Within the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are many references to Election, Predestination, G-ds' Sovereignty, Double Predestination and Foreknowledge. [1]

Here is a selection of passages using these terms including definitions side-by-side. Some capitals added.


[And] to the spirit of man which Thou hast Formed in the world, [Thou hast Given dominion over the works of Thy Hands] for Everlasting days and unending their ages Thou hast Allotted to them tasks during their generations, and Judgment in their appointed seasons according to the rule [of the two spirits].[2] For Thou hast Established their ways] Forever and Ever, [and hast Ordained from Eternity] their visitation for reward and chastisements; Thou hast Allotted it to all their seed for Eternal generations and Everlasting years...In the Wisdom of Thy Knowledge Thou didst Establish their Destiny before they ever were. All things [exist] according to [Thy Will] and without Thee nothing is done.


The way of man is not Established except by the spirit which G-d created for him to make Perfect a Way for the children of men, that all his creatures may know the Might of His Power, and the Abundance of His Mercies towards all the sons of His Grace.


Yet Thou Bringest all the sons of Thy Truth in forgiveness before Thee, [to cleanse] them of their faults through Thy Great Goodness, and to Establish them before Thee through the Multitude of Thy Mercies for ever and ever.

For Thou art an Eternal G-d; all Thy Ways are Determined for ever [and ever] and there is none other besides Thee. And what is a man of Naught and Vanity that he should understand Thy Marvelous Mighty Deeds?


I thank Thee, O L-rd, for Thou hast [Fastened] Thine Eye upon me. Thou hast Saved me from the zeal of lying interpreters, and from the congregation of those that seek smooth things. Thou hast Redeemed the soul of the poor one whom they planned to destroy by spilling his blood because he served Thee.

Because [they knew not] that my steps were Directed by Thee, they made me an object of shame and derision in the mouth of all the seekers of falsehood. But Thou, O my G-d, hast Succoured the soul of the poor and the needy against one stronger than he; Thou hast Redeemed my soul from the hand of the mighty. Thou hast not permitted their insults to dismay me so that I forsook Thy Service for fear of the wickedness of the [ungodly], or bartered my steadfast heart for folly.


All these things [Thou didst Establish in Thy Wisdom. Thou didst Appoint] all Thy Works before ever Creating them: the Host of Thy spirits and the Congregation [of the Holy Ones[3], the Heavens and all] their Hosts and the earth and all it brings forth. In the seas and deeps...

...and an Everlasting Task; for Thou hast Established them from before Eternity.


Out of the Source of His Justice arise the norms of the Light in my heart. From the Secrets of His Miraculous Power mine eye saw the Eternal Ground of Being of the world, a Salvation, which is Hidden from him who seeks knowledge, and Wise Insight, that is Greater than that of the sons of men, namely the Origin of Justice and the Concentration of Strength Together with the Place of (His) Glory. Among mortals, G-d Gave It (this Salvation) to those whom He Elected, for their Eternal Possession, and let them Participate in the Lot of the Holy Ones, and with the sons of Heaven He Combined their Assembly, thereby Forming the Council of the Community.


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[1]Some religious organizations teach their pupils that the definitions of these terms were just "made up" sometime in the late Middle Ages by, "fanatical followers of John Calvin, or Calvin himself". They are just plain wrong. All the leaders of the Protestant Reformation believed and taught what Calvin did including Martin Luther himself, who read Calvins' works and endorsed them heartily.

The Reformation drew heavily on Augustine, universally recognized as the foremost theologian of the 5th Century A.D., and perhaps in all Christianity apart from the Apostles themselves.

Luther, Knox, Calvin and all the Reformers drew heavily on Augustines' writings.

Here is a quote from Matthew Henrys' Commentary on the subject:

"Here is also the rule and frontal Cause of Gods' Election: it is according to the pleasure of His Will (vs. 5), not for the sake of anything in them foreseen, but because it was His Sovereign Will, and a thing highly pleasing to Him. It is according to the purpose, the Fixed and Unalterable Will, of Him who Worketh All things after the Counsel of His Own Will (vs. 11), who Powerfully accomplishes whatever concerns His Elect, as He has Wisely and Freely Foreordained and Decreed, the Last and Great End and Design of All which is His Own Glory: To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace (vs. 6), that we should be to the Praise of His Glory (vs. 12)..." Matthew Henry. Commentary on the Whole Bible. Volume VI. Note on Ephesians 1. page 687.

[2]The Rule of The Two Spirits is a term often found and used Prophetically in the Scrolls. The "Two Spirits" are the "Sons of Light" (The Elect) versus the "sons of darkness" (the non-elect), which were Prophesied by the Essenes to wage Spiritual War to the end of time. Not only that, but they were Created for these very ends.

This same division between the "Sons of Light" and the "sons of darkness" is also found over and over in many New Testament passages.

[3]"The Congregation of the Holy Ones" refers to the Elect.


Vermes, Geza. The Dead Sea Scrolls in English. New York. Penguin Books. 1995.

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