Hello and Welcome to My Guestbook...

11/29/00 20:50:46
Name: Cara
My URL: Visit Me

Helen, You have done a wonderful job with your site. Keep up the great work.I was wondering if you've read the newest book in the Left Behind series. I just finished it, the book is called The Mark. I have been a fan of the series since it began, so needless to say I loved The Mark. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. If you haven't yet read The Mark, you should try. It's a wondreful addition to the series. I'm thinking about giving it as a Chirstmas present.Talk to you all soon, Cara

10/30/00 21:28:22
Name: Sandi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Interesting site.

10/14/00 02:22:23
Name: Angel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: If I had all the riches of this world, from diamonds to pearls , to the luxurious cars, to all the money in the First National Bank . It wouldn't mean a thing without this love for my Savior JESUS!!!!!!

I really enjoyed your page. Continue to bless the Lord, and remember it's about the relationship.

10/14/00 02:06:54
Name: A child of God
My URL: Visit Me


10/13/00 01:19:30
Name: Tim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind

Your site is very nice. I enjoyed my visit very much. That applet at the top of the page is really awesome.

09/20/00 16:08:03
Name: Candace My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With every breath that I Take.

Very much so enjoyed this site. May God continue to bless you!!

09/11/00 19:27:57
Name: Kristi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More than Words could say

I have really enjoyed your site Helene! It has truly been a blessing to me. I'm not yet finished browsing, but wanted to sign your book before I forgot. May you be very blessed! Love, Kristi

09/09/00 01:23:10
Name: Shirley Gibson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: A lot, and enough to serve Him.

You have a great site! Keep up the good work. God Bless You Shirley

09/02/00 19:59:18
Name: Helene Martin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: He is first in my life

I as drawn to your site in curosity as my name is also Helene and am a Christian.

08/16/00 18:58:26
Name: viki My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: no words to explain

Hello, How wonderful it is to see such a refreshing page...I enjoyed it very much.I am sending you a page to view.I found this while searching the net last week. I checked it out and found it to be true as some things here you cannot trust in..She will talk to y u in the phone or through email. I talked to her by fone .I appreciate any consideration given this woman.Any freinds you have perhaps you can pass along if you feel it in your heart to comply..Keep up the good work... Your sister in Christ, Viki http://maxpages.com/justone

06/05/00 22:33:54


05/24/00 08:50:37
Name: hiz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: not enough...

enjoyed your site... love your art choices and color schemes.... keep on keeping on.. look past your circumstances and straight into Hiz eyes.. blessings hiz

05/15/00 16:00:27
Name: Henry Howard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: more than my own life!

Helene, this is a very special place that I hope to visit when ever my soul needs a booster shot. Thank you for this site and Please help me with mine!!!!? lol Lionel Ritchie?lol

05/06/00 20:57:46
Name: Carroll My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With My "Whole Heart"

What a beautiful website you have. I really enjoyed reading your testimony. I am so happy that you've turned your life around and now walk hand in hand with the "LORD"....."God Bless"

05/03/00 15:39:44
Name: Galia Cockerham My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: very much

Helene, I have really enjoyed your site. It has been a blessing to me, and reading your testimony I felt those goose bumps. God really knows how to get our attention. You've done a great job of sharing Christ with others. Keep it up.

03/16/00 17:00:55
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: MORE THAN EVER


03/16/00 16:18:24
Name: Fran My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: So much!

Tahnk you for having a web site to encourage us along this journey.

03/08/00 13:20:47
Name: Dee
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: Too Much for Words

I have so enjoyed my visit here. It was truly a blessing. May God continue to bless you.

03/06/00 20:09:21
Name: Chris
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: More than anything :)

Beautiful site...The abortion page brought tears to my eyes. God bless you

02/22/00 15:55:03
Name: Oleg My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: I just Love Him. And I think we should grow in this love every day.

