The Gospel (The Good News) of Our L-RD and Saviour, Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus The Christ; The Messiah)

If you want to express your Faith the L-RD Yeshua, The Messiah of Israel right now as your own personal L-RD and Saviour, Receive Salvation, Forgiveness of sins and be Assured of the Gift of Everlasting Life with G-D Forever, please Pray this Prayer in Faith:

Yeshua (Jesus), I believe the Father is Drawing me to You. I believe G-d Chose me to this so great Salvation. I know that You suffered and died for me. I know that I am a sinner and am in need of Your Salvation. I call out to You now in Faith believing Your Grace has Saved my soul from Hell.[1] I know that I will have to stand before Your Throne and I know that I need Your Help, Yeshua. I Fully Repent of all my sins and human works [2], Trusting by Faith in Your Sacrifice for me, and Believing what the Prophets Prophesied concerning You. Although I may not understand everything about Your Grace right now, I still know that You Love me and have Forgiveness for all of my sins. I do not want to die in my sins. [3] I trust in Your Gift of Salvation by Faith Alone, with none of my own good works, and Your Promise of Everlasting Life for whosoever puts their Trust in You. I Confess and Believe with all my heart, that You, Yeshua (Jesus), are my personal L-RD and my Saviour to the Glory of Your Father in Heaven. I Believe in my heart that G-d Raised You from the dead for my Salvation, according to the Scriptures, and Thank You for Saving my soul. [4] Let my name Be Found Written in The Lambs' Book of Life on Judgment Day. In Yeshuas' (Jesus') Name (B"H"), Amen.

If you Prayed that Prayer in Faith Believing, you need to TELL someone about your Faith. Then you need to get Baptized in water as soon as possible. Email us to TELL us about your New Faith in Yeshua (Jesus). You are now in the New Covenant and a Born-Again Child of the King of Kings and L-RD of Lords, and a Son or Daughter of the Most High G-d Forever! "Old things are passed away, Behold All Things are Become New"!

Also go HERE for Information from the Bible that will Help you right away!

After His Resurrection, Yeshua Said: "All Authority has been Given unto Me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make Disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to Observe all things that I have Commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, [even] unto the end of the Age." Amen. (Matthew 28:18,19)

Evangelism and Soul-Winning are Top Priorities in our Ministry. If we can provide further information for you about the New Grace Life that G-d has already Prepared for you, email us! May G-d Richly Bless you!



[1] Our own human "good works" are insufficient to bring about Eternal Salvation: Isaiah 64:6, Ephesians 2:8,9. G-d only Accepts His Own Work for Salvation; by Grace, through Faith. Likewise Sanctification. Philippians 2:13. Salvation is based soley on G-ds Election that happened "before the Foundation of the world". Ephesians 1:4-11

[2] Those that may insist that the mitzvoth are G-ds' Works and doing them by ourselves results in Eternal Salvation were answered when Yeshua was asked, "What shall we do that we may work the Works of G-d?" Yeshua Said: "This Is The Work of G-d, that you Believe In Him Whom He Hath Sent." John 6:28,29. Faith in His Works not our own.

[3] Yeshua Says in John 8:24 Clearly: "Therefore I Said Unto you, that you will die in your sins; for if you do not Believe that I AM (ego eimi), you will die in your sins."

NOTE: In John 8:24, it has "...I AM [He]..." in most Bibles. Yeshuas' Words Are "...for if you do not Believe that I AM, you will die in your sins." The [He] is not found in the Koine Greek of the original text.

[4] "Blessed Be The G-d and Father of Our L-RD Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), Who Has Blessed us With Every Spiritual Blessing in the Heavenly [Places] in Yeshua (Jesus), just as He Chose us In Him Before the Foundation of the world, that we should Be Holy and Blameless Before Him in Love, and Having Predestinated us To Adoption As Sons By Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) To Himself, According to The Good Pleasure of His Will, to The Praise of The Glory of His Grace, By Which He Made us Accepted in The Beloved." (Ephesians 1:6).

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