"The law.. should surely be accessible at all times and to everyone."
-Franz Kafka

The Unfair Cases of Israeli judiciary

-The -stripping in Israeli court.

-Author Boris Dobrovensky
-Here I would like to expose the
cases of Society Injustice and
the role of Israeli judiciary.

The malpractice in public medicine
and -abusing -patient rights.
About right for inquest
for deceased's family.

..the fake due process of law
as allegedly fabricated
by the Israeli judge,
and much more...cases..cases.

"-As the casuistry is stupid
 -it couldn't set up wit;
 -As the lie goes disclose,
 -Will be a show of malice."
"Phrase from "The Captives". The antic: Tit Maczyus Plavt. (in my translation, Boris D.)
    Our THEME:
  • Here Tyranny !
  • Justice ?
  • Laws ?

  • Court ?
    • dominance
    • independence?

  • Human Rights ?
  • Real Cases!
-My jewish folk, Your leaders deceit you!
-They rules as in ghetto and declared as
though they invent a democratic system
-best in the world.
-Let's no suffer them with their lie !

-Here you can familiarize the "modern"
Israeli notions, -as "judicial activism",
"court's independence", "court's dominance";
-we would revise that.

-We will check these notions by real cases;
-it could seen a show of nature stripping.

-In advance democracy the parliament,
-as elected by the folk institute,
is the sovereign in the society.

-The court is a hand of the Law.

  -When You meet a liar in a
  way, -Do not complain as if
  caused a social tragedy.
  -But as the rulers tells half
  truth to their folk, -they
  are causing a national crime.

   -There is a danger!
-The personal observation from Boris D. -Who wishes to know the truth, would understand me.

Any verdict which hurts the Law -or Civil Rights should be annulled!


  1. The reasons of social violence in Israel and..
  2. - Sir Gabriel Bach; - His secret !
  3. The wrong verdict should be annulled.
  4. Dilemma of Parliaments authority. -Proposal
  5. Proposal for improve civil rights
  6. My "Agranat's Commission"
  7. The Court chief M. Landoy
    -discharge him.. ..But..?!
  8. The Court's chief "modernization".
    as cruel discrimination act
  9. The boomerang's Law...it's not a joke.
  10. For Contact Click here

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There given fundation oppose
to "judicial activity".

There is discussing the verdicts
that hurts the civil rights ;
These wrong verdicts are
continued abuse citizens as You,
-not be indifferent!

-There is Parliament's authority
      to abolish the wrong verdict !
It is the responsibility of each
Knesset Member to his country and his
voters to watch the Law, the equality
and Human Dignity of each citizen.

to Begin the Text

The Human Rights affair, the Justice are
demands to -update -the Laws in order to
secure the Civil Rights and equality:

-Social violence can not be one-sided!
"-as you sow, you shall mow!"
-so learns the popular wisdom."

The source of Social violence and the boomerang effect

I am a victim of the social violence that has been growing in our country on the ground of the ethnic intolerance. I have been injured physically and mentally up to 100% invalidity,
My old mother was killed in public clinic by doctors, -but I could not defend us myself because exist of mutual guarantee.

-There are many cases of abuse and violations towards a weak citizen groups, caused by the collaboration of the government and the court regarding the mutual guarantee in Israel. -I am sure that a wrong behavior of our leadership is causing the society and ethnic intolerance in the country; Of course the proven of cruel realty should convince the people of a need for a basis community and judiciary changes in order to make a better society with health social relations.
-Only after study the real cases, the laws and to compare with casuistry texts of judgment, it could understand and convince on the facts why our rulers are resisting to critic of wrong "judicial activity" and why they resist advance changes in our court.