Thank You for wonderful site. I heve a cjuple of questions. (see e-mail)

02/17/00 06:27:41
Name: Sheila Botha My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: My soul longs for the Lord its so painful

Please my sister, pray for me my longing for Christ is so wonderful I cant explain myself my longing is to be used greatly by my Saviour please help me to become the woman God long of me,I belong to the baptist church I know that God is with me and had e counter with my Maker the way God gives me dreams and visions please answer me backI need someone to talked, its like people dont understand whats happening to me. I have been blessed by browesing through the enternet and found you.may God continue to bless you and Family.(pss when I cry within its so painful please explain) Love Sheila

01/27/00 11:51:21
Name: Rev. Johannes Erich Myors My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: He's my pilot.

Shalom from a fellow member of the Cybergrace Ring of Truth. I just wanted to stop by and say hello, wish you a happy new year, and drop off a prayer or two in hopes that this year will be more effective and productive for you than last year was. Would yo consider my site for your award? Thank you. Take care in Y'shua.

01/24/00 03:33:40
Name: Renee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart and soul

Great site.. I really enjoyed my stay... God Bless and keep up the great job!

11/18/99 23:53:30
Name: Tina My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More than I could explain here!!!!

Your page is beautiful and I plan to return often. Your Friend In Christ, Tina

11/15/99 10:26:43
Name: Rev. Johannes Erich Myors My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: I'm his two-wheeled servant and you?

Shalom from a fellow member of the WJD Ring.

11/01/99 12:27:33
Name: Ricky My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: more than anything !

Great site thanks for putting it up !

09/05/99 19:11:46
Name: LIL DEB My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart and soul


08/15/99 11:18:38
Name: Bill Secord My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Alot

nice site!!!!

07/28/99 10:16:38
Name: Janet
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: Loaded question... :) LOTS!!!

You know I bet he loves me [us] even more... Hi, Just surfing in and love the new layout. I'm in the process of seperating my site. I'm thinking of making my Y!Geo page more for free graphics and moving my homeschool site, recipes, and family stuff to a new site. [working on it right now] I enjoy making graphics and putting on pictures in the webcam gallery. Visit and sign the guestbook, won't ya? :) Nice being your friend, Janet & family

07/10/99 21:23:29
Name: Heather My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all of my heart mind soul and strenght!

I absolutely love your page! It is so nice to see Christians using the internet as a witnessing tool! I am sending this to all of my lost family and friends!

07/10/99 05:36:00
Name: Dale WV My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With All My Heart

Just found your site and I like it very much. > Here area few of my pages, > They could load slow, as I like animation's. > > God can, Will, and has healed us. > For His Strength I created Now for the Spiritual Strength That we need David WWJD http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/wwjd.htm My Church, God's House http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/cwah.htm My Personal Testimony 8 Pages Take A Walk With Jesus http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/jesus.htm Parables Of Jesus http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/parable.htm Healing Power Of Jesus 7 Pages http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/scriptur.htm God's Music http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/wwjd3.htm This we should never forget Columbine High School Memorial As great as our country is, we have sadness all around us, and each day we see more and more of the same. http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/memorial.htm My other pages Home Page . http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/quitsmoking.htm Wall Of Cancer Victims The Wall Of Cancer Victims, is my window. When I look through that window, I know that smoking killed. My Mother and My Father Took two of my Cousins last year In the last month took my wife's Aunt and Uncle She now has another Uncle that has dealt with cancer. My Brother In-Law had the right lung removed in Jan. 30 chemo treatments and 14 to go as well as radiation. http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/wallof.htm Healthcare Centers http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/healthca.htm My Battle My Victory 10 Pages My Battle My Victory. I was so wanting to quit, and I needed to know how. I prayed for God's help, this was to big for me. I decided NO MORE EVERMORE. We must all know that we are ONE PUFF AWAY FROM A PACK A DAY http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/page01.htm RUSHHHH http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/rush.htm EXCUSES EXCUSES EXCUSES 10 Pages http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/excuses.htm Cancer Facts, don't miss this one 5 Pages http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/facts.htm Celebrate 7 Pages http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/celebrat.htm Cancer Facts 2 pages http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/facts.htm Women Smoking and Pregnancy http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/facts3.htm Cigar Smoking And Your Health 2 pages http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/facts4.htm Smoking And Teenagers 3 pages, must see this one http://www.intrepid.net/~rocky48/facts5.htm God be with you all and it is written Ph'p:4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Dale, Falling Waters, WV Please send to all your friends. Abortion is murder, regardless of why, What if abortion was legal at the time of Mary.

