Kangaroos Webring


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Webring Sites

Kangaroos Webring

This webring has been established to provide links between the many sites and pages that deal with Australian Football teams that use the kangaroo as their logo or name. It is purely a non profit undertaking and is not connected in any way to any organisation or company.

If you would like your site or page included on the Kangaroos Webring then read the rules and complete the Kangaroos Webring Application Form.

WebRing manage the webring. You will need to join/sign in as a  WebRing member. This is free!

Follow instuctions on the page. Place the Kangaroos Webring HTML provided by cutting and pasting the code to the top or bottom of your page. Please place it on the page that you nominate as your URL as this makes webring navigation easier. The navigation bar at the top of this page is what will appear on your page. You are now welcome to use the various logos that appear here on your webring page in any way that you choose.

The navigation tool appearing at the bottom of these pages no longer applies to new sites although it still is approriate for existing sites.

Your site will then be placed in the queue. I'll visit your site to see if the HTML code is there and providing your site meet the Kangaroos Webring critera, I'll then notify you by email that your site is part of the webring.

Good luck with your site and may your Kangaroos win!


  1. In order to be part of the Kangaroos Webring you must have a webpage
  2. Your webpage must be about a football team, club, group or individual that uses the kangaroo name or symbol
  3. Your webpage must carry the Kangaroo webpage HTML on the page that you nominated in your application. If this is a slow loading page please move it to a faster loading page. You can change your details here
  4. The Kangaroo Webring logos should only be used on sites associated with the webring

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Kangaroos Webring established 1/9/98

Last updated:11:44 AM on 29/12/2000

Maintained by: Peter Young Ringmaster