The wretched coalition against "Russian" jews

-First, about a special kind of injustice turned against the jewish immigrants from Russia. -There were cases of committing suicide because discrimination and abuse.
-In the show of wretched coalition against "Russian" jews -I stress, that there has not were a only case when the offender has been punished by court. -The offenders always were acquitted, even though they were caught getting bribed with money or sex; -there were cases which ended with tragedy. -Always found a judge that acquitted the offenders.
Acquittal of the offenders
causes public instability
-Look, my old mother were killed by several learned doctors in public hospital, but all our rulers with our police with the "justice" system instead to inquest (under law) the perfidy murder, they one and all secured the -killers ( Return here with BACK button)
-My life was ravaged because intrigue and -hate -The degenerate oligarchy build the system of social terror in Israel by "political" judge nomination system and by adventure notions "Judicial activism". -Realty, in atmosphere of the lie and violence -nobody from a repatriated new citizen can not to prove the truth and(or) obtain justice and secure. -Only because this realty in our court continue the rampage of aggressive people. -This time their hypocrisy casuistry sounds as: -"judicial activism" give authority for judge by the International Law for defending the human rights of minority or weak people.. etc.. -But in real it is only adventure demagogy, because everybody who can to read and to see, -meet the facts of fabrication and manipulation in court, wrong judgment after closed doors. -In real the "judicial activity" is a trick perception for justification the social rampage. -Would You to seek, -you will not found here science or philosophy basis. -If I mistake, please show me( the science !). -There were cull felony adventure attack against the russian extraction group because russian extraction brought here high intellect potential; -it could in short future take the rule position. -There is the source of tendentious and of hate: -resisting others take a dignity social position. -Please Read and see the facts of my witness, -My life were annihilate during 24 years because the tendentious, cannibal relation of judges. -In my file brought all documents convince my charity against the lawless felony behavior of felony administration "Amidar" functionaries. My charity is carefully writing in the Law; -but the judges changed and fabricated proceedings after session and write judgment with preventing relation to evidences and Law. -It was a collegial hooliganism, -no judgment. -Do not seek here science or philosophy basis, -There here cull felony adventure attack against the russian extraction group because russian extraction bring here high intellect potential; could in short future take the rule position. -There is the source of tendentious and of hate: -resist they take the dignity social stand. -The judges acts with cruel behavior and lie. -All in justice closed by casuistry lie written in proceedings and in judgment decision.
"-as you sow, you shall mow!" -so learns the popular wisdom.

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  -Sometime the violence returns and blows the violators
   itself by a boomerang they thrown against other's.

  - As it cases, as would were nominated a governmental
    commission to inquest how it could cause with us ?!

Hoogh, -these "sacramental simplicity" !!??
"-as you sow, you shall mow!"

The oligarchy mind as only they should be secured. But on my opinion the killing any old lady in a governmental clinic by several learned doctors with they staff(-so were killed my mother), -is more public danger corroborate with killing a greatest person in the world by any individual. -For me the cruel betrayal killing of my mother and no reasonable killing of couple young Britain jews by Israeli citizen is an indicator of the society demoralization existing here.
I meet with this "moral" in all place where I go: In medicine, in court, in governmental offices. -The Social Justice and the reasonable are demands to improve the Laws in order to secure the Civil Rights as watching the equality rights of all citizens..etc.

-The message regards the public interest:
The Boomerang's Law: -The boomerang comes back !!.

"-as you sow, you shall mow!"

-so learns a popular wisdom.

-We should comment the wisdom:

-As you abuse the people, -you
shall mow the social violence!

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Sir Gabriel Bach, -his secret.

-The Honoree Judge Gabriel Bach were asked:

-Why do you wish no get a bodyguard as other judges?
-What your secret as you no afraid of revenge act
by criminal men that you punished as judge?

-What the secret as have you no enemies?!

Answered Gabriel Bach:

-It simply, -I love a people !

-Thank You, Sir Gabriel Bach !
-A long happy life for You!

The Court's chief "modernization" directive,
as Hypocrisy discrimination act.
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Part 2. -The wrong verdict should be annulled.

-Offence the Litigant Rights in the court!

The topics:
  1. What there wrong is in the verdict.
    -The litigant's rights as condition of justice.
  2. The Law and the Judge's comment.
  3. The contra-arguments to verdict.
  4. The verdict does not consist with the facts.
  5. Our judiciary bereave the Law from the citizens.
  6. The Law and the Court should secure Human Rights.
  7. This verdict contradicts the other verdict
  8. This verdict contradicts the Law comments.
  9. The wrong verdict should be annulled.
  10. Proposal to improve Parliaments authority.
  11. Proposals for secure Civil Rights.
  12. The boomerang's Law;

  2.1). The dilemma: -Record of proceedings.