07/06/99 19:09:09
Name: Associate #1 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Infinity + 2

I really enjoyed your page! The world would be a much more barren, boring, depressive place without people like you, and your pages. Come visit my domain on the net, and read the words of my organization. I'm sure you will find a lot there which will appe l to you. Visit our homepage!

07/06/99 15:26:24
Name: Homer "evil" Simpson
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: 0%

Still being pathetic, are we? You might as well stop running this Christian website and focus on getting a life, cause you will die and return to mother earth, and by that time I think you would have wanted to accomplish something in your life - cause wh n its over, its over. No heaven awaits you. You and me, we are all food for the worms - in time.

07/02/99 08:23:33
Name: Johannes
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: Love Jesus??

There seems to be an abundance of these pages all over the web. Middle aged people trying to bring something new into their otherwise uneventful lives. Ignorance is a disease..

06/17/99 03:25:29
Name: Smidgit My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: very much

You have a reall nice site here.

06/10/99 01:38:48
Name: eonstar My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with my total being

I love your site...I too...Started a Christian Web-site..I mainly want to help spread the word... And help other Christians get a website too....But i currently find it difficult...Can you help me on any pointers....thank you and GOD bless you..

05/29/99 14:06:40
Name: Sarazin (Tony) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: as a child

Discovered yr site a visitwhich I enjoyed since your artistic works well i see them as the new Icons.Let me tell you that a few days ago with Françoise my wife we attended ina monastery of Carthusian Sisters in the Alps services to celebrate the first an versary of the perpetual vows of a cousin of mine.Bernadette has been.Time does not count. already a sister during 14 years among them 4 yrs in Quebec.In the abbey wokshop,sister Maria Lux paints Icons as the Orthodox and grace of that unforgetable day we were allowed to see her different icons "on the way" it takes about two years and all the sisters of the abbey pray for her success. Grace to God His Son and the holy Spirit!Grace to Mary Mother ! From Marseilles France Antoine and Françoise Sarazin

05/19/99 17:58:23
Name: Colleen
My URL: Visit Me

Hi Helene, You have a very beautiful site here. I especially enjoyed your tribute to Beau... he sounds like a wonderful dog. Thank you for a lovely visit.

05/14/99 13:02:58
Name: Lou My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart

just stopped in to say hello and wish you a great day.

05/13/99 20:10:16
Name: Steven My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all my heart!

Hi Mom, Just thought that I'd stop in and say hi. So, Hi... I love you mom... Love Steven...

04/27/99 14:41:23
Name: Patrick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Jesus said, "If you love Me keep My commandments." - John 14:15 ~ I obey Him

That's an awesome testimony of your little son ending up on the church's lawn. Hallelujah. Please visit my site to see my preaching. It is mostly Scripture and it is NOT watered-down. According to the word of God, salvation is not as easy as most peop e say it is. Jesus said, "...dificult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." - Matt. 7:14. "...BLESSED are those who hear the word of God AND KEEP IT." - Luke 11:28. ~ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

04/05/99 13:06:58
Name: Bill Jager My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: To me Jesus is just another unbelievable ledgend.

I like your graphics.

03/28/99 04:28:56
Name: Judy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: As much as there are birds in the sky or fish in the sea, or people on the earth.

Your page has truly uplifted my spirit. So many Easter pages are filled with colored eggs and bunnies. To see the true meaning of Easter on your site is truly a blessing. God Bless and peace be with you alwasy.

