elen's aven

A company of angels follows us wherever we go.
They share everything with us
Our happiest hours and deepest sorrow

Hello out there in cyberspace! My name is Helen. Mother of five grown up children. I started doing computers two years ago, at the suggestion of my daughter, who teaches History in the highschool. She shopped for my Macintosh and color printer, and I was off to a new hobby. I am linked up to four daughters and one son by e-mail, which saves a lot of phone bills . Sorry PacBell ! I love to create greeting cards because they are custom made to each person. Also I have made friends by using the chat channels on IRCle with the EFNET servers. I chat with my newfound friends in #Jesus!, #Peppermint.Place,
#50+, #Changes and #Paradise!!!.

My spare time is spent at the Sports Haven Health Club, swimming and exercising. I am an avid Bible student, and love socializing with my prayer group, dining out, shopping and all that girl stuff and I love all the Oldies But Goodies music.
"Stardust: Hoagy Carmichael"

Partners In Prayer
Daughter Debbe
People to People
Bible study, online chat, newspapers
Unofficial History - 56 B.C. AND ALL THAT
The Bible online
Dead Sea Scrolls
Amythyst's Page...Drop in to see what's cooking!
Angel Winks Cards --- Best cards on the net!


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