 -I discuss here some verdicts of Supreme Court
 wich contradict the law, when they allow every
 judge a free hand to select what would be
 recorded in the proceedings of the trial
 (under judge's subjective comprehension).

-I am sure that a wrong verdict creates an option
to cause abuse and damage to any citizen with no
necessity or logical explanation.
- But there is a public danger!
-Then the wrong verdict should be annulled. The legislator has the authority to cancel it.

 - We wish to discuss the verdict given
 by sir M. Shamgar in crime appeal CrAp 220/83;
-both with a precedence verdict that was given
 by sir M. Landoy, In a similar trial CrAp 862/81.

We will make experience to discuss here -The main dilemma finding in wrong comments has given before for the Procedural law and a about judges authority, as it goes from reminded. We wish show here as in these verdict has given a wrong comments as if the legislator gives to judge an authority to does selection -what will be recorded in proceedings of a trial's session, (total testimonies appropriate to this file). In that case the litigants appealed to the Supreme Court for disqualifying the judges from conducting their trials because of wrong management the session as specified; because the judge's refusal to record in the proceedings the appellant's assertions and proves, despite of the appellant's request.

Dear citizen, Please PAY ATTENTION !!
 - Please pay attention:
 - This verdict, as precedence (as rule) for all
 court continued cause a new victims(!),
 -because here eliminated the basic litigant
 rights in court that given in the law;

 -it causes complication during the trial:
 -unnecessarily injures the citizen's dignity
 and causes the atmosphere intrust and illegal
 relation in a trial's session.

- Because of a judge in each other court may
 bristle on this wrong verdict as on the law.

 - Attention! -This verdict threatens the
 justice affair, damage Civil Rights of
 citizen, permit terror in judgement, -it has
 not a logically or legally based explanation.

 -Absolutely opposes law and logic !!

Basically, the law secures the right of litigants so
that in proceedings, everything that has been read,
presented or occurred in trial, will be recorded.

  The purpose of legislator to secure equivalent
  rights of litigants; the post of judge existing
  exactly for secure watching the equivalent rights.
  He has not authority to revision the Law (as the
  Procedural Law) or to less rights of litigants,

- We sow in these verdicts a tendency (experience)
  to subtract or reduce the citizen's civil rights;
  -it shows as a part of wish to take unbeaten power
  for a judicial's and advocates society.

  Now we will follow sir M. Shamgar's verdict
  prescribes judges authority for selectively
  record the hearing and polemic with a judge.

  Below given the translation of this verdict as
  it's recorded in the digital date for lawyers:
  Every one can compare the "exhibit comment" of the
  law given by the judge, -with the text of Law.

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Let's check the verdict Together
There given the contra-arguments to verdict.

2.2) Here below are given the four important quotes
from sir Shamgar's verdict CrAp220/83:

 "The trial..Before the chief's assistant M. Shamgar..

  " -The appeal is against the district judge's
  refusing the demand of the appellant to disqualify
  himself from residing in the case of the charges
  that were submitted against the appellant.

" -The appellant complained in his appeal against a way the judge manages the trial; -that displayed a wrong attitude, as mainly was shown in wrong recording of the proceedings."


The chief's assistant M. Shamgar
recorded in this trial:

.."The appellant complained that the
 judge bared a wrong relation to him,
 as detected in wrong management of
 the proceedings. - The questions and
 answers which are important for the
 appellant are not recorded the way
 they were in reality"

The contra-arguments to the verdict.
The legislator explains in the next paragraph, that the proceedings do not have to be written by judge only (-in contrast with the comments of our famous court's rulers men, as phrased.) - But the Law allowed recording the proceedings:
"..by tape-recorder or by other technical writer, or by a stenographer that would be nominated by the CHIEF(!) of the Local COURT(!) "
(see paragraph 135 of mentioned law) ... other arguments will be added.