03/06/99 18:29:51
Name: Terri My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all my heart !!!!

I really don't remember how I got to your page but I am so glad I did. I just got finished reading your testimony, WOW !! Isn't our God AWESOME?!?!?!?!
Thank you for sharing it with us. If you have time please stop in and visit us.
In Loving Christ,

02/23/99 20:05:42
Name: Megan Berard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all my heart!

I just want to tell you that you truly deserve that Courage Award for your Testimony. As I read it, I just cried and cried and was so happy for your overcoming. Thank you for sharing your life story.

01/18/99 03:05:05
Name: Kirsten My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart

You have a wonderful web site. Your graphics are very beautiful. Please check out a new Christian Women Fellowship at http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/taunton/102/

01/15/99 06:24:43
Name: Pastor Tony Ciarlante My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart, mind and soul

Excellent site which glorifies God! May God continue to bless you as you add to these pages. Praise God for good Christian sites on the web and for new cyber friends 'in Christ'.

01/10/99 03:19:52
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH


12/30/98 18:06:44
Name: Anne Robbins My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all my heart!

I really enjoyed my visit to your site! God bless you!

12/22/98 09:58:05
Name: Alan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I'm not a church freek, but I like you page, come check out mine sometime and let me know what you think.

12/12/98 02:03:40
Name: Glenna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: As much as I am humanly able.

Once again, You have surpassed yourself. The christmas card intro. you have put up is beautiful. Thanks for the invite to see it. I reread your testimony and once again it gave me chills. We sure serve a mighty God don't we?

12/10/98 04:31:22
Name: Rob My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Not enough at times, as we are still human

You have a wonderful site and it lifts me up to come here,I will be back often as We all need lifted up often...Thank you my christian friend
Visit My Homepage
This Is A Buckmaester Site

12/08/98 19:41:25
Name: Jane Baker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: unconditionally!

Thank you sooo much for your lovely pages of encouragement! We need more Christians willing to stand up and be strong for the Lord. May God continue to richly bless you in this area [and any other that you are doing] of ministry! Take heart! When you stan , the evil one will attack, BUT....GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD!! Love in Christ, Jane Baker

12/08/98 18:49:53
Name: Devoob
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

How on earth did you end up at my page?!
Does it have anything to do with Steven LeGrand?

12/08/98 18:44:57
Name: Devoob
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey, what's the deal with your Geoaddress.
It's not massive and evil to type.
"All Night Long" the midi file?

12/08/98 10:26:32
Name: Luann My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: very much

May you always be blessed!! great page!! One of the best I have visited.. You really put a lot of time and effort in it and it shows...

12/07/98 23:32:46
Name: Cathy Statler My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: You ask this at Christmas time?

Lovely pages, thanks for visiting my site. It was only fair to return the favor.

12/07/98 13:02:26
Name: GINA My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: very very very much...


12/07/98 12:39:30
Name: Ralph Dettwiler My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Yes

Take heart, you are in my prayers. God bless you.

12/07/98 11:24:18
Name: Shirley & Mike My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: WITH ALL THATS IN US!

Hi- Just wanted to stop by and encourage you. We also at one time had some very "mean" things put in our guestbook, but I will never forget the comment of one wonderful Christian Pastor who told us " Only the purest and deepest love could generate so much hate" So Praise The Lord my sister- Jesus Loves You! And all can see that you Love Him! Glory!!!

12/07/98 08:39:04
Name: Pandora
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Helene I did visit, thank you for the invitation. Very nice website. Seasons greetings to you and yours. Pandora

12/07/98 07:47:43
Name: Denise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: He is my life!

Helene, what a beautiful website. I am so thankful that the Lord, in His wisdom, gives us all gifts with which to glorify His Name. Persevere unto the things that are ahead, and keep building up those treasures. "Greater is He that is in YOU, than he t at is in the world". May God's grace and peace be your eternal comfort...NHZNAME.

