence Law 1967 and the rule instruction of the company are defending me.

The management of "Amidar" filed four trials one after one to throw me to the street and claims exaggerated rent to robber a helpless man; -The company's lawsuit and financial terms based on a fictive contract(not existing agreement).

-The real reason for this lawless lawsuits was a combination of the wrong approach to immigrants with their primitive volition to extortion them!!! -It perhaps, for oneself enrichment by robbery of immigrants, - they used take the immigrants flats for their itself enrichment.

(-Two years after -the countries procurator has initiate a crime trials versus Amidar's administration swindle; The crime trials versus D. Appel and M. Shany); Unfortunately, the judgement of these trials are were tendentious all time, from beginning of the process. -The judges tried to impede my position in the trials. -Because of the judge tendentious I was not allowed to see the documents which I need for handling my defense. -The documents must be disclose according to the law!!. I had knew that the administration did lawless actions and used false transcriptions and fabricated they converse.

The arguments and evidences I wrote in my civil appeal v. "Amidar"(C"Ap 7381/96 on 20 pages text writing in Hebrew, -all my words are basics (-the petition to). Then I requested that the documents will be open under the law (the litigants must give in the court a list of all documents what he had in his owners, with giving a declaration that he have not more relevant documents. The declaration impose a crime responsibility for false. -Because the judge resists to fulfillment the procedure(it was need for me) and because of causation more violation acts, and his tendentious behavior, then I appalled to the judge about of his myself disqualification in this trial.

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Then the judge plotted against me incrimination of prosecution on court discredit. -By judge status he influenced the police; ..false evidences by the police investigator used the basis for opening the crime affair.. -It was hers dirt work; -theirs provocation could end with me in prison for 5 years!! -without any reason!!! The police itself selected the crime judge for me!!
To my unhappiness the judge of the criminal affair 824/94 was very tendentious against me. -Usually he not wrote in the proceedings my witness and the important evidences happening in the court room, usually there was nobody inside aside from the judge, the policeman and me. -Sometime the judge answered with offence on my request write in the record my witness and arguments; -he said: "-I(!) will decide what will writing in the proceedings!" At the session in 7.11.94 the judge fabricate in the proceedings and lift together with policeman and with my "social given" advocate together, without my agree. -The "triad men" together decided on my future. -The social advocate not gave me see the proceedings of this session(he was present at the last session only). "My advocate" covered from me the copy of the proceedings. -It passed more of a week days after this session.... Because a strange behavior of my social advocate, at last I myself has took my affair from the court's office, has copy and read the session proceedings. -Then were clear me, that the judge, in agreement with "my advocate" and with the policeman fabricate against me a strange things in the session's proceedings..(!!!) -As if I talked on these session a strange things (!!!) Look! -So it was on the session in 7.11.94: -At the time of witness by policeman interrogator I had queried (for disclose her false witness):(r) -At the time when you interrogated me in the police office, you saw me a few pages, writing by violet ink, and you said me, that the judge wrote there as if... ( etc B.D.) . -I asked the judge write my quest, but it was did others, LOOK!! -the down's words had falsification as if it my's: "-There was a violet spot(!!!) and you talk me that.." After I has read this "witness" in the proceedings as it cleared for me that the "triad men" together decided imprison me (the details would writing after). Then I quickly dismissed the social help's advocate (because he betrayed me), and requested the itself disqualification of the judge, then on the self quest I gave my appeal to the Supreme Court( Cr"Ap 61/95 ). This appeal was discuss on the session of the Supreme Court in 7 of February 1995. -After all my assertion, plea and evidence were confirmed by the procurators, the chief of Supreme Court, Meir Shamgar gave his verdict of canceling this "crime process". -His verdict say: "-On my opinion -there was not the slightest cause for opening a crime process. -The country has reported on return from her charge. -The code of fabricated provocatively crime trial was: -Crime 824/94; -the code of my crime appeal: -Cr"AP 61/95. -This abuse of incrimination continued two lang years!!

Everything of writing above I explained before our court chief in order for half hour. I asked sir M. Shamgar: -if in continuous of my half hour's report did he has hear or saw any thing strange in my declarations there?!