-The quote from verdict:

 "..The crime trial Law(1982)...
 -imposes on the court a responsibility
 to manage a proceeding trustworthy,
 - but it does not mean (!! B.D.),
 that the judge is responsible for
 writing all (!! B.D.) what was uttered
 by the witness or the advocate.

 - His responsibility is to manage
 proceedings in a way that reflects
 truthfully the running of the
  trial that he manages."
The Law's phrase

      The proceedings managing.
 - & 134.
 -In the crime trial , proceedings
 will be recorded that should show
 all what had spoken and happened
 there and regarding to the trial.
-it's all text of the Law ! -Pay Attention!:"..-should show all(!) what had spoken and happened there".

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In his verdict sir M. Shamgar mentioned paragraph
137 with given personal comment as though under
the law the right of a litigant limited in this
paragraph, as right to ask the judge to correct
text of the proceedings, and the judge's
authority to decide to correct the mistake
in proceedings, -all under of judge's wish.
( read in 3) quote higher).

Sir Shamgar agree that under the law(accordance
to paragraph 134) the proceedings has contain
the records validity regarding the all, exact
happenings during the session.
But sir Shamgar comment here as if the judge has authority select what will be record here. -See the way of a defective explaining the law: -Simply! -The judge forget in his argumentation the world "ALL" and the imperative stile of legislator! -He argue as if legislator wrote the law for judges opinion, -not for "subjective" wish of litigant. Then sir Shamgar changed the law, -he comments as though the proceedings will be recording under subjective understanding of each judge. Then de-facto in proceeding will be recording no what realty happened in trial, as carefully ordering in the law(!), but will be contain what wish or understand a judge subjectively. -So learn as the judges comments It clear here, that the law give securing the Rights of citizen, as he litigant in the trial, with compare the verdict, as hurts the rights of litigant in court and give the reason for conflicts between judge with litigant, and give the area for abuse the citizen. Apart from other important complications, this verdict is given option for whiten a felony. It is a part of illustration the realty of the "JUDICIAL ACTIVITY" and who its father. ---- end citation from verdict----

-Attention: -Above you see a quote from official text
of the Supreme Court verduct given by sir M. Shamgar.
- file index CrimeAp 220/83
2.3) Below is given The contra-arguments.
Attention: -would you research basically, you will
not found any logical justification of these verdict.

-There are several question-comments to problematic verdict's.
    ( After these points will be a polemical intervene).

 About using the &137 paragraph in these verdict:
  1. -But can the real litigant remember each word spoken during the session??! (of course not!) -Then the 137 paragraph has other purpose.
  2. The 137 paragraph is used only as possibility for correcting the proceedings from technical mistakes if caused; it needed for obtaining an exact date, -not for polemic with judge of his selection right.
  3. -But it's surprising why our judge gave comment for 137 paragraph, although in paragraphs 135 and 136, where the law carefully comments how the proceedings in a criminal trial must be written.
    What is prescribe in the quest?!
  4. -Please pay attention that the first three paragraphs: 134. 135 and 136 are phrased in an imperative style, as directions for the court!

    -These paragraphs consist the carefully comments for itself.

  5. -There is no sign in the written law as though the legislator has given the judge an authority to select what would be recorded in the proceedings ! -These paragraphs contain the carefully comments.

  6. -There is a good reason why the legislator(as objective notion) did not give the local judge the authority to decide about a stenographer could used in the session(!). ( see the -135 paragraph of Procedural Crime Law ).
  7. In our quest the function of a judge (as his authority and responsibility), -is to insure the proceedings are registered exactly, all that has been spoken and presented in a trial session, including the ability to correct mistake, if there are any and if was asked(under & 137).
  8. -But as carefully explained in these paragraphs: -The record should be fully balanced and exact. -The Emperor-Law -so ordered for One and All.
  9. -Hence considering the arguments mentioned here, referencing of paragraph 137 in verdict was irrelevant. - Then the verdict with its arguments are wronging.
  10. You saw in all arguments as the verdict have not a logical justification, -only negative.
  11. ( Below we will add -arguments to this list) The verdict that learns any judge to hurt the Law, is lawlessness, - it should be annulled !