12/07/98 06:15:19
Name: Gunter Kirchhoff My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: He is my first Love

Helen how are you - I heard you need a little encouragement. Well the Lord has two special words for you today Psalm 139 and Psalm 150. And remember He is always with you. Gunter. come and visit my pages too and sign my guestbook come to think of it you never did do that before.

12/07/98 05:22:33
Name: For His Glory My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Lots & Lots!!

What an awesome tribute to the glory of our Lord!!! May His blessings be upon you!

12/07/98 05:16:36
Name: Deb My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More than words can say!

You have a great site here...awesome graphics and wonderful music. I pray the Lord blesses you beyond measure for your dedication in serving Him. No weapon designed by the enemy shall prosper against us!! My prayers also go out for the individuals whose o inions seem to differ!

12/06/98 20:45:38
Name: Space Boy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: I don't really know?

First of all I am here because you signed my old homepage guestbook. I am a practicing Catholic which is forced to go to an outdated religious ceremony every Sunday. After going through a class in world history (at a catholic highschool) my teacher conv nced me that our religion was mostly made up. Think about it, the devil isn't in scriptures untill the around time the Persians entered the holy land. How did God go from being angry and vengeful to all loving and forgiving? I do believe in some kind o supreme being, creator, or God. However, I think some of us really need to reconsider our faith and its roots. P.S. Visit my newer page sometime will ya, and please sign the guestbook.

12/06/98 10:57:21
Name: Cheryl Prudholm My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: He is apart of me ... apart of my being

The Lord Jesus is apart of me ... apart of my being ... my love for him cannot be measured in terms of how much, for he is the almighty. I believe in worshiping him within, privately within myself ... for it is only he who will judge me in the end. In t e everyday world I stand by the rules of honesty and integrity. And if my emotions and heart lean toward sensuality, romantism and fantasy, I see it as no sin, I see it as a blessing, one small aspect of what the Lord Jesus Christ gifted me with. You ha e a beautiful web site, I greatly admire you for it. Thank you for inviting me. --Cheryl

12/06/98 09:53:59
Name: Rakasha
My URL: Visit Me

Helene, I find it interesting that you apparently have nothing better to do than attempt to push your own religious beliefs on others. If I wanted to practice Christianity, I would still be doing so. Instead, as an adult, I have educated myself and I ha e made other choices. I know you think you are only doing your duty, but please stop trying to convert people who think and believe and live differently than you do. It isn't going to work and it only wastes your time and ours. Good luck on your chosen path, please stay off mine!

12/06/98 09:10:52
Name: Goldendove My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: In my opinion Jesus was a teacher of his time.

Being a Chemically free Pagan I welcome visits to my webpages by anyone interested in the information I have included there. As you can see, Helene, I have returned the visit as you requested. However, there is nothing here for me that I don't already kno . The bible is a book written by humans attempting to coerce others to deny their spirit-selves in an attempt to get power over them (and their pocketbooks). I recognize that I am a spirit-being having a human experience, not a human being having a spirit al experience. My Wiccan path is one of power from within rather than power over. As I am not so mean-spirited as some of these other folks that have filled your guest book with profanity I'll just wish you well on your chosen path (as they all end in the same place anyway) and say good-bye.

12/06/98 05:00:33
Name: Becca
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thanks for signing my guestbook. Your page is really nice

12/06/98 01:20:38
Name: Blondie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With All My Heart and Soul

Your page is so beautiful. I liked so many of them. I think I like the Easter Poems and the woderful page deicated to your dad. You must have loved him dearly. Also I would like to thank you for visiting my page. Bye for now

12/06/98 01:07:23
Name: Dallas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: He's my precious Lord and Saviour!

Helene--I'm enjoying my visit to your 'Heartland Home' and while reading the poetry thought I'd mention that Margaret Fishback Powers is the author of the "Footprints" poem. She wrote it back in the mid 1960s and she has a book about her experiences whic led to her writing it, etc. I'm sure you'd enjoy the book! Thanks for visiting my 'home' as well and being kind enough to sign my guestbook! May the Lord bless you and your family for HIS glory.