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-I asked the sir court chief: -Why did the judge of a low instance fabricate me strange words in his record instead of my really words, and I asked -why did the judge not wrote in the these proceedings the evidences and the proves needing for my defending in the court. -Also I noticed before the Supreme Court on the judge's caddish behavior to me without any reasons. Sir court chief stopped my half-hours report for hearing the procurators opinion on my pleading.. -On my happiness the procurators answered right that all my pleas are true. -Then sir M. Shamgar canceled these wrong and vain crime trial and so stopped abuse me. -I am very conscious for sir Shamgar good act. -But with all respects to this man I wish appeal a public attention : -it could happen that the appeal on the "crime provocation" not accepted by the court secretary, or the other judge could not permit my half hour report, or the procurator could say false opinion and hurt me... -In general absent a little guaranty for watch the rights of defender for reporting before a judge in his trial. -More of this: -the judge may write his decision without relating to defender's evidences and proves... -Then before other judge, all facts could see others of this, how did I could prove my true as in the proceedings of these last session of the Supreme Court has not writing one word of the procurator's or of my witness! Let's remind that we are reading about a vain process; Let's remind that we are reading about a judge has take stapes by fabrication the proceedings with purpose of hurt the homeless citizen (- without advocate help). Luckily, -this time the wrongness not was successful, but I was capable defend myself, -the highest judge(!) defended me; -so I was relaxed from lawless in prison. -But this incrimination could finish wounded for me(!!)

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-Because there is not writing the record I could not to prove my exculpation... -If I has not read the lest proceedings, or him I could not appeal for the judge's disqualification, -then the judge could inprison me!! -This person continued be a judge in Israeli court and therefore in the court there is danger for other victim!! -Because behavior hidden from public the true, we do not know how mach victims caused because of wrong judgement. (On this time by this action of critic the court and the judges wrong behavior, now I am giving for them a reason for punishment me, -now they will be to close my mouth). Look!! -The citizen's freedom is dependence of many cases included the judge's clear conscience. But in my practice I has not feel here these strange privilege. -I give my witness of judge's tyranny within abuse causation against the citizens in Israeli court. Look!! -In this case all wrongs had happens because of the Supreme Court judge changed the law by his verdict. It happens because the court is not open for control, and because the court menage is not by jury. It happens because the judges selects a familiar jurists to be his colleague and be a judge for all the people, -without asking for the public wish. -The judge has not any responsibility for his wrong deeds. -What does the parliament??? -They will not intervene!?? -maybe other reasons for these indifference behavior.. -Where is a logic!!? Where are a human rights? -The law!? Look! -Do not exist in a human society other profession, that give the highest salary without any responsibility. -Look! -It caused no single time in the past, when a people was hurting because of the judges wrong behavior. -There is a public interest to submit by law on the security the human rights defending for each citizen. In this way public can to minor our dependence of judge's feeling or from judges psychological individuality. For the citizen's rights security the society must to change the wrong norms in the court to right norms, -also we must change the system of judges nomination by public general election of them. On other hand the parliament must to decree on a judge's responsibility for his judgement. -Only in this way the public could feel the secure for the common citizen from the danger of wrong system of judges nomination or to minimize any other concerning purposes in judges nomination. -The public knows many cases of medicine malpractice; -but the public wish not hear and understand that mach more of victims were caused because a wrong judgement. The doctors know that the malpractice case could return him by a suit or by crime charge.. But the the judges profession has not any responsibility. -Clear profession. -Good salary. -It is society absurd. The community deception. -Look! -Anywhere have interest in this absurd, for depression others and for pay salary for crime.. -Others it could not be. -Somebody gave them the power!! Somebody deceit the people with "half truth's" argue No more democratic countries where was given the non checked power to every judge as it caused in Israel. Look! -It hurt the Justice affair in our country. -I ask the citizen, -if do this situation good for you? -Let's change our judiciary: -see my proposal above: -the advanced changes will give the collective security the freedom and dignity for everyone. -There are the citizen's right to request our elected people give advance law for the Human Rights secure.

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-I will show for public (Till they will imprison me), many cases of criminal behavior of government officials against weak citizen. -Till to I would free. -Till this time I not explained my cases: -only a little wrote the murder of my mother in Rambam hospital and on trials of the "Amidar" company in this and other messages. -I have told more evidences -It was introduce.
I wish say for the public attention, that all men hurt me, -could not busy in judges profession, him they do not know before that their wrong behavior go equivalent with wish of his administrator. -Please do not talk me of the court independence. -The judges that hurt me, -they know well who nominate him and what their nominator waits of them. -Dear citizen, 25 years I look for the justice but not found it in our court. I have tell you mach primers. Please wait the sequel. Sincerely Boris Dobrovensky.

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 -My address: -
        Boris Dobrovensky,
 Harotem 49, Haifa 35843, Israel;
     phone: (972) 4 852 2270.;

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