 We are interested here only for understanding the prime
 verdict given by these judges that exist as precedence
 rule for all other judges in our court, legally.

Warning! -Up to the verdict not canceled it will damage new victims, -do not forget it !! --------------- We begin our study of a genuine verdict of Sir M. Shamgar and compare his text with the text of the written law. The text of the law seen above is straight forward:
There can be no other commentary:
- It's written in imperative stile(!!)
- The Law teaches the court that in the proceedings of a crime trial everything has to be written, regarding what happened and spoken in the session.

Every homo sapiens understands that if the proceedings were recorded truthfully and all what happen in the trial session, then it gives option for an appeal and discussion about the judges decision. But If the judge did not record the argumentation, or made a wrong record, that could cause a wrong judgment.

-On the other hand the judge can prevent appealing against his wrong decision because the judge had not written, during the proceedings, evidence, that must be obtained in the lower court grade.

-It's not possible to remember all occurrences during the trial and what is recorded with mistakes and what is not recorded at all. -Is it understood?! Look, -there is the source of the dilemma: -We have a good law that was born in UK legacy, (more exactly the thousands years old Rome law). -But our judges wish to make a law on their own; Then the judges use a false comments and so eliminate the good law that half the world uses. In fact the law does not give the judge the free hand to select what would be written in the proceedings of trials sessions. I am sure that the false interpretation of the law by several judges damage the justice in the court and in the country and caused a society demoralization. These wrong interpretations can cause an anarchistic behavior and bring corruption in the court system. If it is possible to place a verdict not according to the law then there always will be a danger to any citizen of being a victim of subjective thinking or wish of any judge. -It is logical?! -But It's an element of anarchy. - It is clear that some judges make wrong verdicts and thus are breaking the exact law. These judges explain their perception as if the legislator has written the law for court, then as if the legislator has given the authority to the judge to select what would be recorded in the proceedings. My arguments against this casuistry:
-I found in verdicts of other judges of the same level of reputation and maybe the same judges wrote opportunity argumentation in other cases. Now I wish to show to my opponents that not only the logical understanding of the law explains clearly whom is the responsibility of recording the proceedings, but transcriptions the verdicts in relevant cases explain as we are right.

I only wish to remind to our grot Lawyers that they mistakenly interpret the law. It go wrong with the judiciary commentary to laws given in the law commentary and in oppose with relevant court verdicts.
The comment has in the law is prefer of the judges comments. The law is writing for one and all, equality. The judges busy to fulfil the law as it given. Click here -for Next.

    - The official commentary says:
-if it is written in the law "permits" then the legislator meant "mandatory to be executed". -If the law gave an authority, then the legislator meant that as a responsibility for action. (soon the source will be added) - We have add verdicts there given comments:
- if in the law gives any privilege for citizen, could no be any agreement eliminates this rights. In other transcription: If the law secure the rights of litigants about record the proceedings in trial, then could not be transcription damage or eliminate these rights. Then the two verdicts that has been analyzed , - They are lawless. (soon the source will be added) Sir Shamgar and other Sires! It is very clearly, that the community believe you act according to the law but no expected for given a false commentary for the same law. -Paragraph 134 of the procedural law says absolutely exactly, total and logically that everything in the proceeding must be recorded, what was done and read in the court session.

-So it should be. The judge of the trial is responsible for the fulfillment of the law as it is written, and not as in your verdict.

- The community believe you watch the law, -that means also that in the proceedings everything that is done or read or presented must be recorded. It cannot be erased in focus-pocus in the court room.

" -as you sow, you shall mow!"
-learns us the popular wisdom.

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-I wish to show our readers yet a one nuance
 discovered me in the precedent verdict:

-In my experience in the courts I noticed that
the judges of the highest grade usually write,
in verdicts, facts from proceedings for
explaining their decision to reject an appeal.

 I am sorry that sir Shamgar did not mention in 
 his verdict(while suspended this complaint), 
  -what exactly the judge of the criminal 
 trial did not wrote in the proceedings.