12/05/98 20:32:08
Name: NightOWL My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my heart!!!


You have a wonderful site!

Keep Believing in the Lord!

12/05/98 15:42:54
Name: Molly
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thank you for visiting my webpage.

12/03/98 19:50:16
Name: The Anti-Christ
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: he never existed

hi, I finnaly checked my guestbook (I dont update my web page anymore, I cant be bothered) and I noticed you signed it. Not a bad web page . . . pitty I dont believe in jesus though. (Although I do believe in god . . . but only for the bad things -- jok , only seinfeld fans will get this, he he he [George is a legend])

11/30/98 19:45:32
Name: hi. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: I'm not christian but I respect your belief

sorry, we are Helter Skelter, and we were kidding, we love your homepage, it is very imformative and reliable to church, thank you for letting us visit, we love you... **sad** sorry. the yandetsons. **Smile** we care. **mad** we are disapointed in our sel es **depressed** we love you.

11/30/98 19:37:40
Name: Helter Skelter My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: on a scale of 1-10... 0

are you christian? do you drink milk? my name is Lint, you signed my guestbook, now you shall pay the price! Folish Mortal!

11/24/98 20:05:45
Name: Satan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

May your baby die and burn in hell. I can't wait for her to get here so I can **** the *** out of Rebecca. HAHAHA. I just love baby pussies. Put my big **** in there and make her get my *** in her lungs so she chokes to death.

11/24/98 19:54:45
Name: Anti-Christ Carlsson
How much do you love Jesus?: 0% LOVE - 100% HATE

After veiwing you guestbook entries, I see you are a bored christian lunatic who surfs around the internet, looking for athiests and satanists. Then you sign their guestbooks, like you did mine, asking them to come see your page. Do you expect you will urn these people into brainless lambs like yourself? You just create enemies. Pretty funny. Do you really need attention this bad? Ok then, I know people who would need a good laugh, they can come here and bomb your guestbook with entries of christian ate.

11/24/98 19:52:08
Name: Mr. Wolf My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: -99999999999%

The first thing i noticed about this faggy homepage of yours is the fucking music. What are trying to do here? Kille me? The music fucking SUCKS and I can't take it. If I ever meet you, I won't doubt one second of kicking your *** and burning you on a cro s just kile your homie Jesus. AAAAGGGGHHHH! This music is fucking terrible. Nobody (not even your gay christian friends can like it. Did you compose it yourself or was it some other faggot christian fuckhead. I'm fucking leaving this place because I can't ake it anymore.

11/24/98 19:39:33
Name: Anti-Christ Carlsson
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: 0%

What could you and me possibly have in common? Nothing, right? So why do you sign my guestbook and ask me to visit your page? Here I am and the page sucks in my opinion, annoying happy music, tons of religious and christian propagandah. What are you tr ing to do, save me? Did I ask you to educate me about Christ and your religion, nope! I am fully aware about your religion and I care not about it at all. Typical Christians.... always trying to force their shit on other inocent people. You and your p ge are pathetic. Leave me alone cause you've wasted both our time. I might have respected you and your page if you had not brought it to my attention.

But now its too late...

May God bless you, and the Eater Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy while too. All fairy tales.


11/23/98 07:02:19
Name: The Protector My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: you went to my page right?

I came here because I saw you said in my guestbook. So I've honored your request to see your page. It's nice if you are Christian but I am not. I am Pagan. You quote an ancient inane book, that has been over the centuries(the bible has been documented to have been changed several times by "Holy Roman Empire"). To be a true "Christian" would involve believing and worshiping as the Essenes and Gnostics did, that was before their prosecution by the "Holy Roman Empire" and before the Burning Times. To as ist you in learning more on what a real witch is and what Paganism is please try these sites: www.witchvox.com www.grandmotherspider.com www.witchesweb.com www.pagan.org www.thewiccanway.com www.igos.org www.igas.org if you want more address, please email us.

