The Apostles' Creed was written about 150 A.D. as a defense against Gnosticism. It was not written bt the Apostles directly, but contains the Dogmas believed by the whole "One Holy Church" before there were "denominations". What follows is the earliest-known version before there were additions.

I BELIEVE in God almighty [1]

And in Christ Jesus, his only Son, our Lord

Who was born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary

Who was crucified under Pontius Pilate and was buried

And the third day rose from the dead

Who ascended into heaven

And sitteth on the right hand of the Father

Whence he cometh to judge the living and the dead.

And in the Holy Spirit

The holy church [2]

The Remission of sins

The resurrection of the flesh [3]

The life everlasting. [4]


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[1]"the Father almighty": Rufinus. Rufinus may be identified as the Christian Gnostic who inserted "the Father almighty" in place of "God Almighty" here. Rufinus was opposed by Jerome. It is thought that Rufinus wanted to convey that the Christian concept of "the Father" was actually the Gnostic Demiurge.

[2]Note here the original use of "holy Church" (there was only "One") compared to later additions of this Creed which read "catholic Church" and other variations. Originally, there were no "denominations" or "separate sects" recogmized. We do not subscribe to any "denomination" therefore.

The Creed was written most likely in response to challenges from Gmosticism and those who referred to themselves as "Nazarenes" who not only would have disagreed with the Creed, but in addition rejected the geneology of Yeshua as being descended from David.

Click here to view the Nicene Creed which added more to the Apostles' Creed and clarified more Doctrinal issues. Please keep in mind that all the Assemblies were still "One" at this time in their history also.

The idea of any separate "denomination" would have been completely unthinkable to the writers of the Apostles' Creed. The "One Holy Church" was truly in existence and functioning as "One" at this time (there were no "schisms" or "divisions" as they all believed, accepted and agreed on the same Doctrines and Dogmas) from the Churchs' inception in the 1st Century A.D., all the way through the 5th Century A.D. Go HERE for more on "One Holy Church".

[3]This defeated the Gnostic teaching that the flesh was "evil" because it was created by the Old Testament Demiurge or "lesser god" and could not be Resurrected.

[4]Rufinus omits this line.

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