-I am sure that really the appellant explained in his appeal the thinks that the judge did not record the proceedings(accurately as I explained in my appeal)

-Of course, the appellant brought wrote the actual evidence to convince the Supreme Court of his justice ( as I did in my appeal in other time! ). Sir Shamgar rejected this complaint against the judge. -But in this case of sir Shamgar's verdict (as by sir M. Landoy in his verdict), - in spite of the general rules -the evidence are not mentioned.
- Then the justice is not seen in this verdict.

Excuse me for being suspicious. - Are You Surprised as I ?!??!?!.. ??.. ?!!!

- So caused me in all trials happened me ! ---------------- ----------------- I have been forced to shorten my argumentation:

From all the facts and arguments presented, it is clearly seen that the wrong manage of proceedings is likely to hurt the citizen as a litigant in the court because of too many reasons, as explained.

This verdict is wrong as gives the judge the power not to observe the law when recording proceedings, -to damage the litigant's possibility to prove his claims and do his task; - then in one time 1) -it contradicts the Procedural Law ( ordered the manage as condition for secure a justice trial), 2) -it damage the basis Law of Human Dignity and abuse the citizen. 3) -The wrong verdict has anti-scientific comment as though the legislator give doing the law for judge opinion, turns the court as tools of terror. 4) -So the judges army try to take more power in country, instead the power of a voted parliament. -Realty they does no Law, and no Justice, they judgment under needs of corrupted oligarchy. -Here is the source of their power. They does all What they wish, with cynicism. legislator ordered judge do the law, but no do as he understand, but according the Law, as writing. Real these verdicts caused experience reducing litigant's rights, given in procedural law;
-on the other hand they reduce the judge's responsibility to manage the proceedings.
The verdict is hardly be logically understood. -It contradicts the basic Law of human dignity. -It is one from much experiences of interesting groups to growing the power of Court against the Rule of Law. -There is the danger for democracy. The verdict as written and explained in verdicts 862/81 given by judge M. Landoy and in the verdict of Sir M. Shamgar in the trial YP 220/83 in the parts where it is written about recording proceedings in the court may be cancelled. ======== ========== ======== Dear reader, this moment I do not know more about this criminal trial and about his crime litigants. I study these verdicts when I prepared to defend oneself against judge's provocative charge me. I showed here the wronging the procedural rights of a litigants in our court with abuse him and raised to my folk the needs to improve and secure the Civil Rights for all citizens in Israel.

I am sure with basis on history of judiciary, as it could not be court independent from parliament! - The parliament as the democratic elected organ should have the authority to abolish verdicts of the court as well, as exist any verdict contradicts the law. - Then on the basis of personal experience and suffering I suggest the proposal for improve the justice affair in my country as it writing below.

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  - My proposal is to edict laws, needs for
  improve secure Human Rights and the citizen's
  Dignity as it is directed in the law:

Must be watching the legislator's authority to check any complaint against precedence verdict which contradicts the law or the Civil Rights.

The parliament is authorize!
  • Parliament is a sovereign have the authority to abolish any verdict of the court as well, as the verdict opposes the law or Civil Rights.

  • The parliament have discuss and decide about verdict in cases as explained above -in his session by presence of no less than 80 parliament's members. -If the verdict is found wrong, it needs the majority of 70% of the members for it's abolishing.
  • If the verdict is annulled by parliament (knesset) it would be forbidden to be used as a precedence verdict in any court. The trial case concerning the wrong verdict can be submitted for a re-trial.
  • -I propose do the proceedings record by any independence advanced writing system, then the judge should be free from writing the proceedings.

Other proposals for improving secure Civil Rights and the Law see in my -URL address:

I am sure the parliament as a democratically elected organ should have the authority to hold control on securing the Law and the watching Civil Rights for each citizen if his civil Rights was damaged in court and not found other solution. The parliament have authority to abolish any verdict given by court as well, as the verdict opposes the law or Civil Rights.

" -as you sow, you shall mow!"
-so tell popular words of wisdom.


-Read my testimony
- Now I seek for an Attorney !

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E-Mail me Now doboris@hotmail.com
My address: - Boris Dobrovensky,
Harotem 49 apt 35,
Haifa 35843, Israel;
phone: (972) 4 852 2270.;

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