11/22/98 00:56:32
Name: Armer/SHanE My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: not gonna say anything bout that

you should check my other page out

11/21/98 19:02:57
Name: Quidam Blanc My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: As much as the next man.

You have a nice site here. It will be interesting to watch it grow.

11/19/98 19:50:02
Name: Saganus My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Well...I´ll explain...

Hi Helene, I came here beacuse in my guestbook you asked me to, so here I am, well, sorry, but Im *not* christian, in fact, I have no religion, no offese...I just like to talk to myself and think about my problems, sorry.....just one more thing...er....wh you where in my Diablo page (the game)?? hehe, chill....cya around.. P.S. If you want to take my link out because of the contents of the page go ahead...no prob with me :)

11/19/98 19:48:40
Name: Saganus My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Well...I´ll explain...

Hi Helene, I came here beacuse in my guestbook you asked me to, so here I am, well, sorry, but Im christian, in fact, I have no religion, no offese...I just like to talk to myself and think about my problems, sorry.....just one more thing...er....why you here in my Diablo page (the game)?? hehe, chill....cya around.. P.S. If you want to take my link out because of the contents of the page go ahead...no prob with me :)

11/17/98 02:23:02
Name: Debbie L. West My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Jesus is my life

What beautiful pages that you have made. I enjoy your material that you have here. I am new to the computer world as well as making homepages. I receive a miracle a couple of months after we receive our computer and decided to make pages for my love of Jesus. I hope that someday my pages are as good as yours. God bless and keep up the wonderful work that you are doing for our Lord and Savior.

11/15/98 03:52:14
Name: ashlie/gwen stapoopie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: i dont think that is is a fair question. i will not say. nor do i care to say =]

hi! your page is great thought im not into this god stuff but keep up the good work girly poo!!!

11/06/98 13:24:09
Name: Janet & girls
My URL: Visit Me
How much do you love Jesus?: What a question!

Rebecca is a beautiful baby with so many loving people around her. We pray she will be healed completely and live a wonderful live dedicated to serving the Lord. God bless you Rebecca. Hugs & Smiles, the Carter family

11/05/98 05:46:17
Name: James Garrett My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Heart and soul

Helene, you have a great web site and I am joyful for you that you are providing this site for Jesus. Paul was given the mystery of grace for us gentiles that we do not work for salvation but rely on Jesus as our intercessor to present us holy to the Father. God Reigns! James

11/04/98 19:19:58
Name: Ninja My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: As Much As I Feel Like.!

* Thanx Ye For Visiting My Site And ye`s Is Nice As Well.* ' ' )

11/03/98 02:36:11
Name: John My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all my Heart and Soul

A Very exciting site and enjoyed it very much.


Heartland Hallmarks Site

You have a wonderful site and deserve to be awarded the Heartland Hallmarks site award (o=

10/24/98 19:04:57
Name: Glenna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Words can't express what He means to me.

I enjoyed your testamony so much I have linked to you from my site. I will be back again to see more. :) Glenna

10/24/98 03:23:10
Name: Tami My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: more than I can express

Hello! Really enjoyed your site. I was looking through a webring we are both part of, and found your site. It is so great to get to know other Christians through the net. I was sad when I tried to get to your web designs. I tried them, but each one s id the address didn't exist. Have you stopped doing them? You have beautiful graphics - you have done wonderful pictures of Jesus. Keep up the great job! God bless you!

10/22/98 03:22:56
Name: Sam & Lyn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: the Lord knows. We can't measure up to His Love for us.

Greetings, Helene & Mitch. Just to let you know that a Christian site for the Lord is not just another website but a shining star with a personality that counts for eternity. And we like you to know we love your page with it blessed sharings. We welcome your friendship via the website and hope one day we will all meet Jesus with you and yours too. Have a great day in Jesus.

