<bgsound src="canond.mid" loop=infinite>

Angels on Earth!! There are many of them!! Do you have someone that has done so much for you or was there when you really needed someone? If so, please submit your angel's name to the form below and your angel will be linked from the tree to a page telling about why you chose this angel.


I have stopped taking submissions for the angel tree!! I hope that I can start it back up soon, but now I am so busy with other things, that I really don't have the time! I am very sorry!! I will keep the current pages up for you to see and hopefully, begin taking submissions soon!! Thank you for your wonderful support of this site!!

To comfort and to bless,
To find a balm for woe,
To tend the lone and fatherless,
Is angels' work below.

~W.W. Hew~

prissy's page mystic's page donna's page prissy's page2 donna's page2 irish's page jeanne's page teresa's page ann's pages lynn's page donna/angel's page heather's page lace's pages leigh's page elsangel's page tazmo's page scully's page sandra's page kari's page

We are, each of us, angels with one wing and we can only fly by embracing one another.

~Lucian de Crescenzo~

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