10/16/98 13:27:17
Name: Toni Sweikert My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Humbley

I am here looking around your site for AWARDS! What I have seen is Wonderful and is Dezined very Well. You have Truely Honored Our Lord!
In Christ
Toni Sweikert

10/12/98 16:40:31
Name: James Fletcher Baxter My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Got an Eternity or two...?

In Jesus' name. Welcome Generation-Choicemaker. Joel 3:14 KJV Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the Order of the universe. Let us roclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation - Choicemaker. selah

10/11/98 21:05:58
Name: Jena Pruyne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: lots and lots


10/06/98 05:28:46
Name: Roland Grombach My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all my heart

You have a very inspirational page. I will visit often.

10/02/98 12:15:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/07/98 20:43:52
Name: Aunt Shannon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: whole bunches

My great-niece is so beautiful!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to let me see her, Victoria, and my sister, Sharon. Bye, Helene!!!!! Shannon

05/27/98 09:28:43
My URL: Visit Me


05/17/98 05:44:35
Name: Janet Nicholas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all of my heart.

Beautiful page! I have bookmarked it so I can come back to read. Keep up the good work.
Is today your birthday?

05/05/98 03:24:00
Name: Debbie Perkins My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More than words can say!

I was so touched by your testimony. I had chillbumps reading about your experience. Isn't God amazing! Please visit our site! We would love for you to visit. May God continue to bless you.

04/16/98 18:02:47
Name: Allison My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: very much

A terrific job. How wonderful that you pray for people.

03/30/98 06:53:13
Name: Ricka My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: more than I show Him at times

I enjoyed your webpage. I hope that you will also visit mine. It is a women's ministry designed to help us honor the Lord through our temples. All ladies are welcome to visit. http://members.aol.com/honortem

03/30/98 06:01:02
Name: Ricka My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: more than I show Him at times

I enjoyed your webpage. I hope that you will also visit mine. It is a women's ministry designed to help us honor the Lord through our temples. All ladies are welcome to visit. http://members.aol.com/honortem

03/23/98 16:53:18
Name: Steve My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: with all my strength

Great site... keep up the good work

03/20/98 19:56:08
Name: Todd & Cindy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More then anything!

Great site!

03/18/98 14:28:15
Name: Laura (Angelandpups) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Very much!

Thanks for visiting my homepage, and for signing my guestbook. I really enjoyed your pages, and am so glad that you have found the Love of Our Savior!

03/18/98 06:02:19
My URL: Visit Me


03/16/98 21:15:28
Name: Sam
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


03/13/98 16:09:59
Name: Ralph Dettwiler My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More than words can express

You have a great web site. Keep praising the Name of Jesus. Come visit my page too.

Project Agape

03/12/98 00:40:03
Name: Eric Ch'ng My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: More and more everyday. 8-)

John 4:24 - "God is Spirit. Those who worship Him must worship in spirit and reality."
I highly recommend to you. It provides you a free, daily portion of the Bible with rich, insightful, and living elucidation via email.

02/11/98 20:29:31
Name: Aubrey, Susanne, and Daniel Pic My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: With all of our hearts and souls!

Your web site is wonderful and we had a wonderful visit. It is wonderful to see another Christian make a statement for the Lord. The Pic Family

01/26/98 18:36:53
Name: Janet Carter My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Wonderful question...

Hi, You just joined my webring. I may not be able to add you until we return from Georgia. My husband's grandfather just died today and we are making plans to leave tomorrow. (He was 88.) I received a blessings from your testimony today. I had to have my husband run over and read it because you mentioned Wal*Mart. He is a store manager for WM. : ) Well, I'd better go. Please be patient with me in adding you to the ring. With the Heart, Janet

01/04/98 21:28:38
Name: Mitzi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was surfing along and came across your page and wanted to say hi!  Nice page you have here.  I hope you will come and visit my new graphic page sometime, you might even find something you'd like to use.  Oh and please visit my regular page too!

12/21/97 05:48:08
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How much do you love Jesus?: Very very much.

Very lovely page shows a lot of work put into it. I will be back often